... FVIDENCE TAKE1N BEFOR1E Triir C0I113r1liIONIEil, SATUIIDAY, rm3ii UAcY 20, 1836. rY. [C,{nqi 011111 rilOM . TE iOi1' i (~Iiitl~Ct C (F YESTERDtAYi. iety is Comlparing the dili-ipline ot our1 armly With' that Of tht it tile Prussoians, do you conceive tha~tour Hi~ei~lioe for all purpto-es pated. in thle liold is the(, more effectuall, or thitejc -Not to be coot- nit iii a pan d. We could liv'e ...


... 13BO V- S'lTi1 E ET. Yestitdny, .Mr. Ferstandlv:, a (iertnan, whose name, a fev years since, came betere the public ans connecte(d with n chargeplrefrred ingninst him bya Air. %k tiks, olletuiuitg sont, papets whicrl hinl been entritcld to lilia, tipplcirl to Air. Alinshlill fore ?? upaginst the ('olmilittie of tue li- terary ,lundt Srciety, for rte ii- ito tl grant him an al lowanrc out of ...


... The commissioners have presented their report on this subject, which has been ordered to be printed. We give the following ex- tracts to show the objects to which they have directed their ntten- tion, and( the results at which they have arrived. We have (say they) directed our attention to the following points:- 1. To regulations which have been adopted of late vers in order to render ...


... t I ,da-woAm'oo IsyU44% 4,4611AIAN'. I id Viv l)ZAN tlonh his seat on theo ?? at tho Guhlahail before I2 o'ciock this day, a~ccmtpaniedl by G. H. Wil. *1-lIt Esql , Remordtr, C. J. Bigge, Escl., Mayor, Messrs vtliil~ I~iey, unnt, aliii Easterby, I~t Sherill' Dunin, &C. .C following geiitlemnen Were s.worn of'the Grand Jury :_ F'etwick, 1Esq., foreman; and Messrs TIhos. Cooksun, CIlapmaIn, Al. ...


... Pat. M Dai d was put on trial for the murder of Bernard M 'Gahan, near Kilvrve, on '2d Sept. 1833. From lh1 evi. dence it appeared that thb pristioner hod been drinkiliog with deceased on the itight when the fatal Hant was committed, in tbe iext house to ?? in which the de~ceased lived. TIhe latter went home and retired to rest, lint in half an hour after, the prisoner, beilig litoxielaed, ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Carbarvonshire Assizes. The Commission of Assize for this county was opened at Carnarvon on Wednesday afternoon. mr. had Baron Gturney was received and escorted into the town her by the High Sheriff, Captain Parry, R. N., and the idy usual retinue of javelin men. For- On Thursday, after attending divine service in St. !ive ary's, where an appropriate sermon was given by in- the Sheriff's ...


... SUrFOLK LENT ASSIZESP A BURY, AMarch 21. The Commission for holding these Assizes was opened on Monday last, at noon, by the Honourable Sir James AlItn Park, Knight. Shortly before his Lordship's arrival the High Sheriff, Edwardi Bliss, Esq.,of Brasidob, accoinpanied by his retinue, met him on the Newmarket road. After opening the Commission, his Lordship proceeded to St. Alary's Church to ...


... JURY COuRT-Mar'ch 1. NIVEN V. TIT UTNION CANAL COMPMANY. d In this c'se Mrs Nihell, a sick nurse, residing in Efill- bivrgh, sought to recover dainllges rrom the Canal Coam- pany for severe personil injuries whiirh she sustained by t ge rtlrgrl f:-Uts. teflige-cL. or msis-san-grent -,f the servantlf the defe`ilers who haid charge of tlre draw- - lidge No. 2 onl the Canal, where the ...


... COURT OF COMMON COUNyCIL. THE MAYORALTY EXPENSES. ~idb A mnore than usual degree of' intere-t lits been excie(b the report of the. Revenue (Committee, Of which Pilr.11'ilianil, the Member tor Coventry, isechoirmal. 'ITie repeirt stitd that thie eipeiidttitrc of thle ma'%oathe cl tO to 25034 7.. Id., and sp~citiedth ;eto xeilti( stid the. Lord jiafyor and liany menmbers of thle Court lxpreev'ad ...


... COU(R TO BANKI 'Hll7CY-TuESD ?? fdoefoe Mr. Co'nrnissionvr FlANE.] *';TI;lill; rJAM;JAN'I iBANNvRL)PTCY. I br jillfjciuroeci lecting of lie credibors under tile fiat q.:1i d eiaiast 'etdlienLakeirri n, washeld co-day, for the ifotY r oind.itkriitoll of the riftilt elailfled by Alr. KIgvS to p foi- Ir .i YU)i of relfer above 5(,000, for stork dchl'vvc f: to eb.limar before hi. flight, tilf fir ...


... LA W liATEL ?? HOUSE OF LORSb-Al'PPI5ALS-Frimit.a SCAPBIT 1. 'tilL GOVEiRNORS01' .TUSlOS SCHiOOLi.. 'T'hi5 wrs an ripperil artrinit tire dierere of the Loid Chief Bili on ot the Exchrequqer', reciricrbg I lie respeondriet entitle'd to tile titles Ividlii tihe ii ip'elry of ELyntin arIA tir township of Lu,ton, within tie recn ry arid pci luh ot Lye, other tran aad excepting tire vicarial tithes ...


... rcnn11iil T ?? i:7-IA se a- Oxron.D.-il1r. Joh1n ilnirrfrd, who was tried at Ih the last Assizes, and found guilty of the capital offence ts of attempting to discharge loaded arms at 31r. a- Giles Ladd, with intent to murder him, was placed at K- the bar. in At the last Assizes it appeared that Mr. Mi'ountford had sent to lMir. Ladd a tin case, filled with a large d quantity of gunpowdder ...