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... COURT OF KING'S BENCH-Ij:IDAY. [Sittirgs in B3anco.] 11!1 !: !NG ?? OF TMe DuOIS r T O0INTY CILRON'ICIP. T'ie AITroseeLv-GENRLns applied to the Court for a rule to show cause why a criminal information should not be filed ali~rnst the defendant fora libel, publisihd inthat paper, npon two matgistrates of the town ot Bridgwater. He said that this appliwatioi arose out of the same circumstances ...


... LAWV INTELLIGENCE. CM)l RI' OF C(IANCERY--TiltuntDAY. woolt) i. aIStiON.. I his was a petition, prasyirg that Sir Fiancig Myers bei- ?? to pay bacuk to the rrceouut of' the cause it SUIor 01 f ,rr ki which lie had obtained under an older of the \ h e- CI ie-ttolr, without notice to the manager of an estate at St. I iitt, who al ?? that lie and the creditors of that estatt hi siap rip ' elaim, ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. SIRVINDIANI CARMICLIi Ir ANSLRU1IIER V. \IRS. MIARItA ANSiRI TIIER AND H1ER HUISBAND. This was an appeal from a decree of the Court of Session in Scotland, and was intended to raise an important though technical point of Scotch law. The facts were shortly these -Sir John Carmichael Anstruther was what would be called in England tenant in tail male of certain estates in ...


... 1-101 W SE OAK LFORD'S AIAiIfAUC II F A LS'I'r FRsn 'I hi5 ~is''n ippealI ?? a decree oft tli ?? M ater of i Plolls, affirmed by Lord Chartel Br 1ioegham in 1834. George Reid an] Philip C'astel Shetard carried on b; sineso, in 1110, as West-Ini'ia lnierehant, under an agret- ment by whlich the prt ntci,,ip was, to last for 4evIL1.0 yearo. determinijable otlft ly Ist oft May whiich should ...


... COURT OF' CHIANCFRY-MONDAY. II SHAW11 I.SIatt'50N. k 'This suit related to property in the West India colenies, of which Mr. Shaw became purcehaser, and before he paid the ti w hole purshase money, lie was declared a bankrupt. Thfe o commissioners, under the late Act for the abolition of slavery in the colonies, have awarded compensation for the estates, 9 and a motion was made for an order ...


... COURT OF K-ING'S BENCH, MONDAY.-(Sitfings in Btsn~o) THE IPSWICHI ELECTION. THE Kstrq v. FtKrCH; DASEN4T, PILGRIMt, AND C0oKE. The defendl. ants NMdil been tried- Qn ars irnfoatibn Siled by ?? o baviv'k 4eeii gulty of briber at the ?? Ipwich election. Var]u4 barnsters were heard at' gret iiZ flor the r~spective deIfendants, in mitygationdi ?? Jilttice.LIttledate th'n deliveied ti,~jud mened t ...


... SHOCEIN ACCIDENT.-On Thursday morning, another of those frequent accidents which occur to female setvants, from standing outside of windows to clean thent, occurred to a young woman, eighteen years of age, in the service of' Mrs Burglois, in York street, Bryanstone square. She was standing outside of the back drawing room windows, laughing and talking to her fellow servant, who was engaged in ...


... POLICE INThELLUGENCE. M AR 1B30 R(OU G Il. STlE ET. AN; Inisi (iftirtAscy.--A brandy-faced Irish basket. woman, named Alitty lWelch, bellowing as if in sone de4speraite affiction, and pretty considerably disguised in ilquor, yetertday presenled herself before Mr. Chambers, to * ax if lie was his honour the magistrate who transported her children.' Mslr. CHiAMBiA us: What do you mnean Kitty: ...


... COU'RT OF CHANCERkY-SAIURDAS-. 'I TIE AITORSFY -GLsERi 0. I. 1. IlBlR The Lont, (ANarEi r ron, it lie sitting of thle Court, gave juidgment in this tmatter, which related to the construction of t e (6ist and ti2d orders isith reterence to the price to be charged in the Maste-rs. Othice on accounts Token by the di- rection of~ the Court. The account, in Ike cause, which are very extensive, had ...


... A - Tl EN I'A I L c I? I ?11 ' ?? I - CO URT -.ZA)AY. I - I I I ur; 1111 AXi it ii I I t i I ti , ., ,! n1. r. tI ot o id . it l .thi Xii i t.I t il t. ctI XI. sit Vir ?? 1( l mo. i. t llit lot 'I itl xi :.t t!i iI i tl,- I i c .I '.21,1 Ii .I1i 1.,l t l.,1 t ;, it t] il \/ i ...


... INSOl, VENTt )LEBTORS' COURT-TnluRSDAY. IN ?? uAT ll0 O( 1ii' i'ir i.iiTiN OFX 01A'rl]Ar N VAN O;Ftr F[ , rhis case excitedl colniderible interest front the connection of the parties t nid tile naturc of th-eir transtctima abroad. 'I'The insolvelnt, a dealer iii tile Foreign Funds, was op- po-ed hy Mr. U. Jw , oil belialif of ?? Const. Valentine Scholl- burgh, ?? tiistpllikaon to hiS ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY-I'wDAY. FVING 1 S. OSIiALDISTON. 'Ihis is an appeal Pruin adecree of the Vice-Chancellor dis- missing the Iulointilf 's bill, for cnforcinga contract on the ground of its being entered into for illegal purposes TIhe appeal eas opened at some length by Sir W. Horne on the last day of Easter Term. Mir. STUART ROw followed on the same side, and having pot in as evidence the ...