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North West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... AJORRIS'S CELEBRATED PEARL OINTMENT, used and recommended by several eminent gentlemen of the Faculty, for the cure of scurvy, scald head, ring worm, piles, sore legs of many years stani- ine, chilblains, chapped hrgds, sore eyes, grocer's itch, and all inveteratsrliseas ifthe skin. It also affords great re- orsf wonflip. ed &cnc Tl extraorsnary effcay of tmours 0nor as,,'e poe in. mn f t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xeb, 1ubltcatiofl. NEW AND POPULAR WORiS, Published by P. WESTLEY and A. HDAIStationers Hall Court, and Ave-Maria Lane Lnndon. JUST PUIILISHi)O-NEWV J UVE LE IV4RKS. in One Vol. 12mo. price 3s. bound Ci otti. VISIBLE HISTOR1Y. ENGLAND. V By CHIARLES WILLIAMS. By the same Authori- The World ofWaters. Price 4s6d. A delightful little voluie, vasriots, entertaining, and in. structive, and capable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t'nreserved Sale of Carriages, Plhaetons, Gigs liarnmsJ S T - H E Remaining Stock of London.made T CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, GIGS and HAR- NESS will be SOLD by AUCTION, without the least re. serve, on Tuesday, May 3rd, 1836, by Mr. BYWATER, at his Horse and Carriage Bazaar, Peter.street. Manchester Ther consist of seven excell nt phaotons, with and without heads; ten capital gigs, i first-ate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bolton, Wtiga, and Preston Junclion 1a l-way. IT1I a viev to tile cscciblisllnetit of a rtiulvly VT to coniect maitchetr-l. cllI Boltoni with Wcgccn on(l Preston, a priject wais adevaCetI cin 18 30, which riceiveil tlhe viiauct on and support if inaiy highly ?? indlividuail ; bitt. owing to the txistrnce f an ithler piocject, lihoviijg for its object tile es cb liihment of i diistinet iintl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r New Edition. In one vol; Imperial 8vo. price l5s. in cloth, CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE to the OLD. s and NEw TESTAMilENT; or a Dictionary and Al habe- 1tical Index to the Bible, with a Sketch of the Life an' Cha-. Iracter of the Author. By William Youngman. *- Every precaution has been taken to secure tire highest possible. . degree of acusracy-. We aee glad to perceive that for ror a t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wo. XeldU I~bicatiofl0.___ to1 eil __ _ ?? NEW AND POPULAR WORKS, her Pubtflised by ?? WESTLEY and A. H-. DAVIS, Stationers dil of Hall Court, andI Ave.?Marla Lante, London. j us'r PUBLASHED-NEW JUVENILE WORKItS. 145 in Onle Vol. l21110. price Si. bound in cloth. pr:n Y''ISU H ISTORY.-ENGLAND. tIna- By~ the msane Anthor:- lpcr- The World or Waters. Price 4s 13,1. le in ,A delightful little ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -wo-stgll -&W WANTED, a Two-st 1i* ABLE, in T the neighbourheod of Ki-3rePetpr Croosqstreet._ Applv to the Printers. _ I ruo JOURNEYMEN PAINTI EI1S.-. I. WANTED imniediatok.l in AlrIo~Ch1et~er and itsvsj. rinity, anumberofJ0URN YMlEN ANDRS. Gored and steady worknsef will meet w~tith 'or ernem t at wages from 249. per woeek ?? ?? to merit, by applying at the various sh April-28th, 18St6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... trRtY l.lsC'l'~toE in ld Co S on BOTANY,n We',ies~les tli. 4th. oE MJIty a iive o'cloek. . I'iiie-st rest. ANCEON ]SAK OF I' NCHESTEiI. NL ) otiie' is h( rehb given, that th Di e -torof tiis Bank I emdoreml t)e first ea11 f £2 10$. ter share to bo paid at (t1, ~ meete 5. Ki;. mi-street. MI ujer, on the 2d day of %rjj.!,j or on one of tbe tye sueep between the o. Q of iteu nold thret oelo , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - lIreiai@ci, TO BE .LET, OX Ji'jtCI1jANI'7' QUAW, DROGHBDA, -EaThe pro1erty of the late Thomans Ridgwoy, Esq.' r S,,h ,Termru as rnay I be agreed on, and Posses- rio giien oil. the lit of Jmlg, 1536; fIAT -Extensive' OAT-MEAL' MILL, with | steam FEn,,ine and Machinery on the best ffi n apale f tat~~tourig 600 loads °f MCAl okt'ge Corn Stores, and two Kilns ad- ill be 're~ceivedl (if' by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S50i , RICESl of' 6. TIE AN C IES' ANCCH~IS ESTE I HIR CES to informn the Innkeepers and Publican~s of the own ~,oi,,ionrhood that theN ?? oc~ of the tozvn an A lelrf the puo of ETTING BRICK I thje othdav d ' fIUTS, such letting to take place at the BARtS and 50larsaO l Moor, from ten in the forcnodh'uibtilI Tarf TaverOu1 lon _Persons wishing to secure their old tirec iil tlic anfit rnake ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOCKPORT. ITOCKPORT' INF.IRMAMY.-A 81E- ' CAl Ai MEE1 G of 'TRUSTEES of this Inl- StitUtiO bill be ld on Wednesday thl 27th .pril snot.antt oO' tA fornoon preisely. for thos purpose o d ,t iol Alesdical Oflicers -namsly, !nl siting Surglon. Everiy ubscriber of one guinea is a trustee.-Candidate' ?? testimonials have not already been referredt(i tile Aledical Committee and approved must sunl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TA .WAN ,a aDENGROSSIN-G X GLERK~pl*{tdp/H DING S office, Soli- citor, Cross-street, sc e- tI Aprl 1 1EJANTED,, AEa{AR ASSISTANT in TW a Wholesale a, nu- SzIvAn SIxor.-Address A. Z. at the Printes- M1T ANTED ijwjatelK a steady active potpi)tge Ma~'is$ULRL~BoAddlrees f by letter, Brink, CoRnAgHUST, Swa ST. JAMES'S -C)J IWANTED, for ti e above Thf~~0 'REBLE and other SINGERS.-App to NOLD, George ...