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... II( 1M ?? CI iC UI'T- 11i ID' T1(N F A r t'1xDA! lli 1x ( '1ifJ T DA I s Vie'td ipecitiiJuryx.] 1 I: lxNiFI1 1. HI' lrI I:SON. v, . v a~ 'i Iis 'i C x ''arit(rr iry etectio'. xlli wt1 I p Ii, Lxix 'xx'xxar'x L IiZ1 Ii er, .x'xd wa'. hroug hti by ilt Lx' ?? t l) I tile , rd114t0.1 ll % .Ixr .xx I~ 0 i n n~ :I blibe Of HI rx x : x 61el !I-I ii:. ni' tllson. p ?? 'i x A' . ~ ?? 1 l N ...


... FVIDENCE TAKE1N BEFOR1E Triir C0I113r1liIONIEil, SATUIIDAY, rm3ii UAcY 20, 1836. rY. [C,{nqi 011111 rilOM . TE iOi1' i (~Iiitl~Ct C (F YESTERDtAYi. iety is Comlparing the dili-ipline ot our1 armly With' that Of tht it tile Prussoians, do you conceive tha~tour Hi~ei~lioe for all purpto-es pated. in thle liold is the(, more effectuall, or thitejc -Not to be coot- nit iii a pan d. We could liv'e ...


... LAW I'NOTICES-THis D.4v. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S.INN-Sit at Tca Blaclaurne a Evant, ?? Bennett ditto-N urkwivll v WendingdItto-1Tz'niell ! rt. v M ?? r Mansrtell, Unrtt. part ?? ' Llovd -- W.ilLilaso a ?? Same a Ilte ?? a Davreap;ort-Saaaer v Siipnkiat-Pigott v Ellis-tle Same v Spencer-Wilkilnsont Ev t-'tiih CuAokrell-ltcid Brorvnrlgg. ROLLS' COURT, CIIANCERY-LANl-SlttiDag' at Tell. ...


... ASSIZE 1AYJELL IGENCE. Wlteirtt .Soart, ngrdc tieS tiynintn, %%a p'it pc JI, ~e ch a rgsd is ithI the( xltii ?? of Jo! In A'r' 4. 31I r. A 'irIs cor~tirc:L il te pre~cuctitu ;a rnmi Mr. i I. ?? appcarol t er tit-, pr.isone r. T he iiviilrflee %w, ft tO -ewe Ipi;r,;t ?? 'C ,s wvereI shortlyv tlree .I fie ilt?('ta-ei]d e ?? restl!iing at the top oi thtc lDtrbv-road, inn. ;l .- sear, harl dieemI ...


... FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE GREENWICH RAILROAD.-On Wednesday an inquest was held at the workhouse, Bermondsey, on the body of Henry Holmes, aged 21, who was killed on Monday last in consequence of injuries he received by one of the steam carriages passing over part of his body on the Greenwich railroad. It appeared in evidence, that about 3 o'clock on Mondaq, as a train was coming from Deptfbrd, the ...


... CROYI)O PETTY I1ESSIUNS-SATt flDAY. [ Bi!ore T. It tii, ?? nlt i Il ts sit, EL;q.l lI E BlUl'(iL AI, Al' ?? IlP LIA )-11 L.L CON'. i F:-i-ltl. N UO' O.N I: (F I' l1' PARI'TY. At the s;ttilg ol tih belich on amilutdaty, (olcililat, the chief oo'iltaolt of C'ro n * came bltortre t h ji'tuastarats for uile purpost ot t wti im o qiritte . ith tile foiltowitta sing ltat tat rtent w it il hat ?? ?? ...


... LA i' LN TE, L Li GENCE. ?? ?? ?? ?? IA N X( ' - F ILI lnDA i. 10-'li (. ?? I\ hIA is as a motioni to (di~chiir Irdc orderb ot' file \I . -t C 1 c ;lor, otis oristdd a omil ofm r'llt i'rot!g,0 Il 1h\ il tinl(!i l ollaiq p Io ae,-iorl, it ek ItLliil -l Id releni ses LIt lkpiflbd, iii 'c illot'wi of h Hie Act Ill l'aciialneni whihe puct nn1 CIrI Io t 'tw 1w°IIl - 1)ll :91 ; ot IsVi rl (i ...


... CENT]Vl, CRINiLAL COURT-TuimnsnA.4s [ileforo Mi -Ilar13e1n1 (iURNF, and .lit. j oitiC0 (lASi ii.] THEl (,U'U? 1OM11iiU SE ROBI'tLI1tY. T;tc t~iti et, tilt pii~oiter6 II'tllianz ?? alias John Lea? yittltt iiti, )lenirq Xott, an1d /Thtunas Seale, for thle ro bbery tit dite Cttooltoitt-os'e, was resumned this morning at ten O'clock. i Ftancto Charles Hlillary Nvas the lirst viitnmit; calletl I ...


... HOMElr ('11Ci -ti 0RsitLIt, FinnDrs. U 1( N)\ N ( t ilI.. L efore l~ord Chief.! irsticeO ?? It ita is Dic'ier'ar n silversm ith, was indrr'ttd fur burgla- raiosfyv irelikirig aridC entering B1ak.-hull, lit Iobiringv% oitit, the rosilonce ot Capef Cure, Esq., air thle Hitli of lastidetubor. uand sitealingrit quantity of plate, his property. MrT. Jls see conduclted tire prosecution. 'I 10 ...


... 13BO V- S'lTi1 E ET. Yestitdny, .Mr. Ferstandlv:, a (iertnan, whose name, a fev years since, came betere the public ans connecte(d with n chargeplrefrred ingninst him bya Air. %k tiks, olletuiuitg sont, papets whicrl hinl been entritcld to lilia, tipplcirl to Air. Alinshlill fore ?? upaginst the ('olmilittie of tue li- terary ,lundt Srciety, for rte ii- ito tl grant him an al lowanrc out of ...


... COURT OF COMMON COUNyCIL. THE MAYORALTY EXPENSES. ~idb A mnore than usual degree of' intere-t lits been excie(b the report of the. Revenue (Committee, Of which Pilr.11'ilianil, the Member tor Coventry, isechoirmal. 'ITie repeirt stitd that thie eipeiidttitrc of thle ma'%oathe cl tO to 25034 7.. Id., and sp~citiedth ;eto xeilti( stid the. Lord jiafyor and liany menmbers of thle Court lxpreev'ad ...