Advertisements & Notices

... T'HETRSTESof the late GEORGE EARL, Ju. reurntheir grateful thanks to terFriends and the Public, for the favors conf'erred CHIMNEY..PIECESt MIONUMPENT;S, Of. MAtthei BInow Roostjs, CTO Dck WAILS, and Wtisi'E- MASON'S WORK carried on in all its branches. i reBUSTIS and MEDALLIONS taken on te mos TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A NUMB~ER °BND MATERIALS, LIGPRESESLTTES RLS PRESSING. Enquire Of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i -HE Commissioners in a Fiat in Bankruptcy, Tbearing date the 17th of November, 1835, awarded and issued forth against BOBERT AUGUSTINE BRAINE,ofthecityofOxford,saddlerand harness maker, dealer and chapman, intend to meet on the 20th day of April inst. at Eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at the Roebuck Inn, in the Corn Market, in the city of Oxford, in the county of Oxford, to audit the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING YARD. NE.AR GOSPORT, 3ist Mlarch, 1836. ~TOTICE is hereby ?? on TiiURSDAY NL~the 14th April neaet, I shall he ready to receive the d Tenders in uritinq, sealed up, and treat fr 0(11 Quarters of WHEAT, weigh ing 006 pounds per boshel 'it (overweight to be paid t'or), one-half' to be del ivereti in L~ le a fortnight fromn the day of (Contract, and the remainder A~ in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... azI1I,1l'ING IN! H'IO~lENCE. 1EXIN' cAllTiTFA t~iciii't the. Cape to I ?? t* ,t.I t - ilaei i-~ it lhllu t 'Ill pril tj p ii IL I i s il i ' l ; , IOI(lt 0 'Ii, ll \I\IlV II\NI li 4lip a ?? itI, t S I Itt itlt' ?? atii 11itilll i lle till el ?? ?? i t ?? 1'pill xldIX l ,IF~~ ILI T, A. 1, Tt, n -op'.1d:1.111l 'ti'it ,lI hEOS\YLE (w~it h to& call and * .1'EN1 . X A Yl ILl S i twichll ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - P euq.? i? 'S ini pA. ?4. h. a- - - ?? -- -- - '?H'PnNJ iNiEUJLIi?NCli. .V.tjt. ?? ? Il jia- IIL?rn ?? ¶ a I ?? a: I '1111 a I II' ?? i'll ia: ia? ?? ( , ?? aaai:. a: a' ? fa .afl?L il * . ? IX1l{j.a;(.''I a ii Li.' Eta Lab ?? L'?¾a ii-' a-r' ii ' .1 I NLXiL 'I 1 'tat' ILL I ' a ?? ?? at ?? I ?? iX V. - 'Ia-hall P 'ia' ?? I IL.: I l:aaht j;.. Iaa'' -r ?? '?ViIN a' p' ?? lay N ?? '2 ?? . ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJORRIS'S CELEBRATED PEARL OINTMENT, used and recommended by several eminent gentlemen of the Faculty, for the cure of scurvy, scald head, ring worm, piles, sore legs of many years stani- ine, chilblains, chapped hrgds, sore eyes, grocer's itch, and all inveteratsrliseas ifthe skin. It also affords great re- orsf wonflip. ed &cnc Tl extraorsnary effcay of tmours 0nor as,,'e poe in. mn f t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T11S DApiY. lu~~g'kt elety J piehlideflt. Most Honourable MARQUIS of DONE GALL. IPatrons. Most Honotirable MARQUIS of DowNstrRnE. Most Honouiable MARQUIS VANE LoNDONDERRY. Right Honourable EARL of RODEN. Right Honourable EARL of ENNISKILLEN. Right Honourable EARL of BELMIORE. Right Honourahle EARL O'NEILL. Right Honeurable VISCOUNT BANGOR. Right Honourable Lord DUFFERIN. Right Honourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL MALL-The Gaery for the EXHIBITION and SALE of the WORKS of BRITISH .Ay. IS OPEN Daily, froni Ten in the Morning till Five in the vening. S Admission Is-Catalogue is. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper.. SOCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS.-The THIRTEENTH EXHIBITION of the SOCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS, Suffolk street, Pall-mall East, is now OPEN to the Public, from Nine till Dusk.-Admision, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bolton, Wtiga, and Preston Junclion 1a l-way. IT1I a viev to tile cscciblisllnetit of a rtiulvly VT to coniect maitchetr-l. cllI Boltoni with Wcgccn on(l Preston, a priject wais adevaCetI cin 18 30, which riceiveil tlhe viiauct on and support if inaiy highly ?? indlividuail ; bitt. owing to the txistrnce f an ithler piocject, lihoviijg for its object tile es cb liihment of i diistinet iintl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r New Edition. In one vol; Imperial 8vo. price l5s. in cloth, CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE to the OLD. s and NEw TESTAMilENT; or a Dictionary and Al habe- 1tical Index to the Bible, with a Sketch of the Life an' Cha-. Iracter of the Author. By William Youngman. *- Every precaution has been taken to secure tire highest possible. . degree of acusracy-. We aee glad to perceive that for ror a t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DO BE NLET, ,AT' MICHAELMAS NEXT, , TITHE-FREE FARMlconsistingoft1oo Acreg, or A thereabouts, situate at Berechurch. near Colchester, the present occupier quitting on account of ill health. For particulars enquire (it by letter, postage to be paid), of Messrs. Mason, Son, and Keeling, Solicitors, Colchester. BOTANICAL WORKS. Printed -for 6ongmnan, )%ees, aud Co. 1. S IR 3. E, SMITH's ENGLIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wb'rtiti1ituiI 'society. rM S1DE NT. Most Honourable MARQUIS of DONEGAL. FATRONS. Most Honourable MARQUIS of Dow-asMiiRE. Most Honourable MARQUIS VANE LoNDONDERRY. Right Honourable EARL of RODSN. Right Honourable EARL of ENNiSKILLEN. Right Honourable EARL of BELMORE. Right Honourable EARL O'NEILL. Right Honourable VISCOUNT BANGOS. Right Honoutable LonD DUFFERIN. Right Honourahle VISCOUNT COLE. ...