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Advertisements & Notices

... lI7STULX!, PILES, PROLAPSUS, STRILCTURES F' ABSCESS, TUMNOU118, 8ic._ Ir. Sv J. VAN BUTCHELL, Accoucheur, and Surgeon for the cure of the above complaints, without cutting, caustic, or confinement, in the most dangerous cases, exemplified in a long practice, offers his professional aid to those sho may be afflicted, with the fullest confidence of speedily restoring them to health, by his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RST ItYSEA -f1 CTIVANY. I 11TA1-~~l O ?? Direc,:tEhvoi ltrnhe oextenid thle capitak tt,' 'VirlY. i, empliatcL' w-ith the ltesoliutiofls of tile j 5Co,,p.,y i 510 ap ionaiffs liv letter. for the ?? to die ptiiPoqseSC'eQ be the orieimal ocremethe-i ,sanx-r,) rece~ived at the Carlt- s~e. Ni. o ''eili s~rt't oior efirt the H 2th of April. .01' Gl 1iiI'Ot'iEtCLAXTON. TI-I EATR-KiX?± BRSTOL1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / sTHE BRISTOL ASYLUM, oR SCHIOOL Or INDUSTRY FOR TU1E BLIND, INSTITUTED, 1793.' Incorporatei Ly Act of Parliarent, ISS-322. THE GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the T Donors and Subscribers will be holden at the ASYLUM, in Lower Maudlin-lane, on TUEcSAy, the 3d (day of Slay next, at Noon, for the purpose of receiving a Report from the CoLmmittee, and of electing Officers for the ensuing Year. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VL/ : For NTEVW YORK, The fine ?? American Ship, NILE, 550 Tons Burthen, DAVID HERIURN, Commander. This spacious Ship is Seven feet high between decks, has first-rate accommodations for Cabin and Steerage Passengers, and offers a most eligible opportunity for families emigrating to the United States. Parties who have not completed their shipments of heavygoods are requested to do so wvithout ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the MagistiateR of the C'ounty of Devon. MlY LOoDS ANXD GENTLLMEV, N T being a native of this county, and 1 lonconneutedl as I am, with atiy of the leading, families in it, I cannot but coisider, the result of the election, thoighi decided against mc, as exhibiting a strong proot of the simple influence of characrer; whici is, at the same time, most flittering end consoling to my feelings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... et, GREAT WESTERN R'AILWAY.. Call for Third Iastoalmnt of £10o per Sho~re. ir P EDirectors of the Orreat, Western ]RaiIlva~' Compaay' ry, X avingresolved, at a Meeting hell in London this day. tl edCall, under the Provisions of the Act of Incorporation, for an 1W ad talmetit of Ten Pounds peer Share,; Nsli& is hereby given, thait tie. be Proprietors of Shares are required to psy, on or before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qffi re, S'li 2iu1, E~ ?? C fe P qt~Ue, c3' E ah ou li Caplal ,5 2,3000,fl ill Lli ar's if £25 citch D)epei t £ ' C(MMTTIpit Shat'. ('21'I TfE'~O' IA NAGEM21ENI' XXllii li.l ith' Po.1.Roi len, E'q 1., 21.1'. ?? Ail'le MHl, 1'l I'oj I'ii'Shn ~ uV. X. lbi'dii,) E., 1P. ir. ia ?? ?? shB q . J. Runeaik', Esq. Ev Roht1. 1)iiuiiie ?? q. Mou.X pie loie Bar iilnes S..and R ,V. EVertt Eq .ii, inM.P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a .Ali - att tile Ak G l tti. ?? AL ~ t tlthe 2h itat of 5 Lewi fyi11iam z3uick, Misf2. in the C)hsiir, 1f tl le eiocil,-1htat ti l llovig C I P trnints tbe given at It tiirilellti,,, 1)).NriD, An XV ?? :SD:Y thm 'lht thy i gy, 1;;3i: (blirlg G 4est 'Forril gtill fliti Day,) by Eleven u (lock i \S )FOR ALL ENGLAND. 13B est Sliil ?? - £5 0 0 ?? ?? Sti..liri 2 0 O l3ert ?? .i 4 0 0 t 1 , S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROTECTOR AND PHCRNTX FIRE OFFICES, THE D irectors of the to.NIX Fire be to - inform the public, that the Buineat and Interesta of the two Companies being now United under an arrangement made with is the Proprietors resiectively, the Offices of the two. Companies t. will remain open as heretotore, for the g rantii g ani renewing of Fire Insurances. PacEsix or PoiorleRois Policies and receipts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - OBEF LET, for FL Term of Years, cominene oc 'T Lady-day next, 183 7, a TA.N-YA ID1, Situated at RARNSrAPrLF, fthflsrcqriflinC Twenity-four Handlers, '7 feet long, 5 deep~, S Wiicl;tXrV four Layers, of the same dimensions, the whole tunder cover; fourteen Latches; togetherwivsh proportionate Graitters, Liticcs, Soaks, &c.; with spacious Drvinr, Lofti, Bark Sheds, Store Rooms, Mill-house, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it ?? to ,is Friends anl thre Puillic for the stupnrt Ite has reheived p io &tio- of tW y-tYO yearS is sirons of inforltheinth:i-his 1rl nisec N. r, WIl-Sp1i . - (,itrifl tethat hehsbe nth tththere wilh, cals he procuedtr a first-rate m-tortirnte of GOODSi , d illF a Pr; rationc; that fit! has bees l i the II1 S arletnd I i 'S ;ll ti nrt loer tlo strike ut the r ia of a syste-t on d,,icsuery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-ND WOOLLEN DIRAPERy, L[fN SILK )IERCEUlY, &'c. TO SE0 SOLD Dir A UCY1flA71 Bv Mr. J.H. SMITH,I 2i , lidloln. at the VtiITO SIAL o 1\ITN'of Prints, MuLSlin TDresses, Irislr Linen, 3lirarli J ?? tiii oI \ riihCa':' ill ?? k andl (?v'c' shlrN~ lS.tilkI l':odkerch liet'. French lli5 ?? Glixen Silk Stocks, Itib'ols~i. Lace ?? N ! d Naps. Ginzag'rlr. S:lk Scarf, !,:ice ,tad Bitl'acki4- Blir- andl ...