Advertisements & Notices

... K~~ fi4't -'-B3LlilUHINEG de the superiendence of the Society foi, thec 1ijf,5iL ) of Usefful Kneowtledge, BY CH:AULES KiNIGKHT, 22, LUDGLATE-E SBBET. Tile Penny Magazine. 11E pENTNy pAGAZINE, Published weekly, lonsiEts of.EIGH FOLIO PAGES, handsomely prtimed T aalurslb a8d is iluistriated by. iood-cuts.- JC is ceo~le~td is Morbly Parts, price Od. 'Th. Three Volumes corn mplepied contain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIE I3BELFA,*Fi fiOCJ!SETr || THE T.HIRD ANNIVERSARY DINNEE! OF TiltS SOCIETY WILL BiB HELD AT THE CIRCUS, Wu-LLINGTONVPLACE, On FlRDA Y, the 15th Janunry next, at Sixo'clock JAMES EMERSON TENNENT, Esq. M.P. IN ;THE CHAIR; GEO. DUNBAR, Esq. -M.P. Vice-President. EMBERS ate requested to apply for Tick-ts for IVI themselves and their frien it the BELFAST SOCIETY'S ROOMS, 4, 4 ING-STREET, where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMU7SBMENTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION, Adelaide-Etreet, it Gztlkerp.-The 6ninciI sr thisl instittirton, anlticipmating numerorts Inveolle visitors during ithe Christmas hrolidarys, have, fortheir In- otroctioin and nmusement, directed for exhibitioin, throughout that prrird, the mostt familiar, yet brifllnt, chemical and other experi. aente, the blirrosrope, Maognets, Coosmorarros, Steam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE BpKS3POSED OFi' \ ~ - kl:RIVATE CONTRACT, Or a Competent Peison treated with to MaNage, A CONCERN in the PAWNB RO ING iUSr- A NESS, No.27, BARRACK-STREET.From the thrivingstate of the Establishment, £400 or £50y more than is at present employed could be advantageo4'ly in. vested, and the Proprietor would have no objection to let the present Capital remain on receiving approved se urity. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... > -6` hkSOLV nB AUCTION, .At the 1ouseidMr. F. ALtm o WanudtLionInn, .* ridiivgtzon Quay, on WEDNESDAY, January 6tb, : .' h8 t Two o'Clock,- (Uness previously duposed of by Private Contract, of ehidh - Noice will be given,) - . 3',-HE fine fast-sailing A. 1. .5. Brig INDUSTRY, 106i Tons Register, together with all her Stores; standing and running Rigging, Sails, Anchors, Cable, Boats, &c. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. L fICE to SHIPlit,±tS.-For ths CAPE of 10O1D HOPE and SWAN RIVER, to gall positively oin the ADDINGRIAM, A 1, 300 Tons, Captain JAMsti31s auwiex, o the St. Katherine Dock. This vessel has giatilent aceorn- o for Passengers.- For freight or passage apply to Messrs. ?? Mangles, 27, Austin -friars; George Mackay, 73, Stark. it to EUMIUNo REDo, I, White Lion-court ,Corabtil. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MAa6GANY o& TIMBER.MERCHANTS, WOOD DEALERS, CABINET.MAKERS, & OTHERS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, -Y - IV. It. H1'DE At the EXCIJANGS SALS Rooss, Hull,on THURSDAY, 71th Jinuary, 183G, at Eleven o'Clock. - ACONSIGNMNT of THREE CASES A.; containing -about 4,000 feto ahgnyn Rosewood Vencers, of the very first order as to kind quality, and figure, in Branches, Curls. Rows, Mottled, &a., the wbole of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Y I ;t .-QN\TRUJ, rT Pl E ttext GENE-i , 0 SLRAL QUARTER SESSIO.NS of the i;- County, will be held, !; .' NA, on MONDAY, 28th December, B - ' ?ERGUS of' MONDAY, 4th Janunry,.1 * ' .\; on WEDNESDAY, 6rbh January. 1836. i der, S DARCUS, C. P. TRY Business will commence at TEN *; .u t.vfniig, on the FIRST DAY of eaeh of .: . ter which the CIVIL BILL Business 1 o on, All Civil Bill and Ejectment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Preston and Longridgel Railway. £ gTING of the Shareholders and Slip-' orter. of this Undertaking will be held at the ownRaol, in Preston, on MONDAY Nt.XT, at 'o~tI.DJXON & ABRAHAM, 30th Deremier. Solicitors. Preston Gas-Light Company H lIE ?? Meeting ot' the Proprietors of the Preston Gas-Light Co vpany. will be held tCnoFTr, the Rr±4 Lion Hotel, on Monday, the h ot' January, at Seven o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dM cyiut £10,000 an l £3000 to | . C abcd d im edately upnjme ia ody Freehold Security (for term of y ears, if f reuired) at 4 per ?? (post paid) to Y. Z. Journal Office, Oxford. Cj tatrlbU21y, litneyy, IO& sock, Enstone, and Great Tecvv 712awpikes. R IE General Annual Meeting of the Trustees or T1 Commissioners of these Roads will be held at the Crown Inn, in Charlbury, on Friday morning the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . -r g'fGEfSSES OF THlE WAtD OF S T', J.-A M E S. LACLD in the honrourahle position of your Represen- ative~sin the Ne v Town Council, %ve beg to tender you our -' ur thse* ampl manner in which you have redeemed r ^icei of support, and to assure You that we are fully sen- 'f tje culdefilnte you Ihave placed in us, and of the respon- J e v te r in ar eeptin_ the office to which we have been e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC JELl'A SEA E7NTS. ROYAL ACADEMIY, Somerset House.- Notice Is hereby given to the lME.IBEIES aoid STUDlENTS, tbot the SCHOOLS will RE-OPEN ol, Mo 'itat llext, the 4th Ilstant. ElENRY HOW-ARD, B.A., Sec. LAWRENCE GALLERY.-The FOURTH EXHIBITI lON, consisttitr of 1)R1'VINGS by PA1RlMiGIANO and CO RtlED;I. wvi IIOPEN ontttheltiitthof lantiry, 18536. The Private Vie Is o en the Ifl. nd 5th. ...