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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE or REFUGE. Gti-,,rfIlAT, MEETriNG, of DIRIECTORIS of the ABERDEEN 0 A MHUSE Of REFUG H willI be liii ii, Nvith in the 1w-HALL, In on WEDFNE SDAY, 11w(, 4th M;Iiyv, t 2 o'clocil, 1.a.t JOH~N ANGUS, IJo/c;ril SCi I3' ell Council Choamber, April 29, li3fi. CITY OF ALE, LICENCE CER1ITIFIrATES. IV -_ T OTICE, IS fIVAU-MEY GIV EN, thtAIEL i~ntDB. G,, Gl~zIj1fNS of ti ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J ong Interetst Onl Du)loils i. loill priori to tht'fijit ii ?? iiI tn,, St 'rt'tt.\,x llw 1th M1v Curt .at nline' O~'clo'ck othis- i'eil to oplift tit'. lilt 'te'st. tt t, iij ,'tl ildt 'toick, tt the( lista tit' Mla;'veaviv. It is t'eqtt sti( thtat patti.1 ii attentioti wvilllhe ?? to this ttolict'. 'a\AoliSAv r tmint hlot 'liv, theoll to 1I''T F\ VXi tit S Hil (itt- 1o urci too, ?? Collet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10F.O TANT TO CJLEROYIN AND L4AWYERS. Os' -cuLt DECISI-ONS OF THE GENERAL. ASSEMBILY OF THlE CHI1JCCI OF SCOTLAND, For thaeyear 1835, ON' THlE PRINCIPLIE 0OF IMEPORTS IN CIVIL CASES. Bv ALEXAN DER IIRIGOR, Solicitor. The fly0! numnber of these Reports, just published, contaitjss ?? pltOuliIsytOti5 CIseS, tall tll the ob) j cted Comimissionsia nii sosiaecases. IThe lit tel ?? lthose of Triity / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II YUSE iop IREFUGE. At a General AMeetincg of thc' Sibscrlibers to the ABEIRDEEN HO-tIUSE of R1EFUGEB, Calledl by l'u:tlic Alvvetissvilenit, helil wvithin the Cou-t ?? of A beq duee:, thisa 'ti th Jay of April, 181i;:- Baillio NILNE ill the Chair: IHEi P'ocred itos of ?? Co)tnillteo apponlltel at last Ge(neral veet ere repoteitd by i\IV S!)Orilf WATrsos, ?? With the pi poiipedtl Ru lies atid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ;illost irs,,ettfully to 11iniaLe, toti the Xob~ilityColmr * T avtlitir, nnad tflt thlhI, th:tt lie lots tailtit a l:ls' e o Vf' ., 1 Hot.Tli in UCic iO Srit El, (cnitry it p1i-sent fio-t IL i ' v hl,) wh Uich ie talli's ol,'sssol ii at WltitSliii1ly :as Sit ; .it a ll up il1 'l a lt aind comttli ut table lal~liltel fit, l I J. A tsi. - 1 a taiaill so in So iivill ti lt! Ith las itrillto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITT1. BIARRY'h3 DESGN~ 'Ihl'' 'T IiENE ' 51` of the 21stI inst, wvill con taini ADrE'c1fliT.-ll'i'iO OF TH~E NEW H1015ES, OF PARLIAMENT, rte! ?? anid a IPerspectivle View, rE ItIVt1d oIL Steel, I iii ho i re stylte of art, by Mir Keainati, tifteir dira initt-t 1mole USMIV't TIl DIIt O1tTIOY 01F TlIE AttCHTt'ECTr. F t 1!E ?? he 'tilietii SIT this spietitolitl Desigii, to wihich itla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARD. HE, MISSES MASSIE beg to intitrute ?? they have ye T ctiyed a Varied Assortuieut of MILLI-NdERY aind DRES'S PATTERNS, suitable fur thle Season, st'lectedl in London by Mrs Mlssie, which miay be seen on h'rlttsday lirst, the 12th instant. 56U Unioin Street, May 10, 183G. The isss 3. ar inwan of a few Illproveis to thle Millinery and, Dressntuakirtg C A P. D. ~VILLIAIN M11IRRIELEES liegs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D3NATIONS AN)D SUBSCRIPTIONS F()lt 'I'IIE HOUSE OF REFPGBE-AnERDEEN. . ONATIONS of £1It0 1 N. (Ii ?? o-is, to conlstitlite a Director Ifo. Lifi Donationis of £i it;;. ok it Ainimal Subseri ptioi Ollf I0s. tuI. to quialify for the 0°rice of Director. D.mtala. I :suipal .Aniolvit folr1erlyadvertised £1727 2 3 £128 15 D J hoi Lvell, I otimo ongrr l 10 0 Jo,,lhn Gray, Snrgeoll, R.N. I 1 0 'M Ts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALEX. LILLIE R ESPEC'TFULLY ?? that toG ?? y i .f ?? ali' are ' Imle lii110 t io lil-iil(i 1 ol all (C- ?? variety of v~ery tliiig, Iltit is Newr lilid Fiishiluicile for thet IiSuannuer S1uasoll. if C, A1'Iiitosli & Co.'s Waiterplroot'CLOAtuS, Cmi'El, C. Ili Banufl 1611/ Nayo1, 1lijh. rROBERT EuEnNEtI, M~ERCHANT, ELLON, 0 J r''litli ug- Ilis Shicili' thank to his 1irivilis lull thle Pubilic, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E - ~CARD. t niaetcterrins HE IlSSpS MITCHELL beg s niit ?? T lite ,In ij-val of their SUMMER,1 FASHIONS, ill MILLt1IN'E' ,m OljFSS31A~ltt'0, which mlay be. asee Oil Thursday' tile 111th illst. A few Appreeifiies and Imnpirovei s Wanted. resl liii, Gcorze Street, I 714 May, 11136. Chli anl RE DIOV A L. wil 1~'HE Si ?? veryi gratefully aeknairiedf/ies lar .share ?? Eva 7piiI'tic PalltOpa~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVPRT IS MI It, N-r. S7:ARETOL MtitF. 0? FaI :OKI' O Sf0T-ARWD 1'!7E AN~D ASSUMAWC COMP77ANY. x~FIRIE aint LIF1E1 ASSU RANCE COMPANY lmi't, eet sutb- l104Ilt', aI (NExRAiT~. MEETrING of the SUBlSf'lIl1'RlS 'ire, of Stir ctii'ewi, at 12 ocittivk niton (ini tvintit of flit' ith Article of the t'i'O~Jvp'tis), to elvit iii I11Titeji Cffttitnittee~ 11br rei Ill( t .)oal intti:itagnit'iit of t~le ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 00 G~aROC~I DISTRIU T. 'r RUS'ITEES of this District, 111IlIPI the ?? A.Ithsty tha;t the Ml elt im if r- AlI 'rat int t ~iOeAsesineiL, &cillt$ looi' il Ippiflti~tt to be hold it PsITCAt'LE YINN, oil MVoNfo~y the Sixth Day of June. !C It is riqinsietl that IthroP who (ID not aittenid wrill send lii p~ie. )0 Pto,,ti oil of, tile e.xpens~e of the ?? for this year', itndl then voito intirrears.I, ...