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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... The Bishop of St David's iiiis liberally given eacu of the scholars of the national school at Abergwili, above one hundred aud sixty in number, an entire new suit of clothes eicii.-Cariiiartlicii Journal. The Hon. Colonel Trevor, M.P. for Carmar- thenshire, has, in the handsomest manner, contributed Fifty Ioun(h towards the Church building fund, in tnis town, in order to extricate the local ...


... LA TEST INTEL LI G ENC'E. FRIDAY, APRIL 1. There is nothing worthy the name of news.— We regret to say, that the maritime intelligence, owing to the late 'tremendous gales, as conveyed by the Shipping Gazette, is of the most disastrous kind. The commander of the Castle Huntly, off Torbay, writes to Lloyds, God bless the smith that made our chain cablc.—We have no doubt, and we mention it to ...


... TO CORRESPONDENTS. We will endeavour to satisfy our Correspondent and that speedily, on the subject of the Monmouthshire county rates. The Havren next week. All communications are requested, in future, to be ad dressd- To the Editor. Full price will be given by the Publisher, for any CLEAN copies of this Paper, of the 26th MARCH. The Agents are requested to return those of this date that ...

[No title]

... The Emperor Nicholas has experienced a sad loss- The Keeper of his Foreign Pension Lis. has run away, and carried with him those Sta- tistics of the European Conscience. Great con- sternation has been exhibited among our Radi- cal Oiatois on the subject. Yet why may not a man of virtne do his duty and make a poor 500 a year besides ? The paper wilt be forthcoming. We mention no names. ...


... (From the Times) Lord Melbourne moved the second reading of the bill in a short and temperate speech. The chief fault he found with the existing corporations was their exclusiveness; and the principal, if not the only merit, he assigned to the bill was, that it carried out the principle of the Emancipation Act. He told the House that his measure was like to the English Municipal Corporations ...


... We have the satisfac'ion of congratulating the Principality upon the final dlcisiol of the, Ecclesiastical Commissioners, by which the ancient Diocese of Llan- daff iias not only been rescued from the extinction with which it was threatened, by being merged in that of Bris- tol, but that it has at the same time been, by an exten- sion ofterritory,placed in a state more nearl y resembling that ...


... At Bristol, the Town Council nominated 24 Magistrates, selecting 12 from the Conservative and 12 from the Reform party. This was a fair proceeding, calculated to satisfy both parties. But Lord John Russell has destroyed this balance. He has decided that 18 shall be the number of Magis- trates, and has selected twelve from the Reform party, and only six from the Conservatives, thus giving the ...

~Railroads. I

... PROGRESS OF THE STEAAJ-i.NGlSlf IN FRANCE. The following statistical notes relative to the pro- gress of the steam-engine in Fiance, are abstracted from a report lately published in t:le Moniteur by the Director-General of Roads, Bridges, and Mines, and, being official, mClY be relied upon Although, the first steam-engine wa csta'.li.he: in France so lontsiuee as the year 1740, at tht, coal ...


... To the Editor of the Mining Journal. Sxrt,- The Davylampfills with flame in an explosive atmosphere, and becomes red-hot in a few seconds. It is a matter of doubt with many well-informed per- sons whether it is safe to tnis point; but beyond it, all admit that its heat should never be carried. Sir it. Davy himself states that tliis limit s.iould never be exceeded. lie says, page 116 of his ...

[No title]

... IZAI Lilo,%DS .-Last %eek, Dr. Lardner, Presi- dent of the Southwark Literary Society, delivered a lecture to the members of that iustituiion upon -the interesting subjects of railroads, in which he very minutely detailed the various processes by which the present improvement in locomotive engines had been obtained. Little was practically known upon this subject (said the Doctor) till the ...


... IMPORTANT TO MARINERS. The following communication is of importance to mariners:- TO THE EDITOR OF THE SHIPPING GAZETTE. c r» Jkto'^mptoij, April 27, 1836. T 1 IR'wi n instant, I received orders from John Wilson, Esq., to inspect a sunken vessel two miles and a half E. by S., from the Owers IMit in 14 fathoms, at low water, when I found the position' marks, and bearings, to be as follows: viz ...


... llUSll VARIETIES. A testy man to the life: the narrator was to dine with Mr Tighe, a gentleman of fortune, holding a high official situation in Dublin — J found him (he observes) lecturing a young gentleman that had just delivered an introductory letter to him from Lord Roden. This young man had been in the navy, and could hardly be kept free from motion. He was of a restless spirit, which ...