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... Pericles, and Aspasia. By Walter Savage Landor, Esq. 2 Vols. Saunders and Ottley. In our last week's notice of this admirable book, we could only allude to-the fragments of fine verse that are scattered through it. One of these, in especial, we now venture to return to. It is a scene supposed to have passed in the shades between Agamemnon and his daughter., The conception is striking, and it ...


... THE PLOT, OR ,'HOLIDAY TIME. Having nothing to do during holiday time, I am taking, by way of a frolic, to rhymes While I give an account of what others are doing, Of TSze Plot which our present Destrectietes are brewing. Holiday time, holiday time, All for themselves during holiday time; Lord John, in a pause from political strife, For a few days to Tunbridge elopes with his wife, ...


... TIHE ATR ICA LS. 0 . TA~LAN~ivE.. It is tile fate of marla-grs to be disliked. Rarely, indeed, do their actors give them credit for one ,just te t h and as inr tile iubliel-bat heoe we aye ?? critics t are the ?? to.pleast on earth, and have there. d fore no right to coerplairn of the fastidiousness of others.- To retlsrn, threforej to oui'noeniiigyreiiark, we intst fol- | low it up ...


... SPAIN AND.J:ORTUGAL. zSPAIN AND.';PORTUG-kL- Wo now hold the balance of the world? Who reign O'er Congres;, whther royalist orliberal? Who rouse the abirtless patiibts of Spain? ('hat make SU Euroje'sjiournals squeak and gibber all.) Who keep the world, 'Ltish ld and new, in pain Or pleasure ? Who niake politics run ilibberell? The shade of floocirAUTF'S noble daring? Jew ROTHlSCHILD, ...


... LADIES'FASHIOIS FOR APRIL. ricc [F Hos THlE 1. I, II S tIA(;AZINt.,] \oaRVis(;o tII il ?? i l)ke O-- I s i-e a, mae en demni-retlIn- 11th gotte, of white emli mueslin, lied throughout with pale pilui: vho taffettis; the corsage i-s foe, aini httling tliht to the b-it; time 'SI, sleeves, i la- rancills I., arc ln six pulls, separated by nar- rowbands ofinsertion ;the pIui, are lrjge at tap, and ...


... THE THRATRES. DRURY-LANE' Nothing new, wail presented at this house last night, and the old gives little room for any novelty of remark. We have outlived thre time by about three generations when RowE's Tamner'lare used to be played annually for the gratification of the King; andi we are now soine years beyond the period when Lirro-'.s Barcnwell assrapresented every Easterillonday fyr tire ...


... ?? 1 f N. , I iij' 4 TLJ'. ?? ti itr I ti ii ' ii. midtt IaT ?? 'I t, fli Iii UIii. I h I. I I M t.. t . I ?? A' I itti it l Id Iii I. Ii r i t I ?? .tI I t, it DEC: I I:1~~ ?? ( P i t' C I itt ?? N II 1 I- TV e'i'1 \t I' 1t ( v t t. o. l i i:.IeI !a LI, ?? li t IN I . l I i Ni'i' A I~ ilt J Io ?? 4 MI'i I III Ii I 5' . i'1.1 iL V li 'l 1 ZI 11a i ' :I n tipr IN i I i I t ΒΌ I't' ' I ix cq ?? ...


... S7. JA.IIES'S THEA'TRE. A new bur l.. 3., ca led Ii.-, Iny hail, 30.~ Il~ri'oll it Nt at thi3 'T'ieati lre 111 i 123. 1 is subtject istile vI.aI>: v a ki ; (I Di o1 tin I it lioillI T t.3ip'l31., %,li~i Iui3Iiliva IO3InoniaIi1 I fl3130 II 11III C33INI,'t, ?? 31,1~o~11 ol Al.,~uitiii'i-. Fjil treatmenit of tIll' ill'- jeci ISoo, t0 ii. pwi,rc original than thle subivet it.ell hi1,r this De-i J ...


... TUIRATRICAJIA. DRURY-LANE. After an absence of eight years from the London boards, Mr. Booth made his appearance oil Monday night at this theatre in, the character of Richard the Third. We had certainly some curiosity to witness the performance of one whom Kean. hadi raised to the dignity of a rival, and towards whom he felt stronger, feelings of jealousy than any other man on the stage. We ...


... ILIT I~AATU.REB, THE ARABEAx DESERT.-The gronnd is teeming with lizards. 'bhe sun seems to draw them from the earth; for sometimes, when I have fixed my eye on one spot, I have fancied that the isands were getting then into life, so many of these creatures at once have erept from their holes. A greater variety of flowers covered the plain than we have met with yet; and a plant that I think ...


... MANCHESrEIt AUSICAL FESTIVAL. A-c-Our, DAY. On Wudnesday e church was again crowded withrank, fashion, and beauty. The performances commenced with the overture and Dead March in Saul,which wasperformed in themostsplendid manner bythe band. The powers of the ophicleide were here fully brought into oetation, and Davie th Iyer, evinced great skill in the use otjt.Airs. H.R. Bishop Ve ...