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Advertisements & Notices

... ITotim/ to Debtors amd Creditors. LL pcrsons having any claim or dlemnand on the A Estate of the late llr. T1HOMAS KILBY, of Ban. bury, in tle county of Oxford, gentleman, are requested to send the same to me, the under-signed, in order that they may be examined and discharged * and all persons who stand indebted to the Estate of the deceased are requested to pay their resopctive debts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Medical Man, of 20 years' standing, with a large A I MEDICAL DrSTtICT, is in want of an APPREN- TICE.-For particulars apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Telfer, druggist, &c. Corn Market, Oxford. LL persons having any claims or demands on the I A Estate of JAMES GARRETT, late of Banbury, Oxfordshire, inn-holder, deceased, are requested to forward the same to Mr.' Richard Bignell or Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIE public are respectfully acquainted that the T BLEiMEIMI COACH to STOW leaves the Unicorn Inn, Stow, every morning, at Six o'clock; the loyal Oak, Chipping-Norton, at Seven ; and arrives at the Star Hotel, Oxford, at 20 minutes past Nine. From Ox- ford, through Wycombe, and arrives in LONDON at half- past Three, to the Bull and Mouth, St. Mlartin's-le.Grand. It leaves the Bull and Mouth, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... igON, Chemist and rflwugkgst, 3,sT. LEM1ENT'S STREET, 'ost respectfully to announce to the Nobility 1V ,ioefltry of the County, and to the M.embers of the V nd inhabitants of the City of Oxford, that he *I erilty d busines in the above line, near Magdalen a, C'rge, he trustS. by strict attention to any commands ?? he may be favoured, and by supplying genuine hliterhted articles, at a moderate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i -HE Commissioners in a Fiat in Bankruptcy, Tbearing date the 17th of November, 1835, awarded and issued forth against BOBERT AUGUSTINE BRAINE,ofthecityofOxford,saddlerand harness maker, dealer and chapman, intend to meet on the 20th day of April inst. at Eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at the Roebuck Inn, in the Corn Market, in the city of Oxford, in the county of Oxford, to audit the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ferks Lent Assizes, 1S360 !1TOTICE is hereby giveu, that his Majesty's Jus- 1 tices appointed to hold the Assizes and General Gaol Delivery for this County, will open their Commissiorr at the Town Hall, in Reading, in the afternoon of Wednesday the 24th day of February instant, and will go to Church on the following morning to attend Divine Service; and both Courts will sit for the despatch of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTI-MLNDICITY SUUIET'Y, U.&t vte. THE Annual General Meeting of the Subscribers Pto this Society will be holden (by the kind permission of the Mayor) at the Town Hall, on Thursday next the 25th inst. at Two o'clock. By order of the Committee, Oxford, FIeb. 19, 1U136. R. J. SPIERS, Secretary. MUSIC ROOM, OXFORD. Mr. MARSHALL H ESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility and RE.. Gentry of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AL L persons having any claim or demand against C. D. YONGE, Esq. late of St. Mary hall, are re- quested to send the particulars thereof to Mr. George Racks sturw, solicitor, Oxford. To the Members of the University of Oxford. R. LUKYYN, Matriculated Resident Dentist to the University, begs the honour to announce he has constant attendants at Cowley House, long-experienced prac- titioners of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH OF BRIGHTON. NkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Adjourned . Public VESTRY MEETING of the Inhabitants of this Parish will be held at the Town Hall, on FRIDAY, the 9th day of September instant, at Seven o'clock in the Evening precisely, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee appointed at a Vestry Mleeting held on the 12th day of August last, to examine the Accounts of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENjSIVE SALE Of Linen and Woollen lDraperv, Silks, Shawls, Furs, Hosieryb Gloves, Lace, &c. 3E[DlAII andl WclHITE beg to ?? to the Public, that they have cmnnwrced Sf'H1LINGI ?? 1 Cr e ditr L STOC, ofs,1r. H. Paul, ot' Winchcster, by order of the Trstees, tor trhe benefit of th Creditors, at litc percent. below the cost price, anuounting, to nearly 40fY0{1- Tire following Lote are arranged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING YARD. NE.AR GOSPORT, 3ist Mlarch, 1836. ~TOTICE is hereby ?? on TiiURSDAY NL~the 14th April neaet, I shall he ready to receive the d Tenders in uritinq, sealed up, and treat fr 0(11 Quarters of WHEAT, weigh ing 006 pounds per boshel 'it (overweight to be paid t'or), one-half' to be del ivereti in L~ le a fortnight fromn the day of (Contract, and the remainder A~ in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all PORTSOUTH ASSE~i~ v 1 14h Nobility anid Gentry are respecctfully ilformrd, T teFOURTHAS M L bente a r bc the Season, will take place at the Grecnl-Row Room lic Portsmouth, on TIuesday the 22nd ofl 3iarch, 136. lb- !;ADV. MAIrLAND, LADY WIILL.YAMIS, ro- ;ton. Mrs. BYNG. rh STEWaTn-FsMajor Asiett, R.M. iat Non-Subseribers' Tickets 5s. each, to be bad of 'lr he Hollingsworth, at the Green-Row ...