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Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? DIVIDEND. ACHIRE Creditors of 1ROBiERIT ALSTQN. late S of Frockleton, in 'the County of Lancaster, Innkeeper, are requesied to stake notice that the Assignees intend to meet at the house of- Alrs. Brewer, the King's Arms. Inn, in Kirkharn, :in the said County. on the 24th day of May instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, ii) order to mnake a Diridend of the monies arising fromri'the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bolton, Wtiga, and Preston Junclion 1a l-way. IT1I a viev to tile cscciblisllnetit of a rtiulvly VT to coniect maitchetr-l. cllI Boltoni with Wcgccn on(l Preston, a priject wais adevaCetI cin 18 30, which riceiveil tlhe viiauct on and support if inaiy highly ?? indlividuail ; bitt. owing to the txistrnce f an ithler piocject, lihoviijg for its object tile es cb liihment of i diistinet iintl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANCHESTER RACE A MAIN of 1 N COCKS tvill be FOUGHT ifhe SALFORD PIT, in Wbitsuni Week, btenthe ~lte5 ?? ,(ines feeder)'afd the Gent rs e atn te~dar), for £200 temu n ac ate-ocm mence lighting on Tuesday, and eontitiue the four ?? days. . 1e ! ANCHIESTER RACES, 1836,-.In con-, _ ?? of 'the ElissatisfatiCtonl epres~sod .1by th~e fsqi ' ex' Public at thep prices charged for. admission to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r New Edition. In one vol; Imperial 8vo. price l5s. in cloth, CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE to the OLD. s and NEw TESTAMilENT; or a Dictionary and Al habe- 1tical Index to the Bible, with a Sketch of the Life an' Cha-. Iracter of the Author. By William Youngman. *- Every precaution has been taken to secure tire highest possible. . degree of acusracy-. We aee glad to perceive that for ror a t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA'RE ROY L, MANCHIESTER.- T ~he 11ubl a4. ~re JUI ifrdta h Theatre w It RE OPEN on ?? MONDAY. ApIl4th, with I a faeour te Dg;rama pleh 4r.tC.hEMBLE and Miss F. LLEN Il REE of t~ Thcatres Royal, Covent-gardlell ainl I)rutr'-Ianui'.* lu are cntgaged fur t/he weeek, will sustaini tho uariscrpal eharacters.-drull arrssouncemenits will be made in tuture advertiselnsnts. i N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1ANCHESTE. GALLERY, PMAIN I XET-STREET.Ihe EXHIBITION ?? INGS8, by Ancient l1t sOE DAL toillthtl Public, fr Om ten until '~it ni h vnsg rlin lighted with gas, from six until nx- logae, Is. LL-SAINTS' CHURCH.-A COURSE A ofLECTURES he WORLD BEFORE the FLOODr, ill (by e on) be delivered, in cornF; FLP OOD O willAND Diyi-- WEI~VE Successive pliance with earnsq a* i o'clock, in All- Saints' RUNDAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le, ie, LIBRARY EDITIONS. utLondon: IVESTLriY and Davis, Stationors' Court. ?? on se myefr p ria e Two Guineas, Wu cloth, ndC an tLS DICTION- Dn-A~.ARY: containing faill explanations, (lellnitions, sy- O. nonlymes, idioms, proverbs, terms of art and sieince, and ?trules of pronnciation is eaeb Ianugeco ildrmte of iner..P~O C. Lthe, Miad'm A caoyeor, oL. Chiialmtbraud~,t Je FGrnr0 1. C.Lvu . I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~~ANCHEISTER GALLERY ~h ff1. KETC STR .TThis splendid EXHtBI'ION ef PANTINS, ~Ancient MastrVis 1 O ?? tbe PdtbljC--AdOrm~ j~ lCI-Cat3 1s.-Oplen 'lri cun 'cl~k i th snrning till naine inteeeri, en brio'lhonlyijohth with l gas after dusk. __ FOUR PflNAPE~ B3 B\ Rsd for the above Chanel, FOI'R ~ 4. PICPg ING~an Boss.-Apply to kr HIn., T'reble, Cstiuu l 1 Lever- John Bnrdslcy, the 16, D te street ...

ri)TLCE IS H ?? Salf

... ord-iik General. ,LI. DIE'FINO vo tlI rad R Om of tbe okoie NCrII, will beo held ini t a ?? on- tb.~od o r t ~nt~e pe or ?? ! On.- dtrfiewsinL the t oors'tbte';lletlseof con- qidirivga the PrOpff y of r musoodlug tnfutut overseer jltit the rite bin laid open the rack-tent or rncertninedannisa vlue. LLA WVhENCE ROSTRON; Churchwarden. T1 -IOS. BIJRY. Jum., , WN1. LOCKETT 4 Overseers. W1,. NE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L~antet. W ANTED, the sum of eligible WV I and saad. building oeciit`ity, V emj fa five years certain, on 5J per cent interest, to be, d ?? every tsI i onitlir.Apply to Mr Foster, ctor, 17, ng- street. ANTED, a young MANt PAWN llsO a'S OFFIcE a one NhoK aoutdJ sperintend the business ocrasionally.-Inquire: of fMJ l.erg 11, ()ldham-rond,-None need apply unless eve an unex ceptionable character. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH 'AaI'RE.ROYAL, MANCHESTER. rnHE Lql-Ni~ht of the Engagenment of Mrs. YATES, 1T Miss'E ., and Mr. WILSON, and the last uight until E Astar 1smnday ol the Company's persfoming. For the BENEFIT of Mliss BETTS. This PRESENT SATURDAY, March 12tb., 186, the entertainments will commence with the Comedv (not acted here for two siadns.) clled SHE STOOfS. TO fCONQUER. Miss H-ardeaste Airs YAThc. Jo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1IE A AVD GETLEMEN OF PRESTON O Are ?? informed that the 5PSE3 NV~~ILL BE Oo TUESDAY, THrS 1ST OF M1ARCH. DANCING WILL COMMENCE AT NINE O'CLOCK. JOHN H. NORRIS. nANI CL B TRL11N Y JvAtjtES pEDOnRN. and IVILLI 01 CLAYTON 0. PILKINGTON. Esonks.,' 'FesO. ;Februa'ry 10Th, i£,36.. WOODS, ?? of tire Nen, CorAe jIn, Fishergatc,) T)F!GSleave ost respectfully if itiforin those leaveti5 who foely ...