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Caledonian Mercury


... IIIGH-I COURT OF.IUSTICIARY. ?? f1>71,,7,. fir Faih-went~lc siltkyt1 s u .u s.. ?? On Alolndrs', Isabella Cobb, or Faioventiicr, from Ilrrsvrater Wynd, Dundee, was placed at tbe bar tiargid with murder; haviug, as wnas alleged, on the 25btb .Iuarn 1$3S. or thereby, within thle prisofer's house, attacked and assaolted AIlary Taylor, or Cra- monid, and strictk her with lothil wseapoens, byv ...


... ?? - - r --At House of Lords, May 9. iC uloquio of Breadalbanne v. Mlarquis of Chiandos, et Tue al.- Itriea presented by the appellant to put off the C losing of atheappeal, and a counter petition of the re- tim Ffoolents read and referred to the Appeal Committee. B TieCarnrrnirtee to Meet on Tuesday nextr.. time Sir IV. C. Anstrother e. Mrs Anstruther.-Petition S ertieoted by the appellant to ...


... AYR. This reverend Court commenced its sittings at Glas- gow on Tuesday, in the usual place of meeting, the F Preslbvtery House. Thil- Court took up an appeal from the Paisley Pres- , bytery, il relation to the reception of a report from a I Committee, appointed to report on the sermon preached by the Rev. Dr Fleming of Neilston on the induction of the Rev. Mir Stevenson, with shut doors. It ...


... The Circuit Court os a opene in Glasgow on Tures. day, hv Lords N'rarvaiec and Mudsvyn. Mr Handorlido, Advitoa'ltDe ,:uto. Catrerine Stewavrt, who, to the cliorge of breaiking in- ti the wine-cellar helonginog to her rnatre's house, in St Vincent S reot, b etwixt ?? 13th of iune and the 25h ruf Siytod,!rr, and stealing 5everal d zcans of v iie, pledeld G(ailir act and part. In uonsideratiori ...


... COURT OF CHIANCERY-DEC. 19. (Before tle Lord Commrissionoers in the matter of Larly Kirkrwall.) At-the sitting ofthe Court, this case, which was spe- cially apiointed for this morinig, was called on. Mr Knight sail, he ippeared ii supporit of the peti- tion, which ?? that a writ de ?? inortire.ido might issue ta asecrtain the stateof mind of Lady Mirk- The Vice-Chanctliiro-Who is Counsel on ...


... COVRT Op CoMbION PLEAS-June 9. t.OttD NViSCOUOT V.ELDOtrrs. , Dayle) 'a that his respect for the Court ren- thatin this case ho shoulh mention a Dp;ad it ~C~e; irtih lad ocurred since it had last been urC5 Lnie l~lP 'f Their Lordships would recol- h jorc tll sdt ma'/,1 an oppliedtin for a Commiession to , t jt le m55 v. waa residing with Lord Alulgrave ~nrflen a N tnDli. ?? Attorney- Gencral ...


... A echimney sweeper, well known about Gray's Inn' Lane as Bandy Tom, was summoned by another equally ill-looking member of the same fraternity for tber sum nof 7s. 6d. The case was heavd before Mr Sergeant Heath. How will you pay it ? hireled Mr Heath. Defendant- I knows I hows it 'im, but I contends he karat rekiver a halfpenny on it, not ia this here Court, nor not in no eteir Court ...


... 11 _ go - 1! ITATTON-GARDEN.-James Davies, a chimney sweep- er. was charged by James Hall, Onte of the chummy fra- ternity. with having given him a severe bonneter on his Sunday tile, thereby injuring it, and causing him to go in fear. Hall, in the peculiar phraseology of his tribe, said, Ss Your Vorship, the prisoner is van o' these ere chaps vet goes about the streets 'fringing the staity ...


... JUSTICE OF, PEACE COURT. lB1,~t.eJOaAN~ Vi. PROFESSOR W~srsO.. fe TOUR TO THE LOIRE. m On Monday a rather novel case was brought befirre aT this Court. The pursuer, author of a work called a ki Tour to the Loire, sent a copy of his work to Pro- di fessor Wilson, with a request that lie would become a -S purchaser, and use his influence with his friends in for- m warding the sale of the ...


... 1MGElTfATION CONKS. INVERNESS. Mr Sheriff Tytler held his Court of Registra- tion last week, and disposed of the claims and ob. jections in Inverness district, having previously sat in Portree and Fort William, for the business of the districts of Skye and Lochaber. About 10 new claims were lodged over the-whole county; a good many of them (particularly those in the Con- servative interest) ...


... LONDbON POLiCE. HATToN.GARDzx. On Tuesday a well-loakini ivd- ma; of iespektabfe appdarance, entered this office, az- caipanied bi her mother, to apply for a warianit against a tiiddle.iged man, of dandified appearance, who forced his way into CbArt, and also claimed tle pretectibn of Mr Conant. -Tbe young woman stated, that her fitlier was a re-,: spe'ctable'snster brickluaer, residing. in ...


... 1ALNSInoNz llousr-A blaci li men named T/rrT(aI, who lies beet long infesting Bill ?? itoMralret, anid for whom nothing is teo hot or too lbea vy, VIaS hroughit before the Lord MJ~rror, ciaired by Mr Golnihosi, the clerk of the in rket, it ib har iiig stolen two pair of soles. Air Goldiaril istteil tloit Ili( prisonci was thle ine't 'nt and( oot' thief ira the mi rlet, Iarnl haid but lately ...