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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~BIRTHS. At the Urn] of Derby's, Grosvenor square, oe the 25th ult. the Right Hon. Lady Stanley, of a daughter. MARRIAGE. Prince Charles of Hesse was solemnly affianced on the 1lth ult. to the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Prince William of Prussia. Prince Charles, the Grand Dake's second son, Major-Genteral il the Austrian service, was born on the 23rd of April, IS01, and is therefore 20 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Edinburgh, the lady of the Lord Justice Clerk, of a daughter. Mrs Youtighusbaud, wife of Mr Younghusband, Richmood, of three girls, all since dead. MARRI A GE. Lately, in Pa is, Captain Picozzi to Jane Alfeston, second daughter of F. AlI feston, Esq. of West square, Lambeth. In the neigrhbourbood of Kingstown, Ireland, a young couple were married the other day, and after the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Monday, at the house of her father, the Earl of Liverpool, the Viscountess Milton, relict of the late Viscount Milton, of a daughter. The next son of the Earl Fitzwilliam thus becomes entitled to the title and estates of the present Earl on the death of his father. He has not yet arrived at full age. MARRIAGE. A letter from Stockholm, of the 21st Dec. says that the celebrated ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. it LAWRENCE GALLERY.-The FOURTH Irl EXHIBITION, oensisting of the WOlIKS of CORHEOWI1O arrld of PARMIGIANO, is NVW OPV N, end rill cioce ic 5hyS.ith z lia.rv, IR821. Ihe Fifth Exhlbitluonsill onel t fea i Ant1u eic-r. Adrsinissol One Shilling; nisal ?? 1,tS '14' -. of i. :d W.l\OODRUlRN, 112, St. artin'ls-lone f iPFNI)I) EXHIBITION, Adelnide-street, j ?? Council of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. At St George's Church, Hanover square, Lord Viscount Pewerscourt to: tho Lady Elizabeth Jocelyn. The ceremony was performed by the lion and Rea. Sir Francis Stapleton, Bart. The bride was given away- by her father, the Earl of aoden.- Lord Powerscourt, (ward of Lord Rodeon) was of age only cri ft-e Sth inst., two days before his marriage; ,the bride is in her 23d year, baineg bnet:' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Lately, the Queen of Naples, of a prince, who has received, among other names, thos6 of Francis ?? and Emanuel. 7ftus the 22d inst at Lambeth, Airs J. T. Judge, of a daughter, which survived but afew hours. MARlIED. On Monday last, at Scuthmnolton, John Parnainter, wool-comber, aged 59, to Miss El'abeth Widgery, aged 41. This hopeful youth buried his fourth wife not a month before. An ...

BIRTHS. Lately, the

... Princess Amelia Augusta, wife of Prince John, Duke of Saxony, of a daughter. An inhabitant of Gerzendic, near Berne, has just been blessed by his twenty seventh child. The mother did not survive this delivery. Out of the twenty, seven, twenty are alive and in good health. MARRIED. On the 19th uIt. at Bath, the Right Hon. Lord Carrington to Mrs Trevelyan The Countess Stanhope and other branches ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE i) BWRrI3IXII WVA TER. I 'felatei)uke's will is knowa to sostpersonssamostecen. * t one, By this instrainent he gave the sole a nd ?? I plver to aounage his immense estates in Lancashire, inelud- 1ing his canal, collieries, &c., at Wor;ley, to Richard llaldane llradshawv, Esq., late Nl. P. for Brackley. His Grace lid nmle; he gave to Mr. B3radshaw the appointing of his sicewe- Isor or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Wilton Crescent, the Lady John Russell, of a daughter. The Maychioness of Conyngham, who has been dan erously ill for some days past, owing to a sudden shock received duringher ladyahip's sojourn at Brighten, was on Wednesday delivered of a still-born child. Her ladyshipwas in consider- able danger, but is now said to be in a fair way of recorery. On the 9th inst. at Eve place, St ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'IF I vREGISTRATION t'eod MARRiA GE 'BILLS. P'it Pati, ot of' last, nlight, alludimir to !Ito intirodtiwtioi on Friday Ilat of t hequs two Bills into tltp Ifoin ie of Coin- ite moos, observes.-. dl'ir olint P'eel, wiho confined his retiariksanlnositcn- K_ tirely to the Mairiatie ill, said that, it. a me'mber of the rs Chui chl of ngolond , hie hd nio objectionito niake to its ptin- 11cply As ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 17th inst. at Elstree, Mrs Macready, of a son. On Tuesday evening last, about seven o'clock, Mrs Vine, wife of Air Thomas Vine, carpenter, No. 20, Peerless row, City road, was safely delivered of three children, two girls and a boy, all living. Mrs Vine was delivered of twins two years and four months ago. MARRIED. The Female Sailor has thrown overboard her romantic ideas, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THIE LAST ILLNESS aged FUN'ERAL af theI Q UId?EA ' NA ?? tie FI-1tie A I 011,llSCrONDlt:' r Ig X.I t us, i''ll. I1.--Tle puittiti rejoicings Hiil festivitiee of it the 12th of .J nuary. which wia tie King's birth! iy, wore le relleted on the 1t611 :intid tie tritee liliclving dayi, With iu- l1, crease!l qplendouir and animation, when a dinch irpre of or- - tillery from every battery in Naples ...