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... llr Birser's benefit tool; Place on vloudey ;igit, annd was well attendedel we think lie will have no Cause tas complain of his second reception in Edinburgh, where he may be said to have made lhis debott. We were a liltlo surprised to hear that, upon this occasion, more than one of last year's box ticlelts were presented and passed. These must no deubt have been paid for; but we would r wisb ...


... U 1-1 l S TM A S. A SONG FOR GOOD ';ELLOWS YOUNG AND C OLD. ii 135'tiEItt IGIHH ?? b Christmas comes I He comes be comes, rr Ueler'tl with a rain of iclmus I nt Hollies in) tho windows greet him ; Sehlinls ceme driving post to meet him, Gifts precedei him. bell proclaim him,, Es 'ry nouith delirthts to name hint ; Wet, and cold, aud wind, and dark, r Make him but the wsoirmer inark e And vyrt ...


... THEATRE ROYAL Our tilc iaricalamusernebtse haveeherteeieu l this w -sk by tie appearance of a s sta of the first ?? Nisbett, of the London theatre, To those who have seen this lady, we need seY nothing of her personal attractions, which are So atdmiraduly suited to tie line in which she walks- genteel comedy. fit respect to natural ease, grace, archness, vivacity, and all tile other et cccl ?? ...


... LITERAT URE. T.\rrs Enxrurtir MIAGAZICNIF.. January 18315 Wll. To liars Tait, Edinburgh. This publication needs no word of favour from bh us. Tait's Magazine has taken root, and must in henceforth, accordingly, stand on its own nraitive vi- ca gtour. The crop of one season will yield in quality it] to that of another, yet the tree remains (n the whole in vigorous and sound. lei We shall allude ...


... LADIES' UABniU1o Oqa Pr- pr For morning wear, a dress of plain ?? of H dark grey, open at the side, and with liserees f black velvet ; instead of bowvs, pointed buttons co- vered with velvet; a straw bonnet, trimmed with at black velvet riband. A printed muslin, the ground se sable blue, corsage high and plain, with a ruche PI Iround the throat. For valkiiig dresses, printed muslin in large de ...


... LoRD ROLO.%N, by Allan C anninghain. Loadun: 0 Alacrone 1836. fi The substance of the volumes before us concerns r the birth, parentage, and fortunes of Morison Rol- 0 dan, the very beau idealof a hero of romance. Hia I) f mother, Mary Morrison, a voung and beauteons ii country girl, confiding in the vows and written a promises of Lord Roldan, finds herself in the way t that women wish to be ...


... L TTERATURE. TAjIrrs EnatX'RItRO MAGAZIN, NO. XXXV1. for Deceiber. We read with regret the first article in this peria- dilal on the State and Prospects or Public Af-r fairs, because of the desponding tone in which it is written, at a time when we not only can perceive no cause for. despondency, but could almost be tempted to indulge in the opposite extreme. Wcre it not for the confusion ...


... Dr LAt~nvia's CABhINEIT CTCLOT`2EDIA. Vol. 77-. 1 HISTORY OF' THlE REFORMIATION, by t~he R~ev. 11. we Stebibing, A.1%. Vol. L. London : Longman & Co. mat 1836. part The present volume exhibits a [nil and well di- blet gestedbhistor-3 of the rise and progress of the Re- Ples formation in Germany, and the zeal ivithi Which its, the doctrines were embraced bv the more eitlightoned met nations of ...


... TrE, DMaaR OF A DessaNeuvEt, in to volumces. t Londol : Henry Colburn. i We are quite deligihted to see that our respected friend COLBEURN has resumed business as a publish. er in London, and I eartily wish him success, As to the work above indicated, we have been consi- derably amused by its perusal. The writer is a widow of 25. who was married at seventeen, and who has had some experience or ...


... Pflr..Sa1vYRnAN; REVItW and Rectutous Jounati;r, Not. TO 28. January, 1836 Waughi & Inass, Edinburgh. The present number of this publication is ex- m eeedingily well calculated to sustain the reputation be which it lies already acquired amiong those who, dial either in Scotland or in other parts of the kingdom, aind are disposed to take an interest in the character and ing prosperity of our ...


... TfIE FINE ARTS. Oar townsman Air Allan is engaged at pre sent on what l might, by m any, be thought rather an unpromising sub- i ject, namely, the story of Whittington and his Cat; yet,' from s uch npparently poor materials, lie has made out an interesting picture. The truth is, that we cannot alto- gether tell to what account a story may ho turned by a painter, until we see it laid out on the ...


... Isi S REvktsrA : An Inquiry into the Origitt, P reres s ndil Present State of ANIaI.AL J. YJ C. C olquboun, Esq., advocate, F.R.S.E Edin- {rg ulac hlaolauan & Stewart. LondnO, Baldwin & Cralock- 1836. Ii n the work before us is contained an account of tI te existence, End of the evidence in support of [litt existe enc, of a novel and very extraordinary series of phenomena which, being supposed ...