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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... . lair's Goiut and Rheu itic Pills. A NOTH ER Proof of the Efficacy of BLAIR'S . GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. To Mr. Prout. SIR,- ImtpreSsed with a sense of grati:ude for the benefit I received. I beg ytu will add my testimony to those you have t already publisihed, of the astonishing efficacy of your truly e valuable Mlcdicine- BLAIR'S 6OUT AND RHEU- - t MATIC PI l.LS. I have teen afflicted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ?? ie I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE. y HAT I will not be answerable for any Debt or the T. Debts which my' wife HELEN DUNNICLIFF De muay contract afier this Notice.-As witness my hand, sol ie WM. DUNNICLIFF. ve3 d ?? Place, Derby, Feb. 18th, 1836. e. . . PARISH OF ALL SAINTS. g TO CONTRACTORS. ,I, TERSONS desirous of Contracting to supply the Jr. Poor House with good SECONDS FlO UR, and ke good BEEF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~P r RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, &c. DUTLER'S CJFEPUT OPODl)ELDOC.-[Ihe Caj-put M Oil, which is the basis of this O;odeld,.c, has been I long esteemed as a remedy for Clirtnic 11heumatism, Chil SU l aoins (when unbroken), Spasmodic Afficliwis, PK..y. Stiff. ar tess and Enlargement ol tile Joints. Sprahn, Brui.,es, rnl D .Deafriess Being 3tn this preparatiun comnmued ivith other Sl ! powerful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BREAREY. DRAYCOTT. N EAT & Useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, NllChina, Glass, Linen, Books, Kitchen Requisites, Brewing Vessels, two Mangles, Child's Carriage, &c. &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROWLAND BREAREY, By order of the Assignees, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 16th, 17th, and 18th of May, 1836, on the premises of Messrs. SAMUEL ar.d GEORGE HIBBERT, at I)raycott, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POPULAR LECTURES On Mental, Moral, and Educational ]PHILOSOPHY WILL BE DELIVERED BY JAMES SIMPSON, ESQ. (of the Scotch Bar, and Author of The Necessity of Popular Education as a National object,) zzi VuI I LtC&ABT2 N SCHOOL ILOCrI, ORCHARD STREET, DERBY. T o commence on Saturday the 8th day of October I Tonext, a t half.past seven in the Evening precisely, and to be continutd on Monday and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BIRIAREY, VA LUA BLE OAK TIMBER and UNDERWOOD. ,to BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Ar. BREAREY, Athe House of Ilr. William IBurley, at Whatstandwell Bridge, near Crich, in the county of Dcrby, on TIhurs- day the 15th day of December, 1836, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and subject to the conditions then to be produced; r IN TWO LOTS; LOT I, CONSISTS of 93 OilAK TREES, (most of wbich C re of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ml fol DERBYSUIRE ee GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF TlIE PEACE. I OTICE ie hereby Given, that the next General I N Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Count.11 t' Derby, tvill be opened at twelve o'clock at noon., oil T'eoesdr . the Ith day of October, 1836, in the Crown ! 1 Courtl itt ,'ie l) li 7/ cw1llmatterS i coanecled with the Income and 1'rpenditure of the County, and nat/er Business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ -J C4 or of t ej Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. e, d case is a further proof of the 2 ds 11 aefacy of thinat excellent Medicilue, ' Blair's Gout and 'r itheumatic P'ills. U d To Mr. Prout, 219, Strand, London. w w Derby, July 4th. 1835. a ., SIR,-I think it right to inform you, that I was a short g time since afflicted very severely witi an acute pain in my Rii !- leg, thighr, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE MANCHElSTER SOUTH UNION RAILWAY. l HE Committee beg to inform the Shareholders, . that after the Case of the Promoters of the CHESHIRE JUNCTION RAILWAY bad been patiently gone through, the Committee of the House of Lords on the 25th July instant, came to the following Resolution:- That it is unnecessary to call upon the opponents of `'the Bill to produce evidence, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and ,tsin tisc sign uires :ions ad a rse.) t he :ture I he man that time able lone *cted Ities, tters ould and ures rhtsg n for bla eous inta. cers. Inell and the ,at. fter- ngs, Esq1. 51 r. and pro. was ition ken, hiclh orm. the sd to re of I the .ir of Mr. ouldl low- pro. for t for i rt. eded To 3eg. ath. 1 for ated ded, him and ims, urse I on to ner, atde [all, Ised Al r. tact 'eta, ples ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re TO BUILDERS, is DERSONS desirous of contracting for all the y L MWorSsktrequired in the erection of a NEW BANKING id HOUSE, for the. DERBY AND DEnRtYSItIRE BANKING , COSMPANY, proposed to be erected in the Corn Market, S. Derby, may see the Plans and Specifications of the Works te at the Company's present Office in Tenant Street, any day as (Sundays excepted) between the hours of 10 and 4. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tice B)L MR. PA RKER. 01, ene SALE of 18 PURE ALDERNEY COWS co1- In-oaf, all near;'y due, vere And just imported by 11r. .IoIIN BnEllAtu'T, of Jersey. ,irl T'IO BE SOLD BY AUCrION, rl,1 Ay Alir. JI'RKLERL, lot, On Saturday next, April 3(tlt, WUIi, lit the Ilalf iioon Inn,n hie Carter Gate, Nottingham, precisely at hial-past II in d1 id. the morning. ?? IllS Lot of COWS has been selected by the ...