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... ?? ' !-I TnusSDAY, NovvEmsR 3.-Present, Sir D. SCOTT, Bart., and G. BAsMvI, Esq. J. .Smni~ appeared to answer a summons taken outby G. F. Dasart.-Consplainant not appearing, prisoner was discharged. S. Stecey. wvas brought up in CUStOdy; on a ahare of Bigamy,; ' but the first wit'e not wishing,and the second rnot ?? present, to press the charge, he was held to bail to appear when called for. ...


... T[HUaRSDAY, OCTOner. 20, 183G.-Present-Sir D. Scoir, Bart., AV. SIYuOUIn, It. PIEDDcn, G. BASEaVi, and J. ITALL, EsS(IrS. An old woman, named 1-allen, Vlmose appearance ?? the most at'ject mnisery, and -sl e looks %oauld have subjected her to be drowned or burnt for a witch if she liad lived three centuries ago, was placed at the bar. A policeman stated that he had founl her on the steps of a ...


... TO THE' HONORABLE THIE COMMONS OF ENGLAND I N PARLIAMUEN'I' ASSE\MIILED. The humble Petition of Jane Champion, late of Seafirnd, in I'e county of Sussex, the wife of (eorge Champion, who is now living, Sheweth,-That your petitioner was married at the pnrish church of Brighton, Sussex, on the 8th day of Decemuber, 1824.- IThat your petitioner's hinsband resided at Seaiord, in the county of ...


... BENCH OF AIAGIS'TRATE'S. THunsrAsv, r23ldl Jlne.-Present.-Sir 1). SCOTT, JOIIN HALL, R. PEDDL1, and G. BASEVI, Esqrs, HI'illinnri Willey was charged by Nlr.iBartlett, the governor of the workhouse, with coming there frequently drunik, and disturb- ing the inmates. The prisoner's mother ismatron of the infirmary, who he thus annoys to induce her to give him money. He was ordered to find two ...


... On Saturday information was brought to the St. Phillip's station-house that a woman had been murdered at Stapleton. Mr. Inspector Garrard immediately repaired to the spot, with police sergeants Alexander and Waltham. On arriving at the Mason's Arms, Stapleton, they there found the lifeless body of a respectably-dressed female. Her death appeared to have been caused by a pistol wound at the ...


... BEER RETA4L TRADE. .- . ?? . .. . . .. l ?? O jii, ?? C.ASE OF Mni. ThO15.£AlD ii' owiBRiGHTON This case in Xte dltai4s ex hibitaf .4;griuA inaisne~ of jpartiality~af«l4 p lO l galitv. Tsb followving is the prr5tive of the writeir *i h'e night of Ttewday, the 1st bi thepreent month two fly-divers ',iktlit tihe Ii stadfiM5. tfhos'as Oddy, bltrf 'Wtsth- .ressdJ Brightonyi ?? some rtfreslixpent. ...


... TUESDAY, JULY 19.-Present, WILLIAM SEYMOUR, Esq. Thomas K[insman was charged with stealing a dog, the pro- perty of Mr. Hallett of the Bristol Hotel. The prisoner, it appeared, had kept the dog several days, and then took it to Mr. Hallett, who was from home. IHe subse- quently wrote to that gentleman, requesting to be paid for taking care of the animal. He called James Johnson, a sharp- ...


... LAW'- OF ARREST. The follovwing circular has been sent to the Merchants aid Trailers of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Trading Commimity of England. Tlhe following statement is circulated by the Society of MUTUAL COMMtUNICATION FOR THE PROTECTION OFTRA DE, with the view of directing attention to a BiMl now before Parlia- ment 'touching the Law of Debtor and Creditor, and ...


... LEWVES. On Wednesdav evening, tlhe Petition from this place, on ?? subject of the Poor Laws, was orn arded to Mr. Kenip, accoarpa- nied with a letter to that gentleman, and Sir C. Blunt, B3art., and on Friday morning the following communicationi were received from out worthy and ti cly attentise ?? helie insert ?? Sir,-1 am favoured willh your letter, and t ave also received the lelition, ...


... BENCH OF MAUA1SI'lRlTiES. Z LDNIici i , Jt'E 1, 1836 -iEDesent,-l. 1 EDI)r, and (3. 13.savI, ESCtIs. Sli i'molie was committed fo. tvial on a charge of stealing 'iSC clotlhs, wchici werc laid out oi the beacl to dry, tile po- ,ity of Eilizabeth Reirpton. Wise found tle things at tile hoie ci e the pri-oner slept. She hlod been followsed, and traced to ci lod gig, by two inen Nho saw hier taki ...


... REVISING B ARRYStSk''TP, V ?? On Tuesdrs)' last-, the lvising 3airist Messl.tskhsr and Brett, opened their Courts at half-past ten o'clockstthe.Towa Hall. Before they parted for their separate courts, it was agreed that the case of James Parker, which' has beea s o'often before our readers, as elaiming to vote upon thertayinent of the coimplounid rate, should be heard; when Mr; If. 'Opeti ko ...


... STAMPS'ON NEWSPAPERS.% OatTueda lat a' fibt~g' f bdoier~~e. Bdother petitiounig 'Parliament for the'jeodaf ?? lmpisrsb 01: !1MR'*M ELLjt~inh r.Stronach moved the fid . OlIP&es odf, t .soxptI renderkdlmentiinhappy.' By~he 'sanib rul ht b a uaa meat who'bad been brought t.~ the brinlk bt i'iin'b thfi'~iA oage4 . mnset of hsi4 steward, becate' ?? tqtr int th rel sateofhis affairs; but it was time ...