Advertisements & Notices

... Medical Man, of 20 years' standing, with a large A I MEDICAL DrSTtICT, is in want of an APPREN- TICE.-For particulars apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Telfer, druggist, &c. Corn Market, Oxford. LL persons having any claims or demands on the I A Estate of JAMES GARRETT, late of Banbury, Oxfordshire, inn-holder, deceased, are requested to forward the same to Mr.' Richard Bignell or Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ferks Lent Assizes, 1S360 !1TOTICE is hereby giveu, that his Majesty's Jus- 1 tices appointed to hold the Assizes and General Gaol Delivery for this County, will open their Commissiorr at the Town Hall, in Reading, in the afternoon of Wednesday the 24th day of February instant, and will go to Church on the following morning to attend Divine Service; and both Courts will sit for the despatch of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTI-MLNDICITY SUUIET'Y, U.&t vte. THE Annual General Meeting of the Subscribers Pto this Society will be holden (by the kind permission of the Mayor) at the Town Hall, on Thursday next the 25th inst. at Two o'clock. By order of the Committee, Oxford, FIeb. 19, 1U136. R. J. SPIERS, Secretary. MUSIC ROOM, OXFORD. Mr. MARSHALL H ESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility and RE.. Gentry of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AI) vI.;tlI SEM;ENr.1 I ToTHE EDITOR ov rmll MORNING CHRONICLE. Si t -- think it righlt to make thre following statement, in s- reply to the extraordinary commeunication in you paper of this mnorning, fro Mr. V'idler, late contractor fo Inail coic ies, with thle Government, as the p ibhijo believes], althitigh, front his letter, it is now madte to appear that he wvas a coitra'tctor wvith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUR'BIC AM USEMENTS. SpljENDID EXL11131liON', Adelaide-strect, I ry - I he 'or in, t If I1.10 Ai nitilt ?? a,.id c'l gnm~o i vo e esitors 'Inr'the ('hrris~tenrs -loidarl'sb hv.-, e, h ?? rend jollei'njve t, werectel iior 'xhil,!'ion, thn,, igheot IIa' perod thel nenit taiter'ir, cet r I lr ilnt, I been IIl oRcI atheen mnreei4, ili,r l t vje Macgil*ts,ti er on, i,-a m lre~ cieneir etion, 'e i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBUCJ AVrJ(i,,JL&VNTS. it COLOISEUMr~.-'r'h,. PNIORAMA of LON- DON, NEW GRIAND)O~ ~:V Ci) JVtVlAitlRliS itni tire various other -jrliit~ r 't'rirrt . ll~ttli II I N to d the Putii.c, as ?? I, re ,ii t r, !1 111 tiirr It:o , AilitiS3~0i tothe wehole, 28.. t Il itI , 11 it C LOSED ?? 1, j!LiA.~ tsx, IA IANO- C shichl Wit', tiln critlie ,1 ,,Ii I . Ai tIll, itdc I tites a it So rt::,rt St. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW GARDEN Afld ,gricultrral Seeds. FARIIELL begs to inform his Friends and the p ,ublic, that he has received per the ARDENT. from a lrge supply of Ih boe, all of which is of theUbest 811 sEfIE8 ar sual, well Stocked-with HIs and FORES S, FLOWERING z&c. which e etermined to Sell on very ,deratflte 2, HlGH-STREET, 1ltb Feb. 1836. 589) IAIt)ElN SEEDSi, &C. &C \,pRE ( :LA RK E has received, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Coursing Meeting W ILL take place at B sAuON HILL, On ' TuiFsOA Y and WVEDESDAY, the 2d and 3d of FLIMIUARY next, weather permitting. Beaumaris, Jan. 17th, 1836. To be Let, As an Inn, or a private DwellinqY Houso, and may be entered upon immediately, A'l l V AYNOL ARIMS INN, in the City of .L ?? particulars apply to Mr. O ?? 1ulijeEs, Ty.mawr, near Carnarvon. Anglesey Horticultural Society. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC jmt.'SE.MI.ENTS. COLOSSEUM..-~T1,,upjjN'OPAMA of LON- ItON, NFW GRHAND) SCENEri CONsFjitVATfOltFS sit! thle .tri~ois otlier Eihibij,os t ?? - oodi Flalkh~iti.1 eot ( 1 to h~e Vol'sks a~lsofull , fontti en Io 51s Ssr till~ LII I3h.s~-l5 to the whole, 2s to eath Pejp-rasi satIrs. SPILFNDIDi EX'i111 I N I~I , . ~ ?? STR1':E'T ti'ALI FH's- Naon srI Mochtt.aiisl3 Amit, url tttl oilier S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PURBLIC AMUSE3MENTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION, ADELAIDE- STREET GAlLFRY.-Nautical. Mechanical, Architectural, and other Models; Philosophical Apparatue. vith brilliant Chemical EXperimeuts; Hydro-Oxygen Microscope, Magnets, Steani.Oou, ( otburtion of Steel Cabinets of cholce Minerals, Fossils, hc.; Specitnen% of iistful Il vtntiona and Impsoemnentc in the Arts and Sciences; blivlc, Srilpture, sad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FWA TEAS. GEORGE ASH S receive(T, per Messrs. L A NG T R Y S 1-T IEleD.1IA .N-S Vessels, from the last East India I yS SaIle a further supply of CosrnpaflyS il~i ctonj-ou, M!tTyseon, and Twankasiy .TF U A S , 400 Hhds New DUTCH FLAXSEED; 0 I)o. Last Year's New York DO.; (Tbe better deliVrcahle either in jverpool or Belfast;) :0 Tons Ro1ughi Sicily BRI TONE, &c. &c. wibich lhe will Sell on J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SYMM TRI(CAL PERFECTION. C. M RS. N. GlEARY, COURT STAY MAKER, 61l W ?? St. J.ames's-street, London, begs respectfully t Hi TI infirm-ii the Nobility and Gentry, that owing to the un- i1. precedented demnand and number of Orders, fbr her Jo ?? invunted and Elegant Dress STAX'S, she will JO remain in &uflioompton, until her orders are colllpleted. s And those Ladies wishing to avail themselves ...