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Oxford Journal


... NEWV M1tAIMI trA 15ml.v By the amended law of Marriages, bans need not be pub- lished after the Ist of March, 1837. The marriages of Quakers and Jews according to their o wn usages are declared and conlirined good in law, provided notice be given to the Registra, and his certificate have issued. The Superintendent Registrar of Births and Deaths, in right of office, will be also Superintendent ...


... CARLISLE ASSIZES, AuGUST 3. m ?? Z.iD~, dlem. of Perry, v. ?? was an action of ejectment, brought to decide the validity of a will purport- ing to be that of a Air. Brockbank, by which he bequeathed a sum of about 2,0001. to the defendant, who was reputed to be his natural daughter. In consequence of the form which the pleadings had taken, the case was opened on the part of tbe defendant, for ...


... MIURDER OPf A (GAEt-KEEPER BYA POALAJlER. OCl Tuesday last an atrocious murder was comtnittdd oln the body of a man named (iltrow, game-keeper to Colonel fl-nier, Al. P. of Stockgrove, at his estate at Leighton Buz. zard, Bucks. Giltrow's wife, alarmed that her husband had not returned hovte on Tuesday mnnrning, sent up to stock. grove to inquire for him. lie had not been there, and, in ...


... d Tim COMMITTfE of the Society for the diffusion of in- it formation on the subject of Capital Punishments, convinced ie that the least effective mode of protecting life and pro- 'e perty is by sanguinary laws, address the public on this I Important subject. . The arguments against taking human life for crime are too numerous to allow more than a concise enumeration Yof the principal ones on ...

Abingdon Borough Midsummer Quarter Sessions

... Aziwl!(1Iol &moiig/h ?? Quarter Sessions. ie Thlese Sessions w ere ha t in the Town Hall on Friday the St Ist instsnt, before Henry John Shepherd, Esq. Recorder of nt the Borough, lie having been re-appointed to that hononr- Id able situation. As a matter of courtesy, the Mayor, NV. D. le ilelcher, Esq. and the four Justices, J Copeiand, B. Col- lingwood, R. Bedcock, and J. Kent, Esquires, ...


... The King v. the Mayor of the Borough of i/7s51ich. Sir W. Follett moved for a writ in the nature of a quo warrxnto, calling upon B. Brain, Esq. to show by what au- thority he exercised the office of Mayor of the borough of Ipssvich. The question arose partly under the alit charter of the borough andl partly under the Municipal Corporation Reform Act. Tue first section of the Act bad repealed ...


... G-EFORD A§qxzvr4. On Saturday evanlihl last the Commission foir holding ihbt Assize and General G;aol ?? ht out opened in the TIown' Hall, by mihitoHi. E. 1f. Alderson and thle Hon. Sir J. Willfcs'.t~s'h- .lutlgds tof' sslze. Their Lord. Ships dined on that dlnj. with Clieailes Peers, Esq. of Chisel. hampton, where et.piarty.'ofrlenas lead been invited to zabet ?? Sun4*. ?? lse judges attended ...


... BAIL COURT-ThURSDAY. IN RE GEORGE-TOWN-COUNCIL OF LEEDS-DtUXI_ CIPAL ELECTIONS. Mr. Serjeant Alereweather said he was instructed to apply for a quo toarraito under novel circumstances, caiiing ,pon Mr. George to show by what authority heheld the Ace and executed the duties of a town councillor of Leeds. At the late election of town councillors there were two vacancies declared in the West Ward ...


... The General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for this City were holden on Monday last, Andrew Anuos, Esq. the newly appointed Recorder, sitting as soleJunige, under the powrers of the Municipal Corporation Act. After the Gran'd Jury had been sworn, the Learned Gen- tlemnan addressed them very shortly, observing, that it was much to the credit cf the city that out of so large it popri- lation ...


... COUNTY SES6SONS-TurrSDAY. F !.1 ?? - ..I - . . . . ?? I Tise' folhlowing diagistratei asenibled to condunct thle C!5 business of tile seosson.s :_W. ii. Ashharsst, E~sq. in the ' Chair, the Lord Churchill, thle 10ev. the Vice-Chancellor, Of the lion. /rantcis (deorge Spletcer, Geoige Harcourt, Iisq. cc Al. P. Richard Wr1yland, Esq. AlI. P. J1. Housghtoin Long- ston, Esq. Josejtl Wwrnter ...


... The Gencral Quarter Sesciols of the Peace for this County were holden on Tuesday last before William -lenry Ashhurst, Esq. Chairman, and a full Bench of Magistrates; amongst whom we noticed the [tight Hon. Lord Churchill; the Lord Norreys, M.P.; G. G. Harcourt, Esq. M.P.; J,. H. Langston,.Esq.; Joseph Warner Henley, xq. T. Raw- linson, Esq. ;. C. Cottrell Dormer, Esq.; Join Lectmere, Esq. ; ...


... SURREY SESSIONS-APnIL 11. Brutal Asasetlt by two Tolt Collectors.-Joseph Randall I, and Charles Jones, two toll-collectors at the New-cross turn. 's pike gate, in the Kent-road, were indicted for a violent as- n sault on Thomas Walsh, by thrusting a broom in one of Ilis t, eyes, whereby he has been deprived of the sight of it. The , defendant Jones traversed his trial over to the next sessions ...