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Caledonian Mercury


... tCOURT OF EXCHEQUER. EDINEIURGH LAMMAS TERM, 1836. ADVOCATE-GENERAL V. SMITH. This case was brought before the Court by writ of certiorari, from the Justicesof Bauffebire. It appear- ed from the return to the writ, that the defendant was prosecuted by the order of the Commissioners of Ex- cise, by information before the Justices, on the 4th Geo, IV. ch. 94, a. 44, which enacts, II That if at ...


... JURY COURT-MaJ, 10. ?? -- -.-A I.-C. Tlir fullowing Issue was tide day tried befue. Lila Lurd L Justice Clerk and as Jury :-e Issue in the cause in which JoiNt RUITe'r.111`0o1en, iri leather-japannur in Edinburgh, is giirsuer, aridl tea WILLUAm BoAtr, tanner arid leatlrnr-jnpanaer in J0C Erdinburgh, is defensder. Gi Whether' one Charles Bryan was engaged hy the o pursuer for a year, from ...


... I.ONDON POLICE. I MANSIO0N l F.IoueS-rUssrAMPF NEWPAors' Sr lit boy, about ton years of age, seas brought bfr i i Pee Laurie, chlarged with beine a vender Of tenpelfly Sunday -rsspae Sir Peter Laerie said, that be haM bean informed, by whiat lie considered to be good atithn- rity, that the eivil was increacsing daily. Il~e then direct. - d thiat the defendant shl be onind in IBrideaell - ...


... - REGISTRATION COURTS IN COUINTY OF LINLITHIGOW. IC LIFERENT VOTERS-REFOtRM ACT BAFFLED. is ed When our readers loak at the prefixed title, and r, the subjoincid list of names, they will eesily under- d stand why we say that the Refolm Act is bLufied. We have ?? t ?? is b ar- ling Conservative system of constitating elec- toral suffrages.but probably all our observa- - tions o01 the theory ...


... ]MIPORTANT TO HlOAD TBUSTEES. On thc 8th October 18:32, a part of the turnpike road lending to IPeebles, near Earlyvale, was Suddenis' swept away hy tha Eddlestone water, which rsec suddenly and camie down in great force in consequence of heavy rains. There remained of the road a space barely sufficient for the ?? of carts and carriages, so as to make i ea- trecuely iliticult to pass eren in ...


... A~v~cSONE.Yesterdnp(Tuesday) tile Rev. AlrJ. (I Campbell, the minister of Tettenham Court Chapel, in at Torttenharm Court Renai, appeared before the( sittieig 1lila- by gistrates, Messrs Ralrilnson artid Hosliins, on a Salmmons Wi rirtaineorlagai uSt, him Mr Charles William Wiserur, ha ph ae r ofavero i the. same place of w'orshirp. olrrg- l inag him snith hosiog, ori the morning of Sunday ...


... JUSSTICIA.RY. *~ I . .. 0 f P'SPRTH, APR1L 12, 133f. c The Circuit Court of Justiciamy was opened here ttles day at ten o'clock. The Lords Justice Clerk and Gillies I presided ; Cosoin Innes, Esq Advoiate-Depute. The following cases were summarily diejinsed of:-t Peter M'gregor, theft, transpoltation for seven years. t Wm. Douglas ann Archd. Paterson, housebreaiking : and theft, Douglas seven ...


... 7 COMIMISSIONERS OF POTICE. An auljour ned rnoting of General CommissiofletS of 'I Police was held on Manday, for the purpose of electing citig a Collector of Police Assessoments-tuL Lord Provost in appi the chair. perf -Mr Desiglas, in terms of the notice, he bad given at tice last meeting, moved that the resoliution then come ~to, that the person elected should carry on no beusiness, &o. ...


... * COUIT OF SESSION. . . .. BiLo to males certain altorations in the duties of tile Lords Ordinary, and ins the Estoblishinetnt ef Clerks, &sa. and to reduce the fees. In alluding to thes objects of the present bill (which is t founeded upon two reports of the Law Commissioners), the Lord Advocate said, I cthe saving in feeso to litigants will ?? to upwards of L. 19,000 a-yenr. They will be ...


... l House of Lords, April 27. R EAillar tr. Knox.-An appeal has been presented in R this case, 'and the respondent ordered to answer in four oI , weeks. gr M'Cratv v. Cuniagiam--Set down for hearing. Sir William Henry Don, Blart. v. Lipman.-Leave tic granted to tip ?? to enter btoo recvognrizanees. Cl Sir John Ogilvy's Estate Bill.-Read and committedr vi for Monday the 9th of May next. pr I ...


... COURT OF SESSION-SECOND DIVISION. STH JULY 1835. . BURCII P.EFORN ACT. Petition and Coosplaint-Thornsofl and others V. the c Magistrates of WithI and othcrs. The petitioners complained of the election of three persens as Councillors for the burgh of Wick, at the an- c inid election on the 3d of November last, and they pIRy- c cd the Court to find.the election void and that acrtain t electors ...


... EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFOREE TIM Ci(MriltSsiotEntS1 r SATURItDAY, FEB. 20, 1836. The flight Han. Lord Wharncliffe in the chair. Ficlr larisihal the Duke of Wellington seas examined as follows:_ It wbat year did your Grace enter the army ?-In 1787. Diii vou continue to do regimental duty for eaveral vears afterwardss I did. I wes abirond at inst frir some tib2c ufter I entered the armiy, and then I ...