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April 1836
39 9



Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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.,..,.,,.,...,,..,,,__r PARfSH OF SWANSEA

... PARfSH OF SWANSEA. A meeting of the rate payers, for the ejecting of officers, took place on Thursday, according to annual custom. The Rev. Doctor HEWSON in the Chair. Reference having been made to the parish accounts, rendered by the Guardian, and as to t ie expenditure of the last year, a little discussion took place between Messrs. R uttl-r, Walters, and Walker, as to the management ...


... Cow BRIDGE, 5th APHIL, 1836. Before JOHV NICIIOLL, ESQ.; D.C.L. M.P. Chairman. Tne MOST NOBLE the MARQUIS of BUTE. J. B Bruce, Esq. Robert Knight, Clerk. T. W. Booker, E,q. J. N. Mers. gsq. J. W. B nnett, Esq. T B. Rous, Ksq. Thomas Edmoudcs, Esq. It. Savours, Esq. Entwisle, Esq. T. Stacy. Clerk. Richard Franklyn, Esq. G Thomas, C'erk. Howell Gwyu, Esq, Llewellyn 1 raherne. Esq. Richard Hill, ...

[No title]

... Lord Elphinstone has been appointed Gover- nor of Madras. His Lordship is a young Governor, and possesses many striking requisites for the high office. His Lordship is universally popular he-re, and is in manner and disposition eminently calcula- fed to conciliate all classes of the people over whom he is to be set. He is a Whig, it is true; but that we look upon to be rather his misfortune ...


... At a most numerous meeting of the inhabitants of Bristol, attended by all the respectable per- -on-oftbat city, which was held on the 2d inst. 'be following resolutions were agreed to: — William Fripp, Esq., Mayor, in the Chair, It was unanimously resolved, '1. 1 hat it is due to Thomas Daniel, Esq. one of the most eminent and respected of our fellow, citizens, that an affectionate address ...


... SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS.-No. 133. GEN. i. v. 20.— And God said, let the waters bring- forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and rowl. The fish are called moving (in the Hebrew, creeping) creatures, because their bellies touch the-water, as creeping things do the earth. Both fishes and foiols were made out of the ivaters; tillt is, out of such matter as was mixed with the ...

[No title]

... The Emperor Nicholas has experienced a sad loss- The Keeper of his Foreign Pension Lis. has run away, and carried with him those Sta- tistics of the European Conscience. Great con- sternation has been exhibited among our Radi- cal Oiatois on the subject. Yet why may not a man of virtne do his duty and make a poor 500 a year besides ? The paper wilt be forthcoming. We mention no names. ...


... The pleasantries of the John Bull are very ex- tensively sported on the discovery of the gold buried at Stamnore. With the good fortune which ought alwags to favour the resolute punster, the names of the parties are appropriate enough. The Rector is Mr Chauvel, fairly called S'liove!ttie Solicitor who comes to lay hands upon the treasure is Mr Maule, from the Treasury, and the coroner has the ...

[No title]

... The world goes round let Kings and Philo- sophers say what they will. The past has been a week of holiday-from the Fair of Cefn to the Sports of the Metropolis. At the former we enjoyed ourselves after the fashion of the place, our Dotible was dispatched to London for a holiday, and from him we have received the following report of the day's amusement.—Lon- don had its two old exhilaratiogf on ...

[No title]

... We have a very sincere pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the Address of the Inhabitants of Bristol, presented to T. Daniel, Esq. in consequence of the rejection of his naine; by Lord J. Kussell, on the List of Magis- trates. i'iie poor, petty spite of this Nobleman —a vice for which he has been always remark- able, and which totally unfits him for the pro- per discharge of ...

[No title]

... It is an extraordinary fact, and no less lament- able, that in this town (Woodbridge) there ire marriageable females of the highest respectability from the blooming age of 22 to that period when a lady's age becomes a questionable point, with- out helpmates. There are also no less than 52 widows, who it would be unfair to presume are not desirous again to enlist under the banners of Hymen, ...


... S'V1 send you a very old Englyn on our Moun- tain River, with a translation retaining the very peculiar metre of that ancient British Composition. Mae Taf yn afon rwvsgus, Mae Taf yn afreohis; ivr ^haf a ddygwys by wyd cant Mae 11 cerdded pant echrydus. Faffs torrent woe presages, Through chasms dread it rages; What count ess victims in its waves Have found their graves through ages Yours, ...

G LE1\.yqlri'S1-S. --

... G LE1\.yqlri'S1-S. Lw-v-f \vv, CAEUNtAI!VOXSII[RE. This alpine 1;1 ke was first made generally known from the asser- tion of Giraklus Cainbrensis, that it contained a singular kind of trout, perch, and eels, which an wanted the left eye. Few persons seem to have given credit to this account. Mr Edward Lloyd, however, says, that a Caernarvonshire fisherman told him, he had several times caught ...