... IMPROMUPTU, a' On,% recent Marriage, announced in last week's Mercury. t ol U'hen tynmpathetzilcatst their Fates unite, c hlow rew have Prospeces that appear so brighl-t . . g. Or promise more conlnubial Delight 9 J What time thia earthly Pilgrimage must cease May Heaven reward them with immortal Peace r Dtield, Feb. 22, 1836. 11, = - ,-11 ...


... LITPAATURE. $elect Prose Jerhs of Milton. Vl. I. Hatchard and Son'-This is the commencement of a highly valuable series which must be eminently-useful; as rescuing from compa- rative obscuritythe thoughts and opinions of authors whose richness of illustration, depth of thought, and splendour of style, may be in vain be looked for in the productions of our own age. We fearlessly hazard this ...


... P( PIETR Y. (1at' fthe Eiretor rFlinog.Post.) 'rito dany titit parting ruakes severe, 15 ottO Ci) ItO of deep regret, F',vsr oudedtiti then by' trolly a itvai, 01.11' wloIO tiat, ?? Fii ,, Wiot hire tu tirois il, frlinh ISel I \vlulr olot arrow tinlt Imlt~ ?? llt too hat tooe hour.t suilttob-rn 'tro Io hw ill'no suai thalt lilfarilt-fltti IVteinrt ifl t-.lif eitlieltl tmitrll ittf ol, SIllyilt ...


... MTRROR OF FASHION. CO)'Rl ('IRCULAR. Ili: Maje-ty held a Court esterdlav at St. James's, to .ceioive all Address froni Ihe II nui-s of lords. Ile Lord Ch a anc, ilor it rivs ?? state at the Pailce, soon alo'l. twr o'cloik. flis Lord-l ip wai, licerni pariedl by tln' Ar'(hilbis-loy of C 'a terlory the- I~i'lollo of ?? and I 'ilri(ctr'c~, tlihe Dlukes of cirailrer, \ orfolk, iand RichimItond, ...


... COURT CIRCULAR. Fbetir ajesties attcirendl Divine service yesterday morning' iln the ( hap el Royasal , St. J ames's. AlIdrich's MIusioal -Service vius perfortised. 1'hle seriton uvas preached by the bishop, of' Lmntu Iron rn the(, 4th chapter of.St. .1atthew, and first verse. 'I lie anittlet, 0 Lord, give eal' (Qreene ), wits sung by Messrs. Kltiyvelt ?? \ iuglion. Sir George Smart presided ...


... = .3 11 cletv)), ?? S\\Aw;I 'Ii i, ?? OFI Il'lI;llS! Aquatic rats with ?? true, swvim from devoted ahlils Lanl rat~s too, lzewt, froin saino old block, tire quito its lisnowing chips Iloeforbth itll bodling torror-foars, from walls of tott'ring hlouse, A id leave that ?? to lbe possess'd by tilm less-gift- Cld llSOIIS(!, 'I'ho adicail IDestructi rus now, in fiar-faamed Downu- iligstreett See ...


... DR. BtycE's INTRODUCTORY LECTUntR.-Doctor ?? delivered his introductory Lecture oit [le Science of EducA- titni, an Mouday, in the Library of the Academy, to a numerous audience. In this Lecture, Doctor Bryce, passing over the acknowledged importance of the subjects went on to prove that there is a Science of Education ay well as of Medicine or Music, He showed that every scietice has been ...


... ?? IA~r9 AND TFT0 PARISIANS IN i 8mr-I Webhave peruser1 these uroe tention due,ras much to the ?? o~f the subject, as to the cleverness of the writrr. No one o:n denyv that I Mrs Trollope possesses strong sets~e, grcrst possers ef oh- -serrati on, eind witha~l a cetnvise Impressiveness of style seiesstrengtes te effect of her descriptionts on the reader. These two volumes are filled wits in ...


... THEATRE ROYAL, On Saturday evening, Mr Wilson took his henelit. and bade us farewell for the season. As we had antibi- pated, the house weas abumper ; indeed, we never saw' it so completely packed, and numbers we know endea- voured but could not obtain admission. The opera of Brother and Sister, wsiich was well acted on ail hands, was followed by a musicol melange, in which Mr Wilson was ably ...


... 'Ie Magazine of Popular Sciene, and Journal of t(ie UIseful Arts. Publish'd tit t/e Galle-jbfor the Illustra- tiol and Firtcourt acaartet tif Practical Scientce. No. I. [John WV. Parker. T'ie enemies of the general diffusion of knowledge are nuw divindled to a haiardfnl (ef lients, wviose number is daily betominig mnre und muro insignificaaat, and whose dismal fortiahldifi of tha ?? and ...


... lM',MAlE IASIIIONS ' FOI', F.I,'WIRU Y. ( inr. the ?? of I'i-shinls ?? sgelnspn.) Pt Ni ass I )tLessis-As vet tle redinviote style prevails fur all droe!,seswan suler elna~e stud manntlles the, fulncss ?? the Iloig sleuves uo lo ger appears at thesoiulde r, but is fixed by pliite or gathers; the opepsing of tilc skirt is usnally on the left side instcod of thc centre. The peleriues arc worn ...


... 'Fartetleg. . -Kl?ol- I The Joutnal tie la Aetse announces that five persons were frozen to death oe the roads ih: different Comnmunes of tha± depa:tnient, in tire nights of the 15h and l6th instant, in consequence of a severe fiost after a beavy rain. Their o1sthet; were saturated with water, and thea con- gealeni, so as to icxose trheri in at case of ice. Thle Augsburg Gazette of the 23rd ...