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... COVRT Op CoMbION PLEAS-June 9. t.OttD NViSCOUOT V.ELDOtrrs. , Dayle) 'a that his respect for the Court ren- thatin this case ho shoulh mention a Dp;ad it ~C~e; irtih lad ocurred since it had last been urC5 Lnie l~lP 'f Their Lordships would recol- h jorc tll sdt ma'/,1 an oppliedtin for a Commiession to , t jt le m55 v. waa residing with Lord Alulgrave ~nrflen a N tnDli. ?? Attorney- Gencral ...


... A echimney sweeper, well known about Gray's Inn' Lane as Bandy Tom, was summoned by another equally ill-looking member of the same fraternity for tber sum nof 7s. 6d. The case was heavd before Mr Sergeant Heath. How will you pay it ? hireled Mr Heath. Defendant- I knows I hows it 'im, but I contends he karat rekiver a halfpenny on it, not ia this here Court, nor not in no eteir Court ...


... COURT OF KINO'S BENCH-May 3. THE IKING O1. JOSEPH HUME, ESQ. St ?? in this case Sir William Follett stated, that the Couit wa s would probably recollect that a ?? information had Mr been filed again st the defendatt for having published se- pla veral letters reflecting upon tbe conduct of Sir John GI Gibbon in his Magisterial character. Thedefendanthad Ed since, however, written a letter which ...


... An adjourned meeting of Commissioners of Police was a held on MAonday-Bailie Donaldson in the cliair. After I the disposal of some routine busisess. Mr Rlitchie ruse t and stated, that he intended to submit a motion as to the a future collector of the assessment. Fle thought that the e person to lie elected to this responsitl.) situation ought to devote his whole time to the business of the ...


... WESTMINSTER SESSIONS-Oct* 14. Mv~r John Flood, a son of the late Sir Frederick Flood, and a member of the Irish Bar, presented an indictment to the CleTrk of the Court, and requested that it might be handed to the Chairman. It wa s against Lord Morpoth sad others for a misdemetn ear. The applicant said that be had in due form presented it to the Clerk of the indictments, who bad refused to ...


... UNITED SECESSION PrIESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. ng INTERESTING CASE. lut On Tuesday a case of a somewhat peculiar cha- r- racter was discussed in the United Secession Pres- :e, bytery of Glasgow. It appears that, nearly ed ?? ago, a person who had long acted Is- upon Infidel principles, abstained from all religious e-observances, and had allowiel his children to grow tip unbaptized, was, through the ...


... All it AryzrEtifD PtaitoNisrAFiboa JitAOVSYAtt'Uo Man- the Sidon goose, Mhary Nieholls was charged' by Mary Sivel- a r now vith having committed a vileant. assault. 1'he complainaiut stated, that sho adll tha defendant the lodged in the same house, nnd had always been on good tha terms until Saturday evening. when the defendant start- ed uip like a mad woman, and tore away the complain- L.! ...


... TO-WN U6TjNC]L pROCEEDINGS. Tu'SDAY, MtAV 17. Bailie MACrARLAN in tihc Chair. CHAIR OF IIATIOLOnC.Ol Mir Grtart begged to ask Bailie Malefarlan, whether be hbad received any information to the effect that there was not nowv a vacaicey in tbe pathology Chair. He hadl seen that stated in one paper, and he was desirous t know howv the case stood. Bailie Alacfarlan said, that Dr Thomson had never ...


... An adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of Police was held on Monday-Bailie Macfarlan in the chair. A good deal of discussion took place connected with the billeting of soldiers in the suburbs of the city; the most important part of which was an announcement that, from the balances accumulated in the hands of the llilletmaster, no locality assessment will lie necessary next year. With ...


... POLICE, MANSION-H0TJs Sep plied to the Lord 1aavor lenil d) Slladr cumnstances ?? 1itiee tgrj ollo eillrlI publication issned by Mr thbeen OlR Wilcox and Anderson, erci Oftheh accept a proposal to engage ; leeil bacena's establishment fur Carry - 3,u a t whale fishery in Brazil for three l tie jd of forty shillings a month. ThOY r's a't A 'et however, broken his agrcemeIC tb areels hA plunged ...


... COUR.T OF REQUElSTS, Oct- 13. __ . I- ¶-Along but COURT OF~ libuL.:5,'A - - EuH 1 -Mvli MeeTI.~alo, 1-A long but very lean young gentleman, named Julius Augustus learri- son, wearing a most ferocious look. p oi d m fot ahiose aind w hikers en suites was yestrI s' yumoned foiar the consideratiol of 1 Is. ed. by a little Yello barber, namd Rogers. What is it for Fs asked Ong of the ...


... FIITGI COURT Or JUSTICIARY. 1Tl he Coort r t yeoterrda, and proeecded to the triA. of 11arg'aret SetderrnI!, iharged lvith stealing a printed . ;rwa, an 1pre:), nnd a pair o. e, from a house i;. Grant's Close, zg-ras:ted hv previlouis cnnviction, and !being haliit anl lipote a thieF, pljnded G0ilty to Mtealinrg tie aroln and pair of shoes. The Publia Prosecutor ?? from tire other charge. ...