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Derby Mercury



Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... =BY MR. ROWLANI) BREAREY. , LL'rTLEOVER. Il. 'P'IM_ OLD UAY. - he TO BE .ESO.LD.BY AUCT1.0N,;.. Cer no Mr.. R W .4fAND BftRARLI'7 pY N the Field opposite the Rising Suir near le- iL Littltover, in the county of Derby, on Saturday, the its 5th. of March, 1i'36, sale to commlence at halt-past Two ice o'cloclt' to LOT ?? Stack of Prime Old Hay. 2,-One ditto ditto. J he 3.-tlne ditto ditto. tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1B3 MR. ROWLANI) 13REAREY. d GEORGE STREET. 1. MODERN FURNITUITE, LINEN, BOOKS, e Kitchen Requiuite, Beautiful Gold Lever Watch, 4c. g 'TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROWLAND BREAREI-,U i. On the Premises of the late Ming E. DAVENPORT, George h Street, Derby, on Thursday, 21st July, 1836, sale to se commence at eleven precisely. HE FURNITURE comprises a most superior . l Spanish mahogany carved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALTERATION IN TI-IE I'EA DUTIES. y a Rsolution of the House of Coominons, proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequeer, the new mo(le B of levying the Duties on Tea came into opreation on the FIRtST DAY of the present M Ikth.- To matte the import. &nce of the change fully comprehended, we beg leave to shew wherein the difference between the old mode and the new one Under the former system the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY AND DERBYSHIRE. e R 4 ;UR~e LatsS i 9 YORK, and King William SreqL.I t X t 3~ab tf And y DIRECTORS. VonRK. LONDON. W'm. CooperEsq.Chairman. Goo. Frederick Young, Esq. ' Thomas Gregory, Esq. Aid. M.P., Chairman. e Depty Chairman. latthew Forster, Esq, John Agar, Esq. Deputy Chairman. l James Audus, Esq. A lex. Bannerman, Esq. M.P. e John Barstow, Esq. John Walbanke Childers, 111atthew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES yN THlE FOLLOWING COMPANIES ON SALE. 200 Commercial Bank of England. Northern and Central Ditto. 30 Nottingham and Nottingliamshire Ditto. 15 Northatmptonshlire Bank. 25 Bury and Haywood Bank. 100 Imperial Bank of England. 10 Dundee and Perth Railway. 10 Lancaster and Preston Dilto. SO North ant South Ju1nction Ditto. 30 South Midland Ditto. 50 Trinity 11arbour Ditto. 60 Eastern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIHi ROAD .From A LFRE TON to HIGHAM J TIBSHIELF. OTICE is hereby Given, that in com liance N with an Order in Writing delivered to me this day, signed by four of the acting Trustees named in a certain Act of Parliament passed in the tenth year of the reign of His late Majesty, King George the Fourth, entituled, l' An Act for more effectually repairing the Roads from Alfreton to Higham and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTH DERBYSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. JljHE First Meeting of this Society {or the T CATTLE SHOW and thie distribution of REWARDS to deserving Servants andi Labourels, will be held at DiRBs, oil 11UiDlAV, thie Ni 8t1 day of JULY, 1836. Nt The place for Exhibition will be a commodliouts Croft on PN the Normtanton Road, near Mlessrs. Valkers' Lead Works, which will be open for admission of Stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Derlby and D~erbyshire BANKING COMPANY9 LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. Vame and Residence. Alsop John, Lea Bridge Antill John, Spondon. Allen John, Bonsall Brook Benjamin, Birmingham. Briagptt Joseph, l)erby Baker William, Ditto Bromley John, Ditto Batel Samuel, Ditto Dlretno? Bernud, Ditto Bromley Robert, Dhto qryer Richard, Ditto Birchall MlinAltull, Ditto Dowmer Thomas, Ditto BrAdey iFrances, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY CANAL. b 7t HE Half yearly Dividend will be pa.yable at ) LM easr. EVANS'S Bank, in Derby, on the sixth day of e July next, and at any time afterwards. if Derby, 29th June, 183B. h BRAMCOTB GROVE, it The Residence of the late Henry .Uundy, Esquire. SoI e TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Some time about the latter end of the Month of July next, . unless previously disposed of by Private Contract; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PA INTINGS. UJNDER THE PATRONAGE Or jiqs GRACE THE DUKE O, DEVONSH)'RE, L be exhibited in lcrby, about the middle of April, pwards of 100 tae similes of the prin- pCTURES in the l~oavre, ant? itl the AMuseulms at h ,JI67t and Amsterdam A ^Ctalogre fully descriptive and biographical, will be parblslied.l 97, Co tN MAH KE '9,&To1'(N 1i ALL CELLAR~S. W WILLIAM COx in 1 4-OUNCiES to the Public ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'i7i. GEORGE'S C11URIJ II, ST. PETER, DERBY. Purcase, ?? Endowmenit 1 according to Act I 1,0010 Repir Fund .. of Parlia ent, I ?? Ito Immediate repairs, finishing, &c . ?? Sum to be raised ?? : .0,672 Numcbet of Sittings in close Pews 900 A Zuquber in Parish Chuichi ?? 750 Population of Patish ?? 8000 and upwards; ra. Lpidly increasing. SUlBSCRIPtO1S ADVERTISED, £3,290 14 8 s. d. E. A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R V A LTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS, and v, IAlAN'II-SYPIIILII'IC PIll.S, a certain r~pecific tltr F' r the removal of' secondary simptouns. senereal eruptiomsm, 1 scorbutic affections, pains im tile bouns, ulcerated soar throats, St chrommic rheumatism, scr fula, glamsdilar affections, local and B general debility. loss of appetite, depression of spirits, and all E diseoses arising front an impure ...