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TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MOREY, and BESCHER, for the ATTEMPT of July 28, 1835, on the LIFE of LOUIS ..

... TRIAL OF FIEWSCHI, BOIREAU,. 'PPiN, .4JlORLY, alb B)ErCIEI, hr dn A 77'TJ1'.1 ,f July 2S, I 3J, woip' LIFe ?? PIIILIPPEz. a iiiy .tC, 003, 055 uw'411 p 5 .A. C b ( h L TUlF P:I KER S. CON TINUALitiO\ 511 Iii Ii i~i 0!;(1 S10NtIi I, II;. 1 I ihe PI'ai sri '.ti t~pri pit-d . iit to thle acice1.Ut y cii slur- stanees tending to prsos o tire. connuriitons cexsting betwreeri Pepin rind l'iesfhi. ...


... LA U' NOTICAS-THiS DAY. VICE.CHANCELLOR'IS COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN, Slttiigs at ten. Latimer v Scott, to be spoke ?? re Levesouni Charity petition -Maund v Aliev, part heard.-Motions. ROLLS' COURT, CRANCERY.LANE. Sitting. at tell. The Mlaster of the Roll. will hear the remaining petitlals anld ahort causes. The Court ol King's Bencih will not sit to-day. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Sittings at half ...


... 011 Alonrlov, thie Court met for the trial of three cases -Lnrd Gilli, presihing. jeers. lellrra:y Or Anrlereou pleandeud GiltY of two arts on thelt, (c umirtsed in dirfferet shops in the Nligis Street, oer the ISth andl 21st Dee o-ber, cronsistilrrg ?? a pair oi bnets from each, nragravited bv habit and repute aei pre- vintos ceonvietions.-Senteane, 15 months' imprisonment in Biridlernell. ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-FEB. 3. [Before Mr. Justice VAUCHAN and Air. Justice WILLIAMs.] I he prisonters, Mo1rjdeet i ?? alias W isaur, Robert BIUIs, and 'Tlhomas Harris, weine placed at the bar on their Lorilshipi; vntering the Court, and were nddtresded by Mr. J titiveCV i.i.iAS. lie said that the prisoners were tiied it the Central Criminal Court Sesnion, hel&d in l)ecemn- iei on ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. ROLLS' COUIIT.-WEDNESDAY. WARwB V1. WARRlE. Thin wa% a petition praying that anl order dated thre 90th of Mlarch, 11132, so far as it concerned Mr. Isaac WVarre, might be rescinded, and that it might be relerred to the MAllster to inquire whether D)aniel Jentier and his wil'e %%ere proper pcr- sons to be appointed guardians of the two inf ints mentioned lin the petition. ...


... NIAl I'S-11 US. After' the ocilinary business of' the J ustice-roont. was ter- Ininlatud ol 'I'lneada, Li11r. W heelfr, one of thle stockbrokers wito was plundered by Lakemran, appliedl to Alderiana Har- itir for ait %viraunt for the apprelie ion of Lakenitie who is believed tn be novi in) Park. AMr. 1,`I heefer repeated the par. tiCnIlar'. Of the ?? hiihl lie hld tadf vsitl Laketann on I ri ...