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Caledonian Mercury


... 'l . DANIEL BULGRUDDERY v. DANIEL L BULGRUDDERiY. Thursday when the officer of the Court called these euphonious patronymics, two stout fellows, whose wvearing apparel gave testimony that they were lhod-and-mortar men, and no mistake, stood before the bench, and began to state their cases together. Commissioner- Stop, stop a little. Pray which of you is the complainant? The BulgrudderiesWe're ...


... PERTH CIRCUIT COURT On Monday last, the Circuit Court of Justiciary was Opened here, by Lords Mackenzie and Medwyn, George Napier, Esq. Advocate-Depute. ope~ned hereby Lords Tvlackenzie and Medwyn. George ar Napier, Req. Advocate-Depute. h Duncan .Mihc.cegainAveeper to Lord Ponniere, charged with firing, in March last, a gun loaded with setiul shot, 0 in the polip i grounds o. Brechin Castle, ...


... , ORANG.ELODGE9; TO THSE UUrfILERS 0Or TOO LOYA7550 ,iANOE INSTIgTU T1 TiON 05Or.QREAT 111TII Den 'St Jame'a Psioane, Feb. 29,,1836. c DFA, ?? already addressed tiso Al - rigele ofarland, in .coijunctisnn with offinial and 0 ?? nLI embers of that Instirotion, recommend-~ ing to them), inconsistency with hois Majoeatyts expressed ;i6 wishies, that the Institution shoeld ho NSDIslVed, 1 no05a ...


... I LORD CIIANCELLOW'S COURT-September 9. ?? AucurnrEcic CsrzYtE (as Mdanager of the Stan- dard Life Assurance Company, Edinburgh, versus AVILLIAtS! JoHN LAwsoN. Thie was a bill filed by the plaintiff , the manager of the Standard Life Assurance Company, to restrain the defendants, the secretary and dircctof a new au- rance company, from carrying on businebs under the same name. The SolcThe ...


... I Ihi _ -a. £_11_. _ ?? AA A AA- - L On Tuesday the following issues came to be tried he- pr( fore the Lord President, in the eausein wbich John Slir- the reff, commercial agent, residing in Edinburgh, was pur- nei suer, and George Brodie, Esq. advocate, James lIar, for Esq. merchant in Leith, and Thomas Richardson, wri- thu ter to the signet, Trustees under the disposition and cS- In ...


... COURT OF REQUESTS-DEC. 19. I. TII RilV AtL Sciir iiI AE ?? Riley, a little pediagnite, with a beard alteoiit a fart hng, ant a Aein altogrether mliltl6s of 60-1ap nind avatar, wat sulinnionai by a n hL Ir, siotten herring soert if pirson, named Peter Wilkins, far the 4uni of lOs. money lent. Commrrissioner-How iorli youi par this, Jolim Rile a ? D'telndaint-.-Pay, Sir -cni traoer, Sbr. Pat a ...


... COLONEL ARTHUR-A PRISON. From the Tasmanian, Van Diemea's Lanid paper., we extrat 'the'following picture of the earthly hell to'whicb Mqr Robert Bryan was ordered to be sent, for being unfoftunate enough to be charged by foelpns -by Outlaws whose evideneq.would. not be ta,4en, in aijy ather couotriy than this- with stealingg catte., We hopeand trust, for the credit of the free cam- munity, ...


... The County 1) LOTtITAN. TlConyRegistration Court, which has been sitting srniirterruptedly for the last three weeks, D coircluiler its labours on Monday last. The whole t Iclaims lodgedl amounted to 348. to Of these there were new claims for the Tunies INI1 LBe-enrlalments for do. . 1 pr New claims for tie Liberal interest 151 q Re-ensclments far do. . 14Ur - 155 ml, The remaining twelve were ...


... DERIBY- ASSIZRS-March 17. .- . I I ^.1- ei q \ >A . I ari (Before Lord Abingor and a Special Jary.) rXTRAORDINAiRY SNE a1 COURT-SUTTON V. SUTTON. This nctioan was brought on a warranty to.recover the value of a horse. . Mr Balguy and Mr Clarke were for the plaintiff, and Mr Sergeant Goulburn and Mr Iill appeared on the part of the defendant. This cause possessed no particular features of ...


... COURT OF SESSION. Action of Declarator, &c. at the instance of the i.x.. GISTIIATES of Edinburgh-argainst ALExAxnDEr SCOT, Esq. of Trinity, W.S. In this action, sbhiih related to the rights of Part and Harbour, &c. at Leith and Newhaven, belonging td the citv, tire First Division of the Court bare pronounced tle follrwingr Interlocutor :- Ediriburgh, 10th June 1f836-The Lords baring adtised ...


... PARLIATMENTARY PROCEEDINGS- SCOTLAND. Mlay 30. Court of Session (Scotland) Bill-Contmit- tao deferred till Friday. ~ May Sl. Glasgow ant Falkirk Railway Bill-Farther E cnsineretiton of report (on extension of time) deferred ti till to-morrow. ti riETirIoNS. 0 Mlay 30. Spirituous Liq uors Salo Bill-Petitions in u favour :-Retailers of spirituous liquors in Johnstone; v and, Loehwinnoch; to lie ...


... TIUIISD.AY, JULY 14. h Margaret Buchanan was found Guilty of stealing a smoothing iron, apron, and a comb, aggravated by being It a reputed thief, and three times previously convicted in the inferior Conrts.-Seven years' transportation. Iesbella Sterwart pleaded Guilty of theft, aggravated ht by being a common thief, and no less than eix tires pre- hi viously convicted, the last on the 14th ...