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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury


... AYR. This reverend Court commenced its sittings at Glas- gow on Tuesday, in the usual place of meeting, the F Preslbvtery House. Thil- Court took up an appeal from the Paisley Pres- , bytery, il relation to the reception of a report from a I Committee, appointed to report on the sermon preached by the Rev. Dr Fleming of Neilston on the induction of the Rev. Mir Stevenson, with shut doors. It ...


... An adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of Police was held on Monday-Bailie Macfarlan in the chair. A good deal of discussion took place connected with the billeting of soldiers in the suburbs of the city; the most important part of which was an announcement that, from the balances accumulated in the hands of the llilletmaster, no locality assessment will lie necessary next year. With ...


... THE LAST CAPITAL PUNISHIMENT. (1Ao-m a Corresmondent' (.;row a Correspondent.) We have again to record, that the last sad punish- ment has been inflicted on a human being; that a fellow-creature has been hanged with the intention, and oh ! may the hopes be fulfilled, of more fully impressing on us the borror that should result on beholding crime, and the better to prevent its re- currence. We ...


... (The Duke of Wellinotvo's evidence veoncluiled from ort our per Of Thurnsday las~)sls Hl;e your Grl ea ever turn~ed in youjlro ind whether there might not ILe a ?? of romards, either of lie. i. newsor or of increase of poly, thlat might tend to maratntirs to the discipline of thle aernr, rofid thereby render cerpo- ral ponishinent less frequrent ?-With respect to a sye- 011 tern of reward, I ...


... House of Lords, April 18. Edinburgh Water Company v. Wau.h, Nelson v. f Farioh.-Petifions of the respondents for further time to lodge cases, read and referred to the Appeal Committee. Sir John M. Mackenzie's Estate Bill.-Read a second a time, and committed for Tuesday the 26th inst. We understand that it is in contemplation to turn t the remains of the statue of William III. at Dublin to some ...


... ?? STBRE~-t.e A G.s.v Dxrctveax-1i5E Laura Srnither' anda Miss SuA G, Jo ene, aprofedlys insts came before the Bendh, thee first as coarplniuant, and the latter as. dfrendantp, int a stageof aseaut olt.aotamn g bythe artie lodged inthe Samuel hoube,in Wardmer Stree. Mis Suan, n thetwo air ackcultivatipg tlgnthe art of tit arlou and Miss Laurain the roam abivedeotringl her enegiodgraes to the ...


... SHERIFF COURT.-INTIMIDATION. On Saturday week a case of intimidation, arising out of til recent distalrainces at St Rollox, was investigated before Sheriff Allison, in the Justiciary Court Hill, 3 Glasgow. The prisoner was a labourer, namied Aialcol;ih A'Intines, who some two or three years ago was employed ir in Messrs Tentiant's works, and aho, at the late strike, signalited bimself as a ...


... l House of Lords, April 27. R EAillar tr. Knox.-An appeal has been presented in R this case, 'and the respondent ordered to answer in four oI , weeks. gr M'Cratv v. Cuniagiam--Set down for hearing. Sir William Henry Don, Blart. v. Lipman.-Leave tic granted to tip ?? to enter btoo recvognrizanees. Cl Sir John Ogilvy's Estate Bill.-Read and committedr vi for Monday the 9th of May next. pr I ...


... VI entTt, Oct. 12, 1855-H-_ has been or lered to Delhi on command with the regiment, to be present at the execution of the Newab Shan- sooddeen, for the murder of Mr Fraser. I remain- ed here, and it was expected there would have been a rescue, riot, &c. ; but the aid of four regi- ments of infantry, one regiment of native cavalry, sappers and miners, skirmishers, irregular horse, Fiez Mehomed ...


... b On Alon day, the Circuit Court of Justiciary was open. - ed at Aherdeen by the Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Gd- 'f ?? lones, Esq. Advqcate-Depute. y The following cases were disposcd of by the Court Georgc Abel-theft, two previous convictions-1S Y months' imprisonment inBridewell, ,The Lord Justire Clerk, in reference tn this sentence, h begged to state, that the expense of such confinement ...


... IR EL AND. MYSTERIOUS CASE OFr MJluDER.-Onfl Monday last, an inquest was held at Cork of' the body of James Sullivan, found in the river near the Castle of Blackroek ; and on the day following, an inquest was held on the body of Johanna Butler, supposed to have met, her death in consequence of her hus- band, Stephen Butler, having plunged a red hot poker into her neck, between the jugular vein ...


... TAUNTON ASSIZES-April 9. 1ORTHWICK, ESQ. V. COit1OUcrD AND OTIM1s9 a Mr Sergeant Wilde (who came down specially), Mir C Sergeant Blompas, and Mr Crowder, were Counsel for the a plaintiff; sail Mr Eric, Mlr Binghaim, and Mr C. Buoler n were Counsel for the defendants. Mr Crowder having g opened the pleadings, t Mr Sergeant WVilde said, he had the honour tobe I Counsel for the plaintiff, and the ...