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... THE PLOT, OR ,'HOLIDAY TIME. Having nothing to do during holiday time, I am taking, by way of a frolic, to rhymes While I give an account of what others are doing, Of TSze Plot which our present Destrectietes are brewing. Holiday time, holiday time, All for themselves during holiday time; Lord John, in a pause from political strife, For a few days to Tunbridge elopes with his wife, ...


... P ( E'il a ?? Aarstiei to I'.igint of thle 71h net. A WA,' a harri.'r b r1,.Wr, a' baty, I)- fad a I hr I, ad p1-1l1ep. IIA hy dIy, Iru WV hintii fv a ra-t rli.' liml .0 s e Pall n,i ?? ?? it 111twoir, {r snpp.-]r pr-lJwr' I, WVoh ea ?? ki I tmi. daly doclar'd, 'I , m .- i. i or Vaista, mar table th urarp. O-r Mlat, ithi s itog ail u rr l t hir pilate, Il rr.- patietlly wait 'till IhI(s, tklwl ...

Spring Show of the Derby & Derbyshire Horticultural & Floral Society

... Spring Show of the Derbyl & Derb~*dre Horticultural & Floral Society. I r. -. . - e esterday this Society's show of Auriculss and Polyant. d thuses took place at the Town Hall, Derby. The show td was not a very large one, but it was of the first character, We subjoin a list of the winners of the Premiums and first Prizes of each class. To-day the exhibition of Hot-house d Plants, &c. takes ...


... I Sunday, 22.-Abbots Bromley, Dunstable, Limpsfteld, Maen. elochog, Oakley, Ruabon. Mfonday, 2-Albrighton, A plesbaw, Bagoroulh, Crick- leth, Greys, Guestllrg, Lidfard Green, Sudbury, Arersham, Appleby, Bakewell, Battle, Beceics, Serkhampstead, Bieester, Hlggleswade. Billinghurst, Binegar, Black Burton, Btxtead, Braughing, 8rixsworth, Bromfield, Bromyard, Cartmel, Chalk, Chiclester, Clunn, ...


... Po MT 3EL W. A 0llOSI STORY. T'o ithe air of Unfortunate Miss l3AtLev. Not long in Ltd had L-J,-'nl-HST lain, IlNletn, as hir lanip burn'd dimly, ?? ghosts oft ?? bellies slain Stood lv Ilis bed-.ide grimly. Mead Aldcnr-en, who once could feast, BIut now, thillseiveg' ate fed on, And skeletons ol hlay'rs deceas'tl, 'this dolelul chotus led lnk - 011 Lord 1,-Stl - IIST, 'U1nmierviful Lo d l. ...


... LITERATIJRE. J.\A49nsRs;s BMERCA'NTILE COrRESPONDEXSCE. Effinghsm Wilson, London. This work consists of a series of three hundred letters on every subject that can come before a mer- cantile man; the style of them is simple, clear, con- cise, and correct ; it is accompanied with an analy- tical index, en explanation of mercantile technics- lities, with forms of all commercial documents and ...


... I ZIP V3 gm ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. USoA- THE EVENING HYMN. r Ftovi TareJ acd Poeme, by Thoa. Miller, Bakc!.wtaker.) flow many lays, with mute adieu, Have enne down yon untrodden sky l And still it looks as clear and blue, An when it first was hung on high. The rolling sun, the frowning cloud That drew the lightning in its rear, The thunder, tramping deep and lord, Have left no friot.mark thete ...


... MUSiC. this evessirig sit Drury-lane Ifl tIiC Niitttssinlsiass. 'I he pest might be considered ? WOtO OUt i for ?? only lies Gaisr per- fbrmed it very otten, in ito original shape, at the Opera-I In tsr, but Al ait Cii SN has setressily inside it ?? or to cecry E 'i gush pley-goer. 1 lie specie has liii! little Ic hat ic merit, sm?? rise ?? is ctitti?ih tO lid ?? ?? ?? ilsit iii Isrssi? psrtty ...


... Ill JRRIOR OFA SKIflON. COt' R 1' ('tCH t LA H. Yeslerdtay was tle birtil ?? of tile l ?? of Hlescv liemberg. Iler ltca al Ili-ilne~s rlceiveel coligreitulatory Vi itsontlleo(aiciiioil tmtmle ir Rioiya II i;1mtvqestheI) uohews ot isent* the Prinress N ictoria, llid the l'rirees Augusta, their Serene I iighnvesv%. thle reiimin I )u'se of Saxec (Coourg, tlhe Ifeled itary Prineo, Prince Albert, ...


... MOAMItai DRESS._Pelisse robe of India muslin, the corsage fitting'close to the shape at top, but drawn in with a littib fulness at the bottom ; it is cut in a very becoming manner, quite high behind, but a little sloping, so as to dis- .play the front of the tbroaHt; it is embroidered and trimmed with lace. The sleeves fit close uppon the shoulder, and at the losver pai't of the arm they arx ...


... LlIEliTATUIZE. 'tlV. ?? ANts) VOttEtN HtEVlIA Awr April, 1836f L rdrr,,, Messrs. IRidgsWely and Srtin. 'Iihe lo esent tiutber contains a variety of interesting end varlu- olble artitkles. We shall extract a po lion mi f io tatl on the l~le&- live Systetm in France. thoughl it relates. itl wbuit *ve are about to select, more immediately to the NATIONAL. toVAID. toi he first plare, tie Natiatial ...


... COURTI. CIR('1 VAR. fle Roult 1d Iim- u t he Pt nce~s Vietori e ijiered her I Htit ) tat yv terllavy it mt In iarke~l by gcnerul dernucntratio n of ,I liii iiorniii-i, Nva. usiect(i tint Ktanlslgton by the parish church ellc, tiidi tile cvelitl,, thle D~ucesse Of Kretir ti'iie'steopie aitd iiany rvc'pectriile inliabittantis ot the town il(tid tegetlirr lit the king.z Airnow Tverr. ?? inl the ...