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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... A new and important invention, called the Catenarian Beam, has lately been perfected by Messrs. Richard Witty and Co. It »• a simple and effective mode of giving strength and solidity to the floors of warehouses and manufactories, and appears equally applicable in the construction f bridges and viaducts. The plan has received the approbation of many scientific and practical men, and by some ...

[No title]

... EXCHEQUER COURT, April If).—WATTS v. WEALE.-N,lt- Evans, oil behalf of the plaintiff, applied to the Court for a rule, calling on the defen- dant to show cause why the verdict should not be set aside, aud a new trial ordered. It was an action of trespass tried before Mr Justice Coleridge at the last Assizes at Radnor, when the Jury found for the defendant, with t,5 damages; it being a question ...

..........-1 TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS. --

... TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS. My Lords '-You have unfurled the national stan- dard. Its patriotic and hearty motto is Justice for E:iglittid. The English nation will support you in your high endeavours. Fear not that they wi;1 be backward. They recognize your Lordships as their 11aturalleaders, 110 have advanced, ACEORD INS^ TO YONR hereditary duty, to assist them in the extremity of their ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE & GUARDIAN. SIR -I happened, a short time ago, to lay my hand on a small work of the celebrated Whitefield, the title of which is as follows: An account of some Lent and other Extraordinary Processions, and Ecclesiastical Entertainments, seen at Lisbon. In four letters to an English friend. With a preface, showing the reasons of its present Re-publication, on ...


... RAILWAY MEMORANDA. It is said of the Brighton Railway that the Brighton terminus of one line is 70 feet above the level of the road, aud one mile and a half from the Steine. Another ends in a field 10 feet deep, out of sight and approached by an inclined plane a mile west of the Steine. One plan is to be completed in six years, another in three years. Great excitement is felt at Brighton, lest ...

-.1!8o.-A:; RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS OF ,T liE HOUSE OF LORD. I T'ol.-Sittith, Elclcr, and Co

... A new Edition, of Swift's Tale of a Tub, with variorum notes and a supplement, has been published by Roake and Varty. The Tale is further illustrated by wood-cuts, by R. Cruik- shank-not the inimitable Gtorge. The satire of this Tale is as cutting and as applicable as ever —perhaps recent events have given it a keener edge—our concern however, is with the supple- ment. It was a hazardous ...


... POETEY. THE MILK-MAID'S SONG. A graceless hllss. was rnother'oJ word Was ever such vulgar language heard ?- Graceless'—why, haven't I heen to pray, For the last six Sundays, twice a dav, Since I wore Mr Sprangs' present—my new Straw bonnet, with riobons of red and blue?— It's so becoming, has such an air No wonder the folks should nudge and stare.- Hussy, forsooth! He's a gentleman traveller, ...

[No title]

... A friend writes lo us from Gottingen—I met here a traveller famous for his locomotive powers—a Norwegian, 35 years old-who ran from Paris to Moscow in 14 days, swimming across 30 rivers. He ran from Munich to Nauplia, in Greece, in 24 days, and is now under an engagement to run from Vienna to Calcutta in 6.5 days, to carry letters, for which he is to receive £350. All these feats will, I hope ...

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... POETRY. A Translation of the Epitaph OiL Gwilym Morganu-g attempted. Beho.d the tomb where gifted Gwilvm lies, Of mind imbued with ae!i,vc lore; A genia' Bard-a Dru;d d,)iib'y %vie, Full great he was—alas his days are o'er. The prave now holds him hat with fOI,d regard, virtues—all that forn.ed the Bard, Sbali live while li 'hi shall live—till Genius si, eus. S. Part of a Brahmi ,iical to ...