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... _a_ . r. . ?? r'egret to announce that the Bisbop of London has had a serlous relapse, and has been interdiced by his phy. sicians from attetirlirrg to busijess of any iindi tcrr a consi. derable time. It wais generally rumoured in the city on Tuesday that Lord Slilg, the gover ior of Janmica, had resigned, and that his resignttion had' ben ?? joaper. This ?? we believe is correct.-Globe. ...


... | L&FE'IItOL IMUSIC.AL FES'I72AIL. In our last niumber we gave a report of tile early part of the perforitinanes, ?? on tih whlole have hiun of I vcry satisfacltoiy chliaacter. The festival eclsekd on Friday, Nvith tile performalilce at St. Peter's Church, in which Dirs. Wood acquitted herself with more than even her ulsual suceoss. Mr. B]raliami hsd entirely triumphed over his indisposition ...


... ?? I ?? : , ?. i - I 1 . I : ?? .: I 4i ?? I ?? , OIJIIGNAL AND SELECTED. 0s igii'l for the ChroaicLe. TO ADE. (Written in absence.) Sweet thbe my spirit like to thine, Is softened down, and now; Etc% darker shade-each harsher liue, 'J'hit furrowed o'er my heart and brow, Are alolitas ale those placid lakes Fuind oft ti Nature's lone dlominions, S) can that scarce a ripple wakes, ...


... NEW Boons. The publication of [ogarth's Original Plates, corn. pletely restored, in Five Shilling Numbers, is going on with great success, and the work deserves it. Eighteen snuibscrs are now in the hands of subscribees These plates; the public need not be told, are the actual engra. vings of Hogarth and artists under his inspection: they are now restored to their original freshness, at a ...


... UeDiew. I HISTOny- or EGoLAND.-This desideratum in litera-. tols ture,-a complete history of our own country,-is now did accomplished, and has been most ably completed hy the givE Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D., in his continuation of Hume I and Smollett's history of England to the year 1835. By You the re-publication of those celebrated treatises, in a neat kin form, to be uniform with the ...


... I ZIP V3 gm ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. USoA- THE EVENING HYMN. r Ftovi TareJ acd Poeme, by Thoa. Miller, Bakc!.wtaker.) flow many lays, with mute adieu, Have enne down yon untrodden sky l And still it looks as clear and blue, An when it first was hung on high. The rolling sun, the frowning cloud That drew the lightning in its rear, The thunder, tramping deep and lord, Have left no friot.mark thete ...


... Farvirt0r_. I A Brief )elief.-A young clergyman having, in the hearing of Dr. Parr, stated that he would believe no- thing that lie could not uniderstanhl, Then, young man, said the doctor,, your creed will be the shortest of any man's I know. Technical 2'oast.-Benjamin Franklin, the ' of his profession-the type of hioncsty-the I of all-and, al- though the I~r of death has pat a . to his ...


... _ .iE~t~e~1. - Mr. nnd L ady Mary Towneley ?? ltassiig tlho honey- moon at Stoke-farit, the villa of tile Earl of Sefton, near Windsor. Representation of Leeds.-It Is rumoured ?? John Russell will be invited to ?? himself for Leeds, in ease of a general ?? .Erpress. ' Losgford Election.-The Tories, after a very prying search, have at length found a candidate. Mr. Charles Fox is the person. Ho ...


... ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. THE FOREST CHILD. I r ?? L i';ioI) pure and ?? As evtlr bli.;soad II walkillg eye ?? K\mlot ?? .01, ,r;t silijoss vhil , t1 i lurl : t s a immur Sky. I g;l bw(!i'lol file Ill(qsy) ?? a:ll ?? th11n-t Ilolly tre, .\ ll 1,l;II I;I -t' Iiltil I ill Si,-t,:,,ilill it. glev-- \We' )t iln: i;t o, the live-lullg dayI thro.'!gl flid'rrilig SCiles ...


... 'Fartetleg. . -Kl?ol- I The Joutnal tie la Aetse announces that five persons were frozen to death oe the roads ih: different Comnmunes of tha± depa:tnient, in tire nights of the 15h and l6th instant, in consequence of a severe fiost after a beavy rain. Their o1sthet; were saturated with water, and thea con- gealeni, so as to icxose trheri in at case of ice. Thle Augsburg Gazette of the 23rd ...


... I ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. ON TUE DEATH OF AN INTrANT. Thou wast an infant fair, yet sudden fato, That spares not beallty, vrealth, or high estate, H Is in the daw1n of life prepared thy grave, Asnd sunk thy fragilo btmk in doath's cold wavo. Nine moons have scarce rolled o'er thee since thy birth, Sweet smiling babe, too sinless for this earth, And scarce has on thee shone a summer'a sue, ...


... ?? I . Mr. Cuthbert Rippon, it is said, is about to withdraw from public life. Don Miguel has taken up his residence at Albaro, one of the suburbs of (Uenoa. It is said that lie is going to be married to a daughter of the Duke of Modena, alid if the dautliter resembles her father in cqharacter, the parties will be well matchied. Specimens of sugar manpf'actured from Maize have been submittel ...