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Belfast News-Letter


... She leaves beside her mirror, in her old accustomed place, V et s'oicthielg u1nfamilitIV is oin hler locVly lfacc She Nweavr a wvreatil, a snow-whitv wreath, which yet hse never woare; It gveR ta paleness to the Cliech, uniknown to it before. The uaiden goetli to thle grove, and of the flowers bencath;, She tithes tile lily or the rose, to hind her eji ldight wreath tBut of one plant shte ...


... LITEfHAR V NUTICE. Tbe[f-,,e nd Abttcc of Cv1tfssiqns, 1.6ioq i/ic substance ?? ,aClt, be deliwried adth X/cMvd~ny ty' the Generalj .S~nod o U~lster isl Co& ut By I/se Rev. JAMES CARLILE, of DubNin,. 'Tis is Ia pamphlet of no ordinary description, anid in the ?? circumstances Of thle Sy'nod of Ulster it will be rind with avidity. With Mr. Carlile's views respecting tue inipropriety of ...


... BEF112AST A S.O('CA Ti ON' 01 A H TJS1'Tl'' The drst exhibitito of the Bhove SOc'ety wivs op ene]d to the public, on Tuesday list. We are happy to ftid thit at lefgth, the arti ts oft this town have perceived the nev s- sity of an exhibition, not only for the pirupose of imtprovile the pdblic taste for the l'itte Arts, bitt also fto the iniprove ,nCert which it is atniversilly llowied thalt ...


... GOG NIN MANGOG. 'DIfr followsing legendary ballad, modernized in point of orthography from nin aiciest co, y, and embellished with it- Ilstrations, has just been pu1lished in London. Aitolfers, says theEditor, ,.an apt illustration of the origin of those gigantic figures which have for ages excited the wonder and admiration of the worthy citizens of Londoni, and their nu- merous I countty ...


... I.INES WRITTEN IN OCTOIERi. 'Tis gloomy Oetor-tlh, se-ar lcaves aro finig , A.nd seatter'd alroad oul (Ile 1 - ilngs of tine bLihst; The trees of te forest aro fadigj and dying- Their season of bloont anld of beauty is l :ast And the blostons 'of summer have all pnt aivay For the fhirest and loveliest ?? to deeay. Oh i! how joyus the eeason.-how plleasillg the spring, When naturi around us in ...


... IRISH FARMER'S AND GARDENER'S MIAGAZINE. This valuable Register of Rural affairs is alvancini rapidly, 'and deservedly, it) favor among the agriculture community. Its circulation has, we understand, increase( considerably durin g the presentytjar. Improvement haw kept pace with prosperity. The month's number, which perfects. the thitd volume, nbounds. with matter of tht highest interest ...


... I I have walhkd the world for four.score yrrs, AMid thoy sby that I asin 01dI.-NVILLIM IN thi8 Weary world I've wander'd long, And I eare not. when I die; The lightsome time I spent 'when young, JIas Iong, long siIne flowrl by: I'm old and fiail, and I know it well i- These locks so thiin and grey- These eyes, now almost sig1itlees--tell That I'll) weariog fas.t away. And like a dreani my ...


... 'lO Tl I * ir A Raz :* i -I l t I:. ( 7Tc dsj's eis -&i5 (duiq. ) If she cnluld chauw, or I Cou1il C -,Ig2, We'd lovC (Olr hvinwi as is rlljiiee,--srsere ?? fly wilisnprs, suvil .. hush the rsu to sleep, Or ksscJ, gsuntkr tblau the viting sun leaves Oil maidro lips at IMOTiliniisg.'1X ' Ily. T C,: I lin lig lidy held me long in Isallh A1 i t .n at last, lim ?? spells se kullloosed,. d( ...


... MR. PORREST'S PERFORMANCE OF OTHELLO. ?? NY TIIEATRE.-Mr. Forrest made his appearance at this theatre, on: Mon1day night, as thlsello. The house was crowded tsr Witness his attempt to per.sonate one of Shalis- pare's principal characteis, and if the asemunt of the applause 3lr Forrest received be talken s a niensure ot his success, he was suicecssftl in ;lt enuiniet (degree; but fhis ef ikths ...


... EVENING~ ADD P*Rc TO LOC I lIOMOND. BY EVAN MI;COLI, rIIIE IOUNLTAN 'MINSTkEL. QluaNo of waters ! Queen of wonders! In a tide of transport lost, Raptured gaze I on thy grandburs l1cre, upon tliy fairy coast. ProulldreMetor of the lligllade, Cold's the heart that feels no glow, Viewing thee with all thy. islands, Hleavon rabove, and beaven below. Sullbenms sleeping on thy margin, Zepbiyrs dying ...


... DR. BtycE's INTRODUCTORY LECTUntR.-Doctor ?? delivered his introductory Lecture oit [le Science of EducA- titni, an Mouday, in the Library of the Academy, to a numerous audience. In this Lecture, Doctor Bryce, passing over the acknowledged importance of the subjects went on to prove that there is a Science of Education ay well as of Medicine or Music, He showed that every scietice has been ...


... LITERAT UAiE. PRtESBYTEURIAN RENIEW I01R IN)VE31lEfl. Tests is tin excellent number of the Prebp e,ian Rmlews, and onae %%i bh wfill lie readi withl ititrerst by persons of aill clasies, One istticl~ in particular entitled ?? Popery oq P~raesteantises, cannot fail to attract general attention, from the importance of the statements which it contains. - It is;a review of avolnine entitled' ...