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... LaIs /lA7EJ, .JGJr:NF. COURT OF' (CiIAN('IA1A- -~letr:RuY. IN.Il 1: 1 5 A II A00 01- 11.1 101 l. Jil ),I B ?? pr1-iet giiardiiit o'f Iw %i ar''I. I reeo illIIow- el liti trtv intercluotro Ilt ceen _11ii- Haled and aI plerson ?? (1 CkllkIlt . Ill o ?? was allet'cd sihe wal aiioutl to ?? it jeritiiiniail engagervirilnt, Iivider tie santiotI of' ( i ' Ii t, losel'. ?? Icililott ?? ap~ploiboillin ...


... MANSION-HltUSE. ExreiIvir. PLINf\ rtre- OttStota Mr. Ni. Wheeler, of the Stouk Exchange, applied to Alderman Pirie, who s~at fix thle L'ord Slayor', for' ur wirrant or an attachment to seize a stearnt-essel, the property of Stephen Lakernan, who rhod been clerkc or ak.isitant-clerk to thle ?? Corn- pony, aind had absconded wvithl a larklie sina ofnmoney, the pro- duce ef qsi'verl Spanish tail ...


... LAff NOTICES-THIs zav. LAS'T DiAt OF TER3t. COURT OF CHANCERY. VP>sTAIINSTER. Sittilsts at tel. Tr.ylor v WVatera. ?? , the Attorney-Genierd, for iudnmi eut-l Mur'l ira-i in re Pitrri', lootic retiliro- iII r ortsvwlall ,, tt I ItTOeove. Aittr tie a, I * Appealt 2'otltts it:j 'INotjODS. artl 'J'horintol - ltrioht, ;Rpeal part hIeard. Vlt;F -CHANCFLLOR'S (C()IHJ.T, WVSTAINST it itti'qgs ( t ...


... DISTRESSIAG CASE 1)F S UII DE. A vary painful and listressinK selsation pievai cd during the latter part of the week, at the wrst-mid ot tile town in y conseqaelece oi a FIlltint, w hiclh waS very genernilycircii- lated, that the dreadful art of 9elf-dlestrction had been conm- mitted by a female domestic in thle fanily5of the ?? ofifrecr, Upon the report being cotninunicrted to the overseers ...


... CORONERS' I)QUESTS. T iii IL.A5EAr ?? I Al Roul i ?? after- flloi an inquisition was held at the Europa Tavern, riother- 1 th,, befome Mir. Carter, one of the (coromrres tir Surrey, and it iigilly respertuble Jury, on the bolt' of Suinlon olloland, o ho was killedl by the sudden falling of' tle ehininev shalt of the factory 'if MAers. Christmas, Hart, and Co., in (Chuich. palsage, Rot! ...


... TRIB UNAL OF CORRECTWNA L POLICE. CIASE OF J. A. SMITH, ESQ. MY.P In the Messenger of Fuedlay we gave a ;eport ot the arbi- trary arrest of John Abel Smuiith, Esq., .P. for Chichester, and a pai tnei in the banking-house of ieessri. Smith, Il'ayne, and Sinith. 'I hisillegal act took place in the 1 hotel de Bristol Place V'endome, where Mr. Smith resides, in consequence of the rnistikie of a ...


... CENTRAL CRIAIIIN'AL COURT MONDAY. Tlhe Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Mr. Coinioun Sergeant Miielholise, r. Sergeoait Ardbin, thle Aldeior-n, ti? Slorriffl, .c eiiteied tit- Court ait ten o'elo k, aind the Giutindi. Jury Were then su orn. ?? Leinllled II RCOnDER, in tie usuail charge to tbat boly, observed, that a period of three weeks only find elapsel Silce tile termination ot the la-t Session, ...


... LA W NOTICES-THIS 1)4 v. Vl(E CHANCELLORS COURT, TlINCOlN'S.INN. Sittinlgs at 1t'e. CaryvTvailt ?? v i; Iton, (iitto-Rolothain V Anmphlett-X all ?? v ih.lYaP-lI v \'il-I I.e v Sutlih- wood- Kidd v ?? Wt' ton-tatiner v Scott, Plyt heard; sad Motions. ROLLS' COURT, CHtANCERYL.ANE. Sittings at ten. Illotions I after which the followi ng PItitionis- Llthterland v }ulcber-Warre s Wtirre-Revtlolds v ...

TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MOREY, and BESCHER for the ATTEMPT of July 28, 1835, on the LIFE of LOUIS ..

... TRIAL OF FIJSCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MAOREY and BESHlE.A.R, f,, MCA t 1'TEMP'1 ;J July WS, 1833, off Me LIFE.1 f LOUIS PHIL'P'. ('OURT- OF P1EERIS, JAN. 30. At eleve i o'clock, the hour at wshich the d;ors of the palutee of the Luxemhou rc were opitled, thle cros, I assemndbled oat- side wvas E'ot conshlerabie, aid tiere wa, ito apparent displty ofnmilitary forte. OD entteringc the hulli of ...


... BENCH OF AIS1'RATES. Tinu[SDAY, Jan. 28th, 1836.-Present-W. SEymoum, and GEO. ir Basevi, Esqrs. w George Arimnstrog, a poor looking tellow, charged with stealing so a s..all piece of mutton, fron the shop of Mr. Acton, was coat- tr niitted to lhe house of correction for five weeks. ii MONIDAY. February 1, 1836.- Present-Sin D. SCOTT, Bait. L ?? ScIENIOUI, JOHN HALL, - [IALLY, G. BAsEvn, and ?? ...


... LAW IATELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHAN(CERY-MONoAY. The LORD CalIA'CELLOR gave judgment' i,. thefollowing cases:- .%Ei t '.NiZAIISIIALI. This was tin appeal fromt an order of' the Vice-Chanetller, an lit was argued last * eek. The LoIID Cl.ANCEL.ORI having stated the allegritions in tbl(i plaintiffs bill, grid ?? prver r was for an injunction to restrain the defendant Irom infringing t'ie plaintiff's ...


... POLICE IA TiiLLlGENCE. MAll LBO RO U G1 'I'REET. Yesterdlav, krs. Ameli Paive, a young and very pretty married femiale, caiged Robert Ward, a sweep, with the fol- lowinig novel austult:- (On Suindlay alternoon, being full diessed for a tea party, and of course as clean as a new pin, she was passing down Peter-street, wlin SIle happened unluckily to encounter se- vral youlg sweeps, wilo wlee, ...