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... IUIAL OF 'IAIRIN ?? 'TIlE MURiDIR OF (1 AIISS 13 ETIHlLL, ATl' JERE\. .. . . .. I I I- ?? di I I MISS ii liil*LL, Al I-'1jE 1VY, ills I 21orlidy likst wvas the day fixed for the trial of a Louis lifripo, [leeIISe d of'IIU tirre rillg MIi SS 1 ?? L - (tn openriug tire door's of' the Court threre was a gene- rall rush far places, kiad in a asrort time every part ot' it was crowded to suifocation ...


... COUlt' (OF LXCFIEQUEI, JUNE. 4. (Sittings in Banco in Trinity Term.) £DWAIDS V. WI.LIAM1S, CLErr. ( This case came on for trial at the last assizes for a Anglesey, before Mr. Iiaron Curney, when a verdict l passed for the defendant. T'Ihe action was brought by the plaintiff, a rcspecta- r ble farmer, against the defendant, a Dissenting minis- b ter, for an alleged breach of promise of marriage ...


... BAIL COURT.-TUJESDAY. TilE KlNG V. WILLIAM IROBERTS, MAYOR ELECT Or TIlE COIIPIORATION OF CAnINARVOX. Sir WN. Follett moved for a qUO wa-ranto to issue to William Roberts, who had been nominated mayor of the town of Carnarvon, calling upon him to show under what authority lhe exercised the functions of mayor. The learned counsel observed, that the 25th section of the Municipal Act provided for ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE, HATTON-GARDEN, - A DISAPPOINTED WIFE. Silly wives too late discover When the honey-moon is over, , On Monday, a well-looking young w omtin ot pectable appearance, entered this office accoPao[, by her mother, to obtain a warrant againt a n dds aged man *f dandified appearance, who also 1' tle protection of the magistrates. From tl, , ?? womanas statement it appeared she ...


... LA.CA-S'I El, SUMAIMERI A[SIZ . ,. c-,I .. 4 .- I . . . I r The Sutmner Assizes Ior the notrtherni this county were opened at LancaSter, on Saturd. se'nnight, before Sir Janes Park, Knight, and Sir ;. n a I'a lor Coleridge, Kn ight,-thoe Iouruer presid iu, tle Criwl i Court, and the latter at Ni.4 Prius i l calendar ouly coistained nine caes tbr triail, bet os of these involved ...


... On Friday Ann Underwood, a woman of respecta- ble appearnlrce, was charged with stealing some va- luable articles of dress and jewellery, the propertyof a lady nanmed Halfhide. The complainant sent a box containing some valu- able property to the Castle Inn, at 'Tooting, to be booked by one of the stages for town. 'Tlhe landlord of the inn took possession of the property in the ususi way, and ...


... MA RLII1O0RO UGHI-STRELT. MongiaN CUTS.-Onl TUOnSday, Patrick DontVarnt an Irish journeylana tailor, was brought before j3Ir' Chambers, charged by Jobte Sitith with being a ?? sorter. 'rite detail of' thle circunlataricus under whichli ,e defendant came into custody ?? thle office iii a roar of laughter. 'I'he parties, strangersa to each other, met at at polii htouse in Wardour-street, when ...


... IMUlRDER 01' A CGA Mi'EI'EPR BY A POACHE El. ire to On Tuesday morning tile inlhabianits of the villosges of ofSounhlily, ?? and Ikealr, andl].cig IltouBuzzard, Oin were throw II into a State of great excituotunt io coiusc- *ot quence of tIfO body of a moam beifig to uiat illn i I Ced iI ina copse sear Soulbury. It proved to bc thC body of tO .aIICs GiitLrow, of licath, [eds, galn'kcu er to ...


... MlONTOOMIEBRYSflRE ASSIZES. On Tuesday the High Sheriff of the County, at- tended by a numerous body of friends, escorted Ifir, Baron Gurney, into the town of Pool the equipage and liveries of the attendants were unusally elegatnt. His Lordship immediately proceeded to open the com- mission in the New Court which has just been erected M4r, Baron Gurney said :-Gentlemen of the Grand Jury, in ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Carnarvonsbtre Assizes, .. ?? ?? I 'ave an nl~~nidcmet~ of Mlonday'Is prcedns ?? e t w eeek lay a detitil of thle Particu- ,,oure our ICadr lat5 idnie i NSL Ai HT ceIrti. ~ ~ ~*s U i indicted for thle manola uglter of ~ l'bsnclefunt of the Amuericana Sbip, Drco, be Iif elat, te veseosl then lyinti ill the '\lnaiStrits nf' I asgr.iurs as set forth it) thle dcviieOe, and called thle ...

Merionethshire Assizes

... ?? Assizes. Mr. Baron Gurney arrived at Bala from Montgoane- e rysh ire on Saturday Evening; and on Sunday attend- e. ed Divine Worship, accompanied by the High Sheriff, n J. E. Borscott, Esq., of Hendre isaf; an excellent Sermon was delivered jy the Sheriff's Chaplain, tile a Rev. W. Hughes, Rector of Corwen. g On Monday the Court opened. Tile following are the Grand Jury:- G. Howell Vaughan, ...


... TrAL ON' A CIlAnGE OF MURDER. Walter Scott was put to the bar to take his trial upon an indictment charging him with the wilrlI murder of James Wright, at Longtown, in this coUt. ty, on the night of the 12th of November last. 'I'hree other persons of the name of James Hughei. James M'Kenn, and Daniel Welsh, were included in the offence by the coroner's inquest, but as the evidence was not ...