... COBOIER~'I1IQJE8T., (HELb WD ?? THB PRESENT W: DEATH OF Ssn W. IWwitt, BART.-Afl inquest was. -held at the Merlin's Cave Tivern, Upper. Rosomon-street, Pentonville, before Mr. Stirling and a respectable jury, touching the death of a person known by the nanie of Sir WILLIAM HEWIrr, Bart. Mrs. Eliza Thompson, of 52, Margaret-street, Wilmington-square, deposed; that last Saturday fortnight the ...


... ; Tnrv ?? 29, 183G.-Present, Sir D. SCOTT, Bert., W.!S2YNOVR;R. PnooDss, G. I3ASEvJ, and J. HALL, Esqrs. C Jas csi'hnt wais put to the bar, charged with druiikennessI and carelcess driving.t From 'the statenicut of Wise, it appears that the defendant Witscomng ?? Jmess-sree onthe previous ?sturdily in acri~, f whch e hd th was in that state appoahin ahapy ncnsiounestermied by the ...


... TUESDAY, Nov. 8th. A man, named James Blaoer, was brought up by Thoburn, charged with stealing the fowls for which the boy, James Taylor, was remanded for offering for sale on Alonday. It being clearly proved that Blaber stole them from Mar. Brilger, of Ringnner, he was committed for trial, and the boy was liberated. WEIDNE3SDAY, Nov. 9.-PlenSet, W. SEYMOUR, Esq. A boy, about 12 years of age, ...


... I An inquest was held on Thursday, at the Horse Barrack, before Mr. Gell, Coroner, on the body of Thomas Pavera private in the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons. The jury having bele sworn, proceeded to view the body, when the examination cons. menced with James Davidson. who being sworn, said I am a private in the Inniskilling Dragoons, and belong to No. 16, in the Bar. racks. On the afternoon of ...


... LONDOW PoLmICJL MANSION - HOUSE. --SsueGGLIG. - On- Monday, lleathltote, a porter in the employment of the Commercial Steam. .cket'Company, was charged with having bad a quantity of smuggled brandy in his possession. George Purzey, a. tide-waiter, said, that lie was on board the Emerald, steam-vessel, from Boulogne, and observed the de- fendant leaving the deck with a basket. Upon being -asked ...


... T1E INQUEST. An inquest w ns held on Saturday before James ?? Brien, Esq. Coroner, and a Jury composed of four Pro- testants and eight Roman Catholics, on the body of Richard Hudson, vbho lost his life in the late unfortunate tithe affray. Several witnesses having been examined, an adjournment took place till Monday. After a few cursory renmarks, in the absence of three of the Jury, Dr Barter ...


... 11,t~ma'a~ctoiEEAx ExTEwrsavE Pi,uNI)Pa~rn-IIeE~Y ~,d Bell, alias Steteart, a. dashing-dressed half pay Captain, rre and most relcal onc~,was fitnally examined on ,no numerous charges of felony committed at taverns, lodg ing-bouses, billiard-roams, &e. and the office was crowd he ed %vith witnesses. It appears from the testimony of a nil number of witnesses, that, on the 26th July, the ...


... The Court met on Tuesday, Mlien tha following cases were brought forward for trial. Pete), Coiwmiek and David Robb, charged with stealing I quantitv of sheet lead from the roof of a houso in the Njewv Buildings, North Bridge, both of sehem pleadel Guilty, and being previously ceonvitetd of theft, Corniek was sentenced to 12 months, and 11obb to nine months in Bridewell. James Martin was ...


... ON THE E9GLTSHI CRIMINAL CODE. ON T HE UNULIAZI U1s-eisa - (From Atkinson's Irelond in the 19 th 6Cediry. London, 1833.) In the progress of the Author's descriptive tour of Donegal, he had a conversation with Captain Hart ( son of the late General Hart, one of the representatives for that county), which ap- pears to have given rise to he following reflec- tiolls: The sentiment (of Captain Hart ...


... POLIC'( E.IXY ..IUI?JVCh. DOW .'TIUJ L: ?? Ye-tprd.',' ilttt't .r in itldlir, v, o imol-od ti ?? wit'h ICI:liig-e ie! ja-t tlili ini fit' lall~ t1 (;pIr-llily Owf jtivellierY anld olJ r * i- e In i-e tl p''rt e lI tp.oL 'rot (A ll '.A.rts I, it' ItJllzini'rIitrixiArle( -otoluie(4ta-!la up trtx '11 . l ati~: t a ltloupl Mlr. JI nttti:i, Toh iippe.tral for the p'nnrt' .liotI, aCdirt, ed S it 1: ...


... LAW 1ATELLIGJINCE. COUiRT OF CHANCEllY-SATURDAY. [Before the Lord; Camnmissioneis Sir C. PEon's and Sir J. .IIO5ANQVUI.]t TlO SerNNeIl11 COSIIANY V. TILE IRISH 6OCITTY. MIr. Xsniru seeing Alr. Lovattin Court, begged, before he resumed his arguiment, to ask for what companies he ap- ...


... MANS I ON- H1 1) SE. Yesterday two, young men, named ll'illianis and laylo, were brought up, charged with having committed a robbery. Mr. Snms, of No. 83, lishopsge su'oet stay-ainker, de- posed that he hail ha(i occain. to senlt a truss, containing eleven dozen pairs of stays, to Liverpool, on Fiiday last, and employed a paiish watchman, namned Southerell, who was in the haliti of watching ...