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... VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURTNov. 22. t REAlALBANr . C1A5NDOSi In thle course oF the mo rning, Al, Kni-lh1it- rn~e the general business of the Court, to ilnformn his Honour, that a letter had just been placed in his hands which hadl been received from Scotland by the pliintiff's solicitor t this cause. It was obvious frem thle contents, the Cocrt of Seseion entertained a strong misapprehension %ith ...


... FRIt~DAY, JAN. a. in Bdenjamsin Pender i is aoccllsel 'of forging andi uttering . a tt il' noer for L.50, tin the 27th eif 1zlanarV, and n ct15thelt bill fir 21i3 lOs, on tho l1tll of April 1835. 1i I plneldod Not Guilts. hi It appeore(I fromt the evidenre in the case of Ponder, that the prisoirner and Mr 1iarshall, fllnltor, Goedreocic v3' Hill, had been in the hsliit iii ilit isosiness. Mr ...


... Bow STREET.-On Tuesday William Mann, driver of the hackney coach, No. 372, was summoned before Sir F. noe, by William Rae Wilson, Esq. author of A Tour through Palestine, Fe1noce, and Italy, and other works, for gross misbehaviour and insulting lan. guang. From the evidence it appeared, that the defendant was engaged to drive Mr Wilson from his house in Stamford Street, and having some ...


... f I . ., lit Since the commitment to Newlgate of the pri- r, soners Jouridan, Sullivan, Scale, all] NIott, to take E ai their trial, some important discoveries have been y wmade and witnesses found to corroborate in many Is or of its essential points the statement of the approver tl H-ruey. It appears that after the robbery at the at warehouse of Messrs Hall & Co. of the Custom- of b, house ...


... CornT OF COMMON PLEAS. GOilTAlSIA1., AlJRi. 14. (Brfore Level CliefJustire Tindarl ander Spectrrl Jurry.) JMPORTANT TO slePl0WtiERaS-YATES V. HSIMIt. In this case the plaintitf and defendant nere both part owncrs and eaptains of vesoels, the fornaer of the SesoS- tris biirque, of 460 tons; and thro latter( of th]o Gazolle schooner, of 120 tons. The Sesostris was outivard bound. for India, and ...


... On Moinday Alice or Alisar Reid or Scott pleaded in I Guilty to acharge of stealing four shirts and two night- I gowns from a park in front of Henderson Row, on 29th agg Alarch last, aggravated by previous conviction of theft. i She was sentenced to seven years' transportation. wei George Homes pleaded Guilty to an indictment charg- dise ing him with stealing a bat and handkerchief, the pro- ...


... House of Lords, Feb. 12. clar Since our last letter, the appellants in the various ap- of peals, which have been presented during the meeting of Parliasa ant to this date, have applied for, and obtained not leave to enter into recogaizances. hav In Vere v. Vere et al. the respondents are ordered to will put in their answers peremptorily in a week. Drummoand v. Spittal and another. In this ...


... 5A'hKgL5rIetLi IOU juI iLAIII. LAw Or I19SURANCE. Hereiles Insurance Company of Scotland, and Robert Samnond, their Agent in Glasgow, ayairst John H1un- ter, merchant in Joh ntone, ?? his I rostics. This casO came on to hie tried before the.Hintoutrtble Lord Aioncreiff nad a Jury, on Tueesday lIst, at ten o'clock. The ease for the porsuers was closed abnut half-pasteight, uslen tre ...


... WiEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. Ju d g e ?? . Lord MACarN.IE. tN AdIvoeatc-.DePote ?? NA2IEH, Esq. Jf'illianz Robb, late mail-guard, Aberdeen, accused of b breach of trust, and Alex.ander Murray, from Buckie, b for assault. Outlawed for non-appearance. n Alexander Greig, for stealing X17 4s. and some other ft things from Alex. Angus, residing in Tipperary, Long- nt side pleaded Guilty. Sentence-one ...


... ?? Ist SeDtember 1836. - Portobsllo, ist Septemberir iOu- mi( ~e, Claims lodged by the Liberal party. and sustained 22 an Claims lodged by the Conservative 2arty ,i- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t Of which rejected - I fri, ?? w- Majority in favour of the Liberals 21 re I The Monarch steam ship, Captain Bait', arrived e at Newhavenl last night, at half-past nine o 'cl las in- from London. a. LONDON.-Onl ...


... COUNTY OP ANTRIM ASSIZES. - A, CROWN COURT, FCUTAv, J ULY 1 5* The Rev. Dr Cookd, on being called to be 1e sworn as a witness on a bill of indictment 5botitV to be sent to the Giand Jury, against a priesonelra Baarge with larceny, refused to take the Otith in ia the usual manner, by kissing the Gospels, and ap-b p pled to the Chief Baron to be allowed to swear ox w wth uplifted hand, as being ...


... ) ArrViab. House of Lords, Mlay 16. Hamilton X!. Littlejohn.-In this ease, which was heard ex parte some time ago, and of which wse gave a fell report, the Lord Chancellor has intimated, that he o0 aill pronounce judgment tomorrow fit The Scotch appeals which stand on the paper for hi hearing during this week are- Anstruther v. Anstruther, for to-morrnv ; and Via. count hilaitland, &e. v. ...