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... These Sessions commenced at Guildhall, at 9 in the morning on Monday last, before Samuel Kingdon, Esq., Mayor; Francis Newman Rogers, Esq, Recorder; Wm. Lee, Henry Blackhall, John Harris, Wm. Crockett, Wm. Kennaway, and Philip Chilice'd De la Gardie, Esq., Justices. Wm. Henry Besly, Esq , was sworn as Foreman, and the following with him composed the Grand Jury:--Harry G. Kersteman, Richard ...


... BRZSTOL E'OLZCE. CO UNOIL-HO USE, SArUZWAY, Oct. 22, 1836. Magistrates present: the Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Wood, 0. B. Sassde s, and Herapath. James Burston was charged with being drunk and beating his 'sife. Complainant stated that she had been married to the de- fendant, who was constantly ill using her, 27 years, and had nine children. For several years he had neglected so provide for her or ...


... ECCLESIAISTICAL COURTS. (Froo; the Lincola4hira Chronictle.) The S lect Committee in the House of Lords, on the l;ccle- siastical Courts' Bill, madc their Report on Tuesday, the 29th of March, and recommended tie abolition of all the Country Courts. There were only five Peers present when the Report was agreed to, viz. :-the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, the Lord Chancellor, ...


... fl?ISTOL POL!C?. COUNCIL-HOUSE, SATURDAY, Nor. 12, 1830. Magistrates present: The Mayor, Messrs. M'Bayne, Herapath, and Stock. Charles Webb, constable of Tockiagton, was charged with being drunk and assaulting policeman 69 5Coioplsina said detendant was drunk in hireedmead, and quarrelling with a man about a chain sad handkerchief, which the nian said he soak from his little boy; upon being ...


... I I t'uithlljaad Jf'on Ol, flist.) CRLO\N 13AIt COU11T. A tsn~ .-Ire'phBeet', 13, NvI'l illdiettl for havi tug oil tile . h it ii'f 'iIIOUv thle 4th ot' No vem' t l'ost, wvilr'nily ?? Ii Pavokhau, i11 tihe North (I1f D)mvItI. -Comiseitfo uit troleolit'' 1 M'1 ~TiyrrelltoIu'r Ai'. tth1tat. ile &fimuv,~ of th Bid P'lAttI'0 lv Alv. ?? FOitlola~eI. tter OTlll'iS i'~.t2*a'i i lat i' t v el)' ?? ...


... FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE POOR LAW CO.MMISSIONERS. Every part of the proceedings of these Commissioners teem Wili iMportattCV, tlley Dhejsg charged with carrytteg tlitle xecothlts a Rrisat meoseese itt I-WSeinir, tenilehinthj oned moot saesutesry its is tiriely believed. cad rendered impeerative seot nererly by the degree oft demso'esli. zation among pa lynch tbhemeelveee to which tits n ii. ...


... COURT OF EXCHEQUER-FaiDAY. Th'e Auiorney-Ceneral v. Cleave-This was an information filed by tie Attorney-General to recover penalties fur pul)lishing an unstamped periodical, called Cleave's Vehlly Poliee Gazette, without having registered Isis name atthe Stamp-office, pursuant to the Statute.-The Solicitror- General stated the case, obscrving thnt the object of this prosociltion ass to ...


... MtungnEa.-At the Cornwall Assizes, Philip Manuel ttas indicted for the wilful murder of his daughter, Caroline Manuel. by 8h alianlr her wvith n gonn. The prislner i& n manl or singularly wild appenranle. mird, iviile cloudin g 11 the dock, ?? fixed his eyes wjith-an Intence gaze on the sifferent objeets that calight ?? Manuel, anorthier dlatsnlitr ait the prianuer, was ainia t 17 years of age ...


... 31?.ZSTOL POLZCE. ?? (C'ontin~ued forompage 4) f -i CO CUNCIL-HOUSE, THUMD~tr, Oct. 27, lSS6.. EMagsstrates present: thle Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Ash, WOONJ J; E. Lunel, ansi Herapath. '02 John Shepherd was charged waith being drunk, and assanithg Policemana 191. Complainant saw the dsefedant,. who. was tinge.~ eaig against ashutter in Redclift'.street, he desired bimnjto ,go on, and he refused ...


... The commissioners have presented their report on this subject, which has been ordered to be printed. We give the following ex- tracts to show the objects to which they have directed their ntten- tion, and( the results at which they have arrived. We have (say they) directed our attention to the following points:- 1. To regulations which have been adopted of late vers in order to render ...


... . I O - L - OaiCM- - CO UNCIL.HO USE, MgONDAY, Sept 19, I836. ?? Stephens and Attwood brought up their listsof night charges, Which were disposed of as follows:-- George Webb, for being drunk and fighting in Baldwrin-street, at half-past twelve o'clock, Saturday night. Fined five shillings and discharred Thomas Board, fir a similar ofence, in Lewin's mead, at half. past one, Sunday morning.- ...


... ?1LZSTOL POLIC?Z. CO UNGIL 10 USE, SATLJZ1DaY, NOV. 5, 1836. Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. Newman1 Stock, M'Bayne, Wood, and G. B. Sanders. Anthony Cary was charged with being drunk st half-pass three o'clock in the afternoon of Friday. The ?? was stated in the charge sheet to have been committed at 7 o'clock in the evdning. Mr. Newman said he should liberate the offender on that ...