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South East, England


Brighton, Sussex, England

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... ; Tnrv ?? 29, 183G.-Present, Sir D. SCOTT, Bert., W.!S2YNOVR;R. PnooDss, G. I3ASEvJ, and J. HALL, Esqrs. C Jas csi'hnt wais put to the bar, charged with druiikennessI and carelcess driving.t From 'the statenicut of Wise, it appears that the defendant Witscomng ?? Jmess-sree onthe previous ?sturdily in acri~, f whch e hd th was in that state appoahin ahapy ncnsiounestermied by the ...


... TUESDAY, Nov. 8th. A man, named James Blaoer, was brought up by Thoburn, charged with stealing the fowls for which the boy, James Taylor, was remanded for offering for sale on Alonday. It being clearly proved that Blaber stole them from Mar. Brilger, of Ringnner, he was committed for trial, and the boy was liberated. WEIDNE3SDAY, Nov. 9.-PlenSet, W. SEYMOUR, Esq. A boy, about 12 years of age, ...


... I An inquest was held on Thursday, at the Horse Barrack, before Mr. Gell, Coroner, on the body of Thomas Pavera private in the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons. The jury having bele sworn, proceeded to view the body, when the examination cons. menced with James Davidson. who being sworn, said I am a private in the Inniskilling Dragoons, and belong to No. 16, in the Bar. racks. On the afternoon of ...


... LFIV ES. Air. Kemp has reaped golden opinious from his constituency lor the able and busintews like nmanner in whichl he presented the Lewes Petition, on tile 2nd inst.. and supported its prayer; and they are further pleased that the Honourable Member has given b notice that, on 'uestlay, the 15th instant, he will bring in a Bill for the repeal of tho 4th and 5th William the 4th, chap.. clause ...


... BENCH OP MAGISTRATES. I .5pI vAYV, OCT. IZ.-I'resent, W._SyMoUR, Esq. George Head, alias Bougiey Head, a boy about 12 years old, was committed to the House of Correction for three Mnonths, for being found in the shop of James Aram, baker, of Nelson-street, for an unlawful purpose. TlUnSDAY, OCT. 13.-Present, Sir D. SCOTT, and R. Pin- mEst, and J. HAL.L, ESqrS. John Clarke being placed at the ...


... BFINCIi OF1A(ISFIIA't'ES. j iloSDAsV, March 7, 1B36.--Prcsent: Sir 1). Scoci, Bart., V. Sl iY ltii, W. FRAN;Ii.ASI), MAd Johnl IIAI.I, I'StIfs. 1jenry Braveryi a butcher, in thl servie of Mr. Bsattle, w.s chargcdl witlh having received a conduidinb)lc stun ol iowecy onl bi master s account ruoin the housekepl~ce of Mlrs. Goldswi tho Silvool *plutce, ;d which lie had tappropiiated to his Own ...


... BENCH OF MAGISUIATES. TII'RSDAY, 12th. May 1836.-IPiesent. Silt D. SIOIT, IBA.RT, Sin .1. N. I.toyD, W. SvEsUCvit, and F. NV. I nANI.ANo, IsQns. Mary Ann Potter was charged by John BreweT, iho ke=psa vagrants' lodging-house iu Egreniont-street, with continuall Sisiting, and, as she cxpressed it, torlarinig his %s ile. On one or- casion she came to his house drunk, broke some windows, upset ...


... LEWES QUARTER SESSrOVS. 'the Sessions coalleseed ao '~Ak a~.t ltr~rny business, prsisesslqgllhitjle. 'enlera'l anterest, 'wAs 4iSpsed-oF, an. the daty'on coaio, underihe lew Mkt directing thersvtolrs sold .by weight, was filied at 2t.d' ~ t rsrhlthe duty'o ttcuhn at 2s. Coke wilcnitd o e slbV izieallit. . -THE COMPOUND TINAT$.. Jamsrse Parker v.. Parish of Rrikhontlrf'insipoitatt ease Cam ...


... LEWES. Tile arrival of Lord Abinger here as judze of the Assize, excited some interest to see how Scarlett the barrister would conduct hini- self, under his scarlet robe, towards those who once nade great sacrifices, believing him an honest nman, to serve him. Ite oaome, but gave no sign of recognition to his victilms, tbough ho must have seen theme. 1IA recognition hosever' of his old ...


... AIRS, CHiAMi1PION'S CASE. IlArI'l.4OVINnAtiY ?? UNDERO TrIe roon-LANV Bnr, L. 'Ihis case came on again before the Mlagistrates yesterday, at tile 'Town Hablf, Seaford.-.Present 'IThe Rev. J. Carnegie,- Cthanmbei s, and -- Alt work. Jane Champion was in custody on a warrant dated 5th January, 1836. Mr. Ixell attended on behalf' of (he parish of Sealordl, and charged her as a rogue and vagabond, ...


... On' pesay fr.T~lliorJ edgeof. the Court of the Arch- deacon of AMijlee ad. down the. law in respect to Parish Elections. Tihe case arose out of a disputed election for a church- warden in the parish of St. Mary's Abbotts,, Kenstigton, In ciiling his judgment, Dr. Plbinore said tile plain doctrine of the law.was, 'that Jis all parochial contests all the parishioners who pay rates should be ...


... ADJOURNED MICHAELAIAS SESSIONS. These Sessions commenced at Lewes on WednesdaylaFst. The Earl of Chichester presided in the Crown Court, and R. W. Blencowe, Esq., in the Nisi Prins. The Noble Chairman, in delivering his charge to the Jury, said there was nothing in the calendar requiring comment orom him, the offences chiefly consisting of felonies. There were one or two points, however, to ...