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Glamorgan, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... DREADFUL FIRE AT SOUTH HETTON COLLIERY. On Saturday last, about seven o'clock in the evening, the No. 1, Engine House, of South Hetton Colliery, the property of Col. Braddyll, was d'9 covered to be on fire. It appears to have originate in a closet containing hemp for the use ot t e engines, and was first discovered by the brakeman. At that time there' were two men down the shatt of the pit, ...

.,..,.,,.,...,,..,,,__r PARfSH OF SWANSEA

... PARfSH OF SWANSEA. A meeting of the rate payers, for the ejecting of officers, took place on Thursday, according to annual custom. The Rev. Doctor HEWSON in the Chair. Reference having been made to the parish accounts, rendered by the Guardian, and as to t ie expenditure of the last year, a little discussion took place between Messrs. R uttl-r, Walters, and Walker, as to the management ...

[No title]

... There has been another trial, and another con- viction, of some fellow who has been what is called dispensing Morison's pills, and in the evidence adduced upon the trial, it was proved—such is the wonderful gullibility of the English, that people are found who, in spite of the deaths of various miserable victims, are induced to take forty, fifty, sixty-nay, a hundred of these detestable ...


... RAILWAY MEMORANDA. In America about 3,0:)0 miles of canal have been cll,)!-ii neted i,l Canada, 200; in Great Britain, 2.77 J; in France, 2,250. Iu American railroads, completed and in progress, the extent is about equal to the agurpegate of its canal communication. Vast as this extent is, we believe, that the railroad specu- lations in America genera'ly yield a profit. The Ontario Messenger ...


... To the Editor of the Mining Journal. Sxrt,- The Davylampfills with flame in an explosive atmosphere, and becomes red-hot in a few seconds. It is a matter of doubt with many well-informed per- sons whether it is safe to tnis point; but beyond it, all admit that its heat should never be carried. Sir it. Davy himself states that tliis limit s.iould never be exceeded. lie says, page 116 of his ...

[No title]

... IZAI Lilo,%DS .-Last %eek, Dr. Lardner, Presi- dent of the Southwark Literary Society, delivered a lecture to the members of that iustituiion upon -the interesting subjects of railroads, in which he very minutely detailed the various processes by which the present improvement in locomotive engines had been obtained. Little was practically known upon this subject (said the Doctor) till the ...


... SHIP NEWS. CARDIFF. FOREIGN REPORTED INWARDS.—The Gerdina, Doewes, (he Vrouw Alida, Bot-gmaz, and the Johan- na Margaretta, Pot, from Amsterdam, the Good Hoope, Boer, from Eydam, and the EulioiiCj Swift from Havre, with ballast. FOREIGN ENTERKD OoTWAitos.—The Lavinia, Love, for Messina; the Ark, Smallridge, for Bar- celona the Gerdina, Doewes, the Goede Hoop, Boer, the Johanna Margaretta, Pot, ...

[No title]

... The world goes round let Kings and Philo- sophers say what they will. The past has been a week of holiday-from the Fair of Cefn to the Sports of the Metropolis. At the former we enjoyed ourselves after the fashion of the place, our Dotible was dispatched to London for a holiday, and from him we have received the following report of the day's amusement.—Lon- don had its two old exhilaratiogf on ...


... FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. London, Friday, April 22, 1836. n \KRUPTS. H. Brown, Hoigh trel'. Shoreditch, cord wainer. W. Carter, I lace, Chapel Street, Poutoaville. master mariner. T. Ditchburn. W HITE LION Court, Covuhill, scrivener. G. A. B AND G. A. bieldiNGI L>ORTS(,AJ brewers. C and T- Hudson, and 4. Wolfcnden, Rochdale, Lancashire, cotton.spinners. G. Newi»»n, LAVR-ence Lne, warehouseman. ...

-.._-------_-SIR JAMES GRAHAM

... SIR JAMES GRAHAM. Sir James Graham has been called upon by, we will not say a hole and corner, but a coal hole meeting of his Constituents, to resign—or, jn plain language, 23 dirty Radicals, out of a Constituency of 4,500 respectable persons, have sent an address, desiring the Hon. Baronet, as he has forfeited his hustings pledges, to restore his seat into their unwashed hands. The ...

aSfectmgiurc. -

... ittonmouttt01uvc. The Duke of Northumberland Ins presented the munificent sum of £100, and the Duchess of Northumberland £50. in aid of the fund now raising for tile purpose of erecting a monument in Durham Cathedral, in honour of the late lamented. liis'iop of Durham.—Newcastle Journal. NEWPORT. On Saturday the 20'h ult. the Lord Bishop of Landaff was in the neighbourhood of Newport looking ...

tmjirnal jparltameitt.

... tmjirnal jparltameitt. HOUSE OF COMMONS—MONDAY. The House sat this day for the first time since the holy days. Several petitions having been presented on various subjects, Mr ROBINSON gave notice that he would move a new clause in the Stamps Bill, subjecting real pro- perty to the same probate duty as personal property. The Marqtiis of CH A N DOS gave notice of a motion on Agricultural ...