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... TIlE MOUNTAIN DECAMERON. Th«se volumes contain natch Hint is clover anti original. They profess to embody in a series of Tales th, !)(;p¡¡ar habits, custom. superstitions, and modes of thinking of the Welsh.—• W e have no t;me for present analysis, and our extracts arc taken almost at random, and have reference rather to that which is inci- dentally sponcn, than to the staple commodity of ...

[No title]

... ERRATA.-In the Bridgend Cottage cause, for Locus in giro-read Locus in quo. Our Compositor, like Virgil's serpent, has repeated this error three times. Tres gyros traxit. In the hurry of drawing up our eport of the Glamor- ganshire Assizes, the word latter was inserted for former, in the calise Reed v. Harris. The words printed were, the Learned Judge summed up, 1, Com- menting on the ...

[No title]

... The atrocities of the Spanish war assume a deeper and bloodier character, and bear the' unequivocal shape of massacre. The ;ast accounts state that three hundred prisoners have been shot at once by the Carlists. The Chris- tinos, equally barbarous, have begun the indis- cribable horror of murdering women I The mother, and probably the three sisters of one of the Carlist Chieftains have been ...


... EXPEDITION CAPTAIN J. C. Ross.— Mr Thomas Thompson, solicitor, of this place, received on Sunday last a letter from Captain J. C. Ross, dated his Majesty s ship Cove, Orkney Islands, Longhope, Jan. 10, 183G, in which he says, All's well; we most fortunately arrived here in time to escape a strongs. W. gale that has con- tinued all this day, and now shows such strong symptoms of abating, that ...


... THE BUItGLARY^AT CHIPSTEAD. Extraordin ar-V b1 Kssiojf of the Wounded Burglar. —Our readeis will remembsr that in Sepu-mber last the residence of Captain Ranker], at Chipstead, Surry, was attacked in tile ni^ht-time by a gang- of armed villains, and that ultimately one of them was shot by c,,¡.>,al:l Hallkell, bllt he contrived to ijet away, but was subsequently takeu intoeustody and ...

[No title]

... The King will hold a Council on Tuesday next, when the Speech for opening the Session of Parliament will be submitted to his Majesty for his approbation. On the following day, Viscount Mel- bourne will give a grand entertainment at his house, in South Street, to the Duke of Leinster, the mover of the Address, and other Nobie Peers, to whom the King's Speech will be read after dinner. The same ...

[No title]

... j-he revolutionary progress of Ireland con- tinues with unabated vigour. Every day gives a new impetus to Papist supremacy; the whole present occupation of Parliament being the relief, as it is termed, of Papists from all the old restraints upon doing their full pleasure. '€ refer our readers, for the details of the Irish Municipal Bill, to the columns of our last paper. The result of the ...

[No title]

... EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY OF TREASURE.— On Saturday morning se'nnight, between ten and eleven o'clock, as a poor aged woman, named Hutz, was engaged wading through the mud on the bank of the river on the east side of Waterloo-bridge, in search of pieces of coal, she turned up a tin box, about six inches in breadth and eight in length. She immediately broke it open, when out fell a bag which ...


... A manly correspondent of one of the news- papers desires to remind the Tory members of the House of Commons, that the time is at hand when they will become arbiters of the National Destinies, and as the preparative for this, to remind them that the country will look with a keen eye to their attendance in Parliament. We shall add that the Member who postpones his attendance there to ...

[No title]

... The Bishop of St David's iiiis liberally given eacu of the scholars of the national school at Abergwili, above one hundred aud sixty in number, an entire new suit of clothes eicii.-Cariiiartlicii Journal. The Hon. Colonel Trevor, M.P. for Carmar- thenshire, has, in the handsomest manner, contributed Fifty Ioun(h towards the Church building fund, in tnis town, in order to extricate the local ...

81anto rgtlitøhírr.

... The Earl of Coventry was. at a meeting of the Council, on Tuesday last, on the motion of Dr. B. Cooper, re-elected to the honorary oftice of Lord High Steward of the borough of Evesham. The Kidderminster Town Council have passed resolutions deprecating the interference of Lord John Russell in the appointment of Magistrates for that borough, The i-e-oltitiolls have been coiii- municated to tile ...