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... IINSOLVENT IEBT7'ORS' COURT-SATURDAY. IN THV m AT7ER or ii!! rFTITIoN oF MARY ANNORTLESS. 'This rule for a re-hearing, which has excited so much interest, had been twice before the Court, was obtained by Mr. Woodroffe, on behalf of Messrs. Bolton and Underwood, assignees of the estate and effects of the insolvent, calling upon her to show cause why she should notbe re-examined, she having ...


... FVIDENCE TAKE1N BEFOR1E Triir C0I113r1liIONIEil, SATUIIDAY, rm3ii UAcY 20, 1836. rY. [C,{nqi 011111 rilOM . TE iOi1' i (~Iiitl~Ct C (F YESTERDtAYi. iety is Comlparing the dili-ipline ot our1 armly With' that Of tht it tile Prussoians, do you conceive tha~tour Hi~ei~lioe for all purpto-es pated. in thle liold is the(, more effectuall, or thitejc -Not to be coot- nit iii a pan d. We could liv'e ...


... POLICE INTFLLIGENCE. (-ILDiALL. 'iesteidiy Eleano? Lsimp, a poor wo&man, who voas w charged wsill piltloilwn a chiclen iron! the FtaI ot Mr. Plortt, it poulserer in X\wgate-nrarket, ?? finally examined befirt, Sit Peter Lautrie. She having been imprisoned lor sonic days, the pro-ecutoi did not press the charge, and the miagic- trate diwlargesd hei. A charree was ?? made again't IVimnel , a ...


... CORONEARMS INQU'EST. On Wednesdliy aftcrnoon in inquisition wns held at the King ol Prussia, before Mr. Stirling and a highly respectable jury, on the Iomty ?? Arnold, who was burnt to denth in the fire at Finchlity. Ihomas Gregory, ostler to Mr. Parberry, of the Queen'e Head Inn, depoied that lie knew the deceased, who was a lh uliorjng rral, and was occasionally employed jobbing at the inn: ...


... NOlRTHI1IEIN CIRCI1 |II I .,iv,11(oo0, Amiste 2:. [ ?? Mr. J ustice (oL ERIVlGi ] 'Ill a JIH(MlINIloI'IOJ t1. IBARI~lHl. it 'j'h wasa anctoo brouglit to recover rtaioiages for tiic ulni- h fultilficut of a contract to supply to the plaintif a quantity of orgaliziie. F Joul bales, it appeared, of silk, two ofthlem marked P.P., . nd ?? ?? Wvere in the uruehouse oft iI Mr. Cheshirv, a e blidker, ...


... (COIONERS' JNQUES7S. Least night an inquift Wtis ?? lieforv ;\lr.Payne, at the laieon, Falcorn-square, Aldlsrsgat s.treet, on view ot tile bodiy ot AMr. Francis Lfll, rged 5 3, a respectatble silk-nranufactirrer rcridlinc in the above square, who put a period to his existence unlfir tie iollowing melancholy circumstancet. Mr. Charles Lea, son of the deceased, deposeri that he rae called up ...


... POLICE if'TkLLJxL'g. I he e Im~~'l'daV, '111HUtt ?? .`,iIt , a young 1itiiai of resper- I wfl t tble exii tr, wi ic]ted *l ~i it ?? re'exattiinatiin, on a )'ca I At p ;t illj C itt notes witi mion-ip, the propercty, of' (titerIIt'l prs'eriitor ani tie pji boner, it atppealed, wsere botb ro ?? it itl fli i~--r'ice of, 'Iii-. Itr-oike'-, a Ft(ietidi'tper, resid- tjic tA trg it ~No. 47, IDuke- ...


... I COCRT OF KING'S BENCIJ-TtrFoDAY. Sittrings b ~fore Lord IDIi\3xAN anid a Spiec'ia .iurv.1 rM. ,rrNO . VAtUGHAN ASN, nOTHRPor. Thir, Otis nfl riodrit rent rrgirist Rlichardi Vaorlilinn thle elkder, Ric hard Vw'igita ti, hounivorror Sm iithi. i'ilpotts ?? ildwin, Pl1 tdger, ldeecro`0i, Davis, arid King. flwI a coi'rT~iracl-, frandtid ril r' to pr-oe dills under a cori'nkt - Biii issirleid ...


... ILVSOLVEANT DEBTORS' CO CRT-TuT:s!5PA jllefire ;ir. Co lunisioner I'Poo ?? [B lE ?? 11 'lel) (ll' ?? OS EIHIM AN. iN aIt: MAiaoRi ri I'ir: i 0I1N TIhe insolvenrt dlescribed [iS hup of WVorsbrip-strert. Swoe- ditch, bloker, UL whose r ke Vsas brJoI tlie Court a few days rago, again caere tip. his ivd5liarge woil oppo-d by Il r. Coofi. on; the p-rt of an old blind roan named Bibby, and ...


... r COURT OF C1IANCFRtY-FOIOAY. HlElRNAt. I. VEaRNAL. All, \N ?? Pt tj ?? Mr, Covet' at spyorteti a petition Iait thi (it, lt'or a rollfrinlattln oif the MaSter'sl reoprt. By the v1i11 of m Persan mullmed tiotnalt, who diA7 fin 1 690(, lis property wsas di rented tel a ?? trolin t Ole te litleo ?? IOaIC certain mermbers ot his ialifily ;teed itoder tile authority of the Court it hol ibeen so dot ...


... POLICE INTELIJUENCE. ALA \\SItON - I fS ?? ?? l'i'e~i if ila it i -Itit ~oilty tbifl III ,Xldit:fe, calcil the B, I s' the ic Io fI ttiiity, lvit'. ?? ii(nI he Itre ?? ltori 1ljaour II lating, wejsedl in py ,y t'ei a i erinher tie tnu f 11), tile kill ill I t x en-ei of itf, iollitii llilrilt lip v ?? stri:e t 11 l he h;01 p il 2i. 41. a miiontli ftor I . SI') I to tr Seiii to,:l, ; I annts l ...


... SPAIATM ALlEl:GE) TREACllEIIV O( GEN.C(OIIDO A. Il he Hlirt brig, Osprey cutter, and Royal Tar steamier, have this week arrived from Santanderi The Osprey leit on the 9th inmtant, on which day Lord William Paiget marched to join trhe British Legion at \'ittoria, with 50 lincers and 50 urtillerinen, an(d two 12-pDunder guns. Ihe letters from A itiorira mid Santanrler, by these vessels, give a ...