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... 130w-STREFET. BntrAT. ASSAUlT.-Oi Saturday Iliemas Coaley, a rutlianly-looking fellow, was brought up on the following charge:-Mr. Jefferie-, a gentleman residing in Fssex-street, in the Strand, stated that the defendant and four other men ciame to his house with a cart for the purpose of taking away the dust from complainaats house. Mr. MiSHUstL..: Is he one of the persons called flying ...


... LA.W lPvTELUIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH-SArunDAY. [Sittings before Lord DEM5MAN and a Common Jury.] I.AY Y. 1AWS 5)oN. Mr. Tttetmrr, and NJ r. ARiCIHBLOLD appeared for the plain- tiff; Mr. A ICItHOLD, in the absence ofhis leader, stated the case to the J sry. This was ain action of libel which the plajitill',a traadesmatn, had found it tiecesarytobringagaisttlhe defendant thb publisbei of ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-SATURDAY. [Before Mr. Justice VAUrGIfAN and Mr. Justice WITs, tsA .] John Edweards, aged 3S, was indicted for the manslaughter of Leonard Coleman on the 30th January. Mr. CIrAMBER8s stated the facte of the ease to the Juty. Mr.C. P1iTAtS'and l Mr. CvLARsoNaappearedfurthedefeneo. Andrew Mayne: Between eleven and twelve o'clock on the night of the 30th January I was in the ...

TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MOREY, and BESCHER, for the ATTEMPT of July 28, 1835, on the LIFE of LOUIS ..

... TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAL, PEPIN, MOREY, and BESCNflF fir the, A 7'TEIIP7' of July 28 ?? *8nf. t/e, L 1.0 UJ;.S PIIILPPE', COUR1 OF PFEERS. 51 N Or 5iHI StlAi, r5B. 4. The curirosity cit' the public to witness thle proceedings itt this extreordinarv trial continues unabated. We hav e as N Lt observed no dimnin irtion in t!:e r oisibeis of thle piivileeced aud .II- tgry, seli, lit an early ...


... I COUXI' OF KING'S BENCII, SATUnDAY,JAN. 30.I TH rTHE KING V. ROBETSiis A rule bad been obtained on a former day calling i'upon William Roberts to show cause wvhy anl infor- it, motion in the nature of a quo was ronto should not be Ely filed against him calling upon him to show by what cliI authority hie claimed to be mayor of the horough of is Carnarvon. as Thie Attorney-General had to show ...


... CENYITAL C1RJAJI1VA , COURTh-MI.'.'D. | 1 i \i 1 6 ; J1lla 7'Th'11k tivs; in(lieied for ow .flsil s1it' Icol l l!pt pr j ill l. Air. 221 2,1.2 openlle( tif eet-c f& thl proomtll ' .2- Ji Ih 1A1II II4n I11 tll' P ISOIIc llerixy 'IIiS 1r-1j (]n &ILat Uhioll-lioII IP]l 1( 2 4121 I ItlIll a add1loaiiin llldIelSSI to 7(r. (o l 2t1)in 0lid, ubIlItIc, ill ?? NI le it.i'tl'-i, ?? ?? lile ;111,1111a1 ...


... i OLJICE INTELLIGENCE. MANSION. 110USE. Ayollon man onamet Goidti on hci r*(v wititacirg Sto~lenl ;\wo I- are, Ot Implle A w ;.lii n iltlt iniitted Suaiiue, l -rvnnlt to II priciter, Atttld that atl he Wai en; I alt.: tue piuel On 'I k Antay lost, flioti AILmaolp tri;itly, ho -%nw I i, I Iii: icr, at;,od lirII ?? it ayppcawl to he quite ?? 't 1 ea, loi, 1lit iatl teast Hdn , ,I'ti tot ?? at ...


... L,40f' NOTl('!S-Tu'sD -1). CCl';ll' oil CliAlCEI', lXLNCOLN'S INN. si-li'gs ?? tell. 8vs ?? tir;. to.,iilli \'tH Ii.X~lie n in L ,:lel . X.lii ciii til I ee r' I~a-Lo' ?? pii ic-d. Xe ii, ?? C il'l' ii l CnINc'S aII NCtri . I ii 1:!1 1 , il N S; I Ii J .1 : s. - It,, Ii iv 1 .I Lit;IIC Il otli ri, I:rt Ii' rii tier-- t i iAX u m-'I r ! 1 i ?? e' 17. isi --X\eqt hilititiril,-: Ilc ?? t ?? v ...


... LI17' I. ?? CJ.; . COURlT OF' CiACEY-MSAk1' JioY. ii14lt j It I\ I (o~lllA1,,'0 i~~o ?? 01 r, t I I, -e roh iol ll I i Io IC ho;11 ~ deeIlttI I' on i~ I Il iii S -It la;it , - !! l i oi t,ti toI 4 d Io I, iii S.l f i ?? i tjou ;I (phicI III0ld1Dal Halti tio, gtlt,tao.-ll't ni Ilto i-olii~ou latw hot' appeo-itt fllt (ile I rit, but (SI, 11iP IUi':ItS 'I 'Cr nin brOlli, it to at CvIXIiii lcl ? ...

TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MOREY, and BESCHER, for the ATTEMPT of July 28, 1835, on the LIFE of LOUIS ..

... TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAU, PEPLV, MORE Y, and 3BESLYER, Yin the A 'J7'E^fll T' t ?? A, 1835, nt le L .lFEof LUO hs PlIll IPPAL COURT OF PEERS. SilTUNG OF SATUiRVAN, FEB. t. A Pepin denied having lid any counection with Al. Ras pail During the examination of his hostess, bloircau owmed to it t. knowledge ef Fisschi's abode. is Colonel Ponteharra being examined relative to the n.a'hine and its ...


... v TRIAL OF FIESCIlI. e PARIS, JAN. 30.-This important affair came on to-day, being a month earlier than had been con- )f templased. - At half-pasteleven o'clock the portmanteau was )f opened by an officer of police, assisted by half a do. zen huissiers, who took from it, and deposited on the s. table, a rusty gun-barrel or two, a stiletto, the far- l famed fouet or cat-o'-nine-tails of Fieschi ...

TRIAL OF FIESCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MOREY, and BESCHER, for the ATTEMPT of July 28, 1835, on the LIFE of LOUIS ..

... TRIAL OF FILSCHI, BOIREAU, PEPIN, MOREY, and BES(,uIER, r the A 7'7EMPT,,/ July 28, 183b, on the J.lFEof LOUIS PHILIPPI,. MOUMT OF PEERS. SMTING Or SA75'T1TAY, FEB. 7. 1he examination of wltriesiolls relating to B~oireari wai in- sumed. Al. D yon net, an exc-contissary of policre, ofithe ?? 'II the Chauisse d'Antiii. deposed tn the 6ollowing efl'-et: - I it the evening ?? 27, 1 was at thle ...