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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... THE SOLAR ECLIPSE.—A singularly beautiful appearance, says the Glasgow Herald, was exhibited by the telescopes at the instant of the completion of the ring The two horns or points ot the tineclipsed part of the sun had been gra- ,*} V aPProaching each other until tiieir distance had,become small. Instead, however, of con- tinuing to make this gradual approach, there seemed to issue from each ...


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. (Continued from our last Page.) HOUSE OF LORDS.—TUESDAY. The Entails (Scotland) Bill, after some conversa- tion, was read a second time. Lord DUNCANNON moved the third reading of the Constabulary Force (Ireland) Bill. Lord ELLENBOROUGH suggested an alteration in the wording of the Oath, so as to require the parties taking it to swear that they did not belong to any Secret ...


... MANSFfELD.—An excellent plan for the detection of horse stealers has been adopted at Mansfield; if a horse is stolen from thence, infor- mation will be immediately given to the members of the association, who will instantly scour the country for at least 30 miles around Mansfield, This is an example which we hope will be followed throughout the kingdom.-Derbyshire Courier. DREADFUL ...

[No title]

... The House of Lominous, moved by the excessive gallantry of Mr Grautley Berkley, have just done what might be worthier of a French Theatre. A motion for admitting Ladies to the gallery of the LOnSe of Commons has been carried by a lare majority. The principle will be to turn public council into a debating club, and the gallery into a spectacle. It may be among the resulting questions; where are ...


... CARDIFF. FOREIGN REPORTED INWARDS.—The Cateviena, Nyrnan, from Guernsey, in ballast; and the Fortuna, Bulow, from Memel, with deals, staves, and lath- wood. FOREIGN ENTERED OUTWARDs.-The Sonne, Holst, and the Anna, Loets, for Hamburg. FOREIGN CLEARED OUTWARi)s.-The Mary Ann, Child, for Newcastle, Uuited States, with iron and passengers; the Beer and Wingyett, Bee, for An- cona, and the Eulione ...

[No title]

... SOCIETY fOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIM,u.a.-On Friday week, this Society held its annual meeting in the large room in the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, The meeting was one of the most numerous and respectable which has oc- cured since the formation of the Society, and the greatest interest appeared to be taken in the objects and proceedings of the Committee. The Earl of ...

[No title]

... THE IRISH TUTOR AND HIS SCHOOL. We ought to have sooner noticed what we con- sider decidedly the happiest effort of the comic talent of H. B. The sketch is called The Irish Tutor, and represents the Irish Master of the English Cabinet as a burly pedagogue in one of his mifder moods. His little'' school is arrayed in solemn order in the front of the desk, at which sits the Schoolmaster at ...

[No title]

... Our highly resp^Tt^j i^jmlsentative Mr Bailey, besides numerous other recent acts of liber- ality, has presented the handsome sum of £ »0 to the funds of the Diocesan Society for building churches.— Worcester Guardian. OBSERVANCE OF THF.!SABB\TH. A petition to the two Houses of Parliament has been prepared in this city in favour of an alteration in the law which shall promote a better ...


... RATTLE BEFORE ST. SEBASTIAN. (From the United Service Gazette.) We have supplied lengthened and minute details elsewhere of be recent operations of Colonel Ev ni* and the Legion under his orders, which will be perused by our professional friends vvitu a'l th • • nterest arising from tnc events in which the honour of he British name was invo.ved, r.nd tiie lustre of watch, political ...

[No title]

... Mr W- Hancock, whose perseverance cer- tainly deserves success, commenced vanning his steam carriages, the Enterprisc and Erill, 011 Wednesday se uuight, at ií o'clock, from the station iu the City-road to London-wall; from'theuce he pi-ocee(i(-d t') Pa(idit),t -),, ztll,l i-clut-ited to ttic ('ily. On the first day he performed three of these journies, on the second, four, and on the ...

[No title]

... The O Connell Tribute it is said is about tO be attempted in the Principality, and six frish Popish Priests, with their shillelahs, will visit Merthyr, so runs the report,-Ifi the course of a few weeks. It is expected that the new silver fourpences will be the coin most in request aS Tribute Money, upon the principle we presume* of the sagacious Parrot's advice,— Give the: Knave a Groat. The ...

jSwpmal jjJatliament.

... jSwpmal jjJatliament. The Lords did not assemble on Thursday. HOUSE OF COMMONS.'—THURSDAY. Many petitions were presented, but they were so pi omptly despatched, that the Members had to re- main for some time doing nothing, owing to the ab- sence of the Ministers—a circumstance of which complaint was made. Sir J. SINCLAIR inquired whether the Chairman of the Committee on the medical ...