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Caledonian Mercury


... The Circuit Court os a opene in Glasgow on Tures. day, hv Lords N'rarvaiec and Mudsvyn. Mr Handorlido, Advitoa'ltDe ,:uto. Catrerine Stewavrt, who, to the cliorge of breaiking in- ti the wine-cellar helonginog to her rnatre's house, in St Vincent S reot, b etwixt ?? 13th of iune and the 25h ruf Siytod,!rr, and stealing 5everal d zcans of v iie, pledeld G(ailir act and part. In uonsideratiori ...


... 011 Alonrlov, thie Court met for the trial of three cases -Lnrd Gilli, presihing. jeers. lellrra:y Or Anrlereou pleandeud GiltY of two arts on thelt, (c umirtsed in dirfferet shops in the Nligis Street, oer the ISth andl 21st Dee o-ber, cronsistilrrg ?? a pair oi bnets from each, nragravited bv habit and repute aei pre- vintos ceonvietions.-Senteane, 15 months' imprisonment in Biridlernell. ...


... SHERIFF COURT.-INTIMIDATION. On Saturday week a case of intimidation, arising out of til recent distalrainces at St Rollox, was investigated before Sheriff Allison, in the Justiciary Court Hill, 3 Glasgow. The prisoner was a labourer, namied Aialcol;ih A'Intines, who some two or three years ago was employed ir in Messrs Tentiant's works, and aho, at the late strike, signalited bimself as a ...


... House of Lords, Mry 18. rati Present-The Lord Chancellor. along with Lords Lyndhurst and Denusan and other Noble Lords. Hamilton v. Littlejohn. The further consideration of this appeal was resumed yesterday, when The Lord Chancellor, in moving for judgrntnt, of said, that as the Learned Counsel who hail argued this case before their Lordships had referred to an appeal t.a from the Court of ...


... IIIGH COURT OF JUS' ICIARY. it onil trodfy tire Court met, And~ proeeeded to hearr Y Connsel in, erros cases of suspension, &o. ofier ?? Geo-ge Af~j,s, master of ?? Sloan Mafrion of Leitt', 1was brought til, accused Of essatiltiog Tuhn Ga0lss, see- Twion, on hoard said sleep, sn~inle shle was isg outsaer to rocIksl. between ?? of Cellardtiie ald Anstrshr a, on 10th Aligust last. HaL plemided G ...


... ?? . _ - . This Pcwererrd Court met on Monday. when the case thc .of Mr Alexander Hume, late precentor in Dalkeith atb church, came before them in the shape of an appeal by wh that gentleman, from the decision of the minieter and ad Kirts Sessionnf'Dalkeith. The circurnstances oi the case wore ?? the month of May, last year, Mr Hume co lost his situation as precentorin Dalkceith church, and ...


... A, . .1 z i House of Lords, Feb. 10. lut r Buchanan v. Ferrier.-Sawers v. Arrnstrong-Brenmner tion e. Kerr.-Johnston, v. Robert so l;. Wou In these four caisee appeals were on Monday list pre- hern sented from the Courts below, and the respondents or- intn dered to answer infossr weeks. last Hill and another v. Cunningham.-Wisliart v. Wilson vorr or *Wishart. prcs In the first of these cases a ...


... * ?? .A Gt~EENOCK IATERClANT. ti Timornns Basehch aged twenty-aine, and Wbi. Cnn- J reirnys, aged twienty-six, were inf icted for stealng forty-l one sovereigns, six balf.sovereiguis, and a Scotch bank- note for L. 1, the property of Robert Glass, from his per. The prosecutor, an elderly man, who stated that he Vsia a merchant carrying on business at Greenock, ap-o peared to have been the ...


... JURY COU'RT. 1 . . . VUvis lUjVnJ. Thursday last a case of considerable importance came before this Court, in which George Wallace, builder, Portabello, was pursuer, and George Dickson, builder, Portobello, and others, were defenders. It arose out of a claim for a balance of L.445 9,. 8d. due to the pur- suer, for building a chapel, at Portobelle, for the United Associate Congregation there, ...


... Curious APPCracTION-5iJ'ARYE-aoxEr Potric ?? ricr, LoNDoN.-A ta l yoahr. man, iugreen livery turn- ed tip with red entered the otlice, aild addressing Mr Ralinsain, said, It I wanta little ofynor advice, Si,.- M1r Ralioson: WlVit's the matter ?-Applicant, I've had a terrihile rumpus with nor ?? Roelinson: W~ell, what have I to d- with ?? Oh, hut she emptied the slp pail in e faee, and spoiled ...


... There vcre only three cases brought before the Court tb on i7londay, one of %which being two young men for the Cl robbery of Glenfuir Houso, proved to be of very consi- sierabl interest, both frain the extoeit of the obooty car. te ried off, and from the circumstance of a companion of bi the thieves, whno was a witness in thc case, being sent to ti Bridlewell for three months for gross ...


... - -mffsas el 2. SATURDAY, APRIL 23. The Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened here this dayi h e C ourucise, or Castlo of Inverness, by the t Lord Justice uletrk Coamo Iroes, Esq. being Ad- vacate-Depute. .Johl FletfI chsrg'ed with a-ealing, in September last, two watclb~s, seals, andi keys, from the shop of James I Paterson, natchtrifiker, residing in Lerwicke, in- Shetland, by removing the ...