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... POLIC9. MARLDOno~loH~s~rREET.-Robert Smith and W~illiam- Davis, a couple of boys, 'in full professional costume of thc order Chummy, were brought before Alr. d Conant, charged with the Isigls crime and misdiemean- our of having a ttempted to carry off a portion of the 1' .e contents of Lord Derby's dlust-hole, the property of o ; thle dust contractor of that district. n 1 Please your ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCO. At the Cavan Assizes, on the Ist inst. the Crown Counsel withdrew all proceedings against the Orange nen, indicted for walking in procession on the 12th of July last. Tnis he did in obedience to instructions from Lord M ulgrave; who expected that ?? the proceedings in Parliamernt, and the example of obedience set by the Duke of Cumberland, there would be no occasion in ...


... COUNTY OF TYRONE ASSIZES; OasAc;m, MArrczt 7.-At three otolock, P.tM. Baron Penne. father fntored tbe Crownv Court, when the tentlernen who nmiaptmesI the GrinidStiy were ?? Lordship then Aiidressilit the Grand Jury in the forllowing mntitr:- ILard Claude Hamitilton nad 'Gentlonitin of the GraIId Jury, I think the calendar ?? much traton for congratulatilng you oa the state ot0your cernty, ais ...


... FVIDENCE TAKE1N BEFOR1E Triir C0I113r1liIONIEil, SATUIIDAY, rm3ii UAcY 20, 1836. rY. [C,{nqi 011111 rilOM . TE iOi1' i (~Iiitl~Ct C (F YESTERDtAYi. iety is Comlparing the dili-ipline ot our1 armly With' that Of tht it tile Prussoians, do you conceive tha~tour Hi~ei~lioe for all purpto-es pated. in thle liold is the(, more effectuall, or thitejc -Not to be coot- nit iii a pan d. We could liv'e ...


... I |IURMDE OF TflE CAPTAiN AND CREVW OF ,1~ 7 lTE CiaO AT IPA. ?? Mtalj'sty's ;hip Ricehorso list nrrived Rt Ho ita -l v locs frn; Peru, having nn biart the s sle sarsiver o thle crew of the brig Clio. The man, a hocse ,lattie ?? x t ariler Paton, gives the folltiwing melancholy staie- - I sailed front Liverpool on the th of Aagrrst lart, s in tilre bir Cliol of MoetriLse, ?? John Reerl, ...


... LFIV ES. Air. Kemp has reaped golden opinious from his constituency lor the able and busintews like nmanner in whichl he presented the Lewes Petition, on tile 2nd inst.. and supported its prayer; and they are further pleased that the Honourable Member has given b notice that, on 'uestlay, the 15th instant, he will bring in a Bill for the repeal of tho 4th and 5th William the 4th, chap.. clause ...


... I I t'uithlljaad Jf'on Ol, flist.) CRLO\N 13AIt COU11T. A tsn~ .-Ire'phBeet', 13, NvI'l illdiettl for havi tug oil tile . h it ii'f 'iIIOUv thle 4th ot' No vem' t l'ost, wvilr'nily ?? Ii Pavokhau, i11 tihe North (I1f D)mvItI. -Comiseitfo uit troleolit'' 1 M'1 ~TiyrrelltoIu'r Ai'. tth1tat. ile &fimuv,~ of th Bid P'lAttI'0 lv Alv. ?? FOitlola~eI. tter OTlll'iS i'~.t2*a'i i lat i' t v el)' ?? ...


... (Cintiruedfrom eor last number.) SATURDAY, WARCH 5 .| John Mallon. indicted for stealing a quantity, of ibri, a c(harlemont, onl 25th Dec. the property of Hugh Conulter. I Not guilty Hugh Gilfeather, for stetlitig a silver watch, at Lurgan, i oil 6th Nov. the property of James Molarky. The prosecutor wes in compairy with prisoner in Lur- gao. and both Were drinking ; the former, on parting ...


... HOMElr ('11Ci -ti 0RsitLIt, FinnDrs. U 1( N)\ N ( t ilI.. L efore l~ord Chief.! irsticeO ?? It ita is Dic'ier'ar n silversm ith, was indrr'ttd fur burgla- raiosfyv irelikirig aridC entering B1ak.-hull, lit Iobiringv% oitit, the rosilonce ot Capef Cure, Esq., air thle Hitli of lastidetubor. uand sitealingrit quantity of plate, his property. MrT. Jls see conduclted tire prosecution. 'I 10 ...


... 13BO V- S'lTi1 E ET. Yestitdny, .Mr. Ferstandlv:, a (iertnan, whose name, a fev years since, came betere the public ans connecte(d with n chargeplrefrred ingninst him bya Air. %k tiks, olletuiuitg sont, papets whicrl hinl been entritcld to lilia, tipplcirl to Air. Alinshlill fore ?? upaginst the ('olmilittie of tue li- terary ,lundt Srciety, for rte ii- ito tl grant him an al lowanrc out of ...


... BFINCIi OF1A(ISFIIA't'ES. j iloSDAsV, March 7, 1B36.--Prcsent: Sir 1). Scoci, Bart., V. Sl iY ltii, W. FRAN;Ii.ASI), MAd Johnl IIAI.I, I'StIfs. 1jenry Braveryi a butcher, in thl servie of Mr. Bsattle, w.s chargcdl witlh having received a conduidinb)lc stun ol iowecy onl bi master s account ruoin the housekepl~ce of Mlrs. Goldswi tho Silvool *plutce, ;d which lie had tappropiiated to his Own ...


... The commissioners have presented their report on this subject, which has been ordered to be printed. We give the following ex- tracts to show the objects to which they have directed their ntten- tion, and( the results at which they have arrived. We have (say they) directed our attention to the following points:- 1. To regulations which have been adopted of late vers in order to render ...