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Spring Show of the Derby & Derbyshire Horticultural & Floral Society

... Spring Show of the Derbyl & Derb~*dre Horticultural & Floral Society. I r. -. . - e esterday this Society's show of Auriculss and Polyant. d thuses took place at the Town Hall, Derby. The show td was not a very large one, but it was of the first character, We subjoin a list of the winners of the Premiums and first Prizes of each class. To-day the exhibition of Hot-house d Plants, &c. takes ...


... LITERATIJRE. J.\A49nsRs;s BMERCA'NTILE COrRESPONDEXSCE. Effinghsm Wilson, London. This work consists of a series of three hundred letters on every subject that can come before a mer- cantile man; the style of them is simple, clear, con- cise, and correct ; it is accompanied with an analy- tical index, en explanation of mercantile technics- lities, with forms of all commercial documents and ...


... I ZIP V3 gm ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. USoA- THE EVENING HYMN. r Ftovi TareJ acd Poeme, by Thoa. Miller, Bakc!.wtaker.) flow many lays, with mute adieu, Have enne down yon untrodden sky l And still it looks as clear and blue, An when it first was hung on high. The rolling sun, the frowning cloud That drew the lightning in its rear, The thunder, tramping deep and lord, Have left no friot.mark thete ...


... MUSiC. this evessirig sit Drury-lane Ifl tIiC Niitttssinlsiass. 'I he pest might be considered ? WOtO OUt i for ?? only lies Gaisr per- fbrmed it very otten, in ito original shape, at the Opera-I In tsr, but Al ait Cii SN has setressily inside it ?? or to cecry E 'i gush pley-goer. 1 lie specie has liii! little Ic hat ic merit, sm?? rise ?? is ctitti?ih tO lid ?? ?? ?? ilsit iii Isrssi? psrtty ...


... MOAMItai DRESS._Pelisse robe of India muslin, the corsage fitting'close to the shape at top, but drawn in with a littib fulness at the bottom ; it is cut in a very becoming manner, quite high behind, but a little sloping, so as to dis- .play the front of the tbroaHt; it is embroidered and trimmed with lace. The sleeves fit close uppon the shoulder, and at the losver pai't of the arm they arx ...


... - - - To . Ie .1 ?? ., s LETTER to the Electors of Caitrhness ci Tim Cna, (l(N STUTtTIONAT Assocssriin; lately vstaldished in that tie countv. Adam & Charles Black, Eflinbvrgh. wa This small pamphlet deserves perusal not only Bn try those to whom it is addressed, but bythe public Cr generally. Its object is to show thle people of Caithness the real dlesign and tendlery of the as- sociations ...


... if sick of home and luxuries, You want a new sensation, y And sigh for the unwonted ease Of unaccommodation,. If you would taste, as amateur, ti And vagabond beginner, s The painful pleasure of the poor, ti Get up a Pic-nic dinner, a Presto! 't~a done.away ye start, n All frolic, fun, and laughter, I The servants and provision cart I As gaily trotting after. 0 The spot is reach'd, when all ...


... .t. , r. .:i. 2. Alford-Arisaig-Ellon ?? tryst. 1 L. t Ammtulre great ftiir (2 ?? of Don-Iillin-lKingsmiiir (cat tle)-lU ichaills-elosclearty. ,. 4. Rotlsay. 'f 1;. 5. A itchtewarder -Annan-Greenlawv-Logie--Nilaybole. 1 . tllutherglen (great horse imalrket.) :SI. 9. Clashmore-Kildkry-tKilcoy, in Black ?? -NeALW 31achar. Tu. Bi. Auchiidloir-Bridge of A es -Culltlris-Erntiin-Kcllc ?? Tarbet ...


... THE INAUdU1ATION. he~c~lt 1 to Wit. IIIlE JoUtRNAL has obtained a rule o nominate the lMAYOR'S FOOL B'u leaving vulgar fools to claim TBe first of April for their fame, Hereby appoints and names a day To install his Worship's merry MAY And calls on all the Council's lieges, PromPtlY to use their privileges, perform their parts, and keep their places, ?? first wash'd their hands and fces,) ...


... I 9Seet daughter of a rough and stormy sire, Hoa w vhiter's bloomitg child,-delightful spring g Whose unshor locks with leaves and swelling buds are crown'd. -Mits. BARBAULO. Whydost thou llngerlovely one? Mushiwas in thel ild bee's hum, Reluctantly appearing, Con, Among the vernal flowers; Come, place thy flow'ry ch.plet Telling of sunny days to come, Thecold grey morning eherPing. Of ...


... 'TI'E LITERARY EXAA/XINER. ?? ManW Grame: a 'isit to Sierma Leone in 1834. By F. Harrison Rankin. Two vols. Bentley. A _all time ago a Judge on his way out to Sierra Leone, who b;td' shotn. man in a duel, was arrested and brought baek to 3Eiiian'2,50 take his tial for his life. Thid struck everyone as a iost: fhnical iinterference of the law, as Sierra Leone seemed a stffl4tengy ceieah capital ...


... DRUJRY4AI.AS THEA TRE. 'day, Ilsiadame MALI5RAN'5 re-appearance in her favourite cha- racter of Amine, in La Sisnnumbsla, drew a great cro.vd to ?2. this theatre last nir lit. Her reception was enthusiastic in the r to ?x?sreme.On nijoutee ? from every part of the house; and. (luring the whole piece, the besulifal traits of naturi' soil feeling in her acting, and of ittOliL. linish and ...