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London, England


London, London, England

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... HAT'TON -GA R D IEN. 30-ioPt Ael A.50.AG', ~- ) -ster-da Mr. Johsu Firncctt, i psiiting at tie-unj, l~oonocs, bruci stert this ofilce, which lIe( haid received from the tioteriusi Joseph Aildy. 'thle folloising ci cope- I It is the(- ?? riglit of erery liiit/ili stbject to enit- ploy his capital andi exertions in any manner tie may thmink pilsptir, ant coutrat y to (lie laos, of his couintry ...


... ClEA'N7'R.4L CRIMINAL COURT-MAY 13. | MIlURDE R AT MIE 1TON. I)lvid I luggerstone, :34, wrs indicted foi thewilful maurter of Illarriet Ilaggerstone, his wife. .Mr. CtAlirEns opened the case for the prosecution. Fili. CLAissON and Mr. DOANE appeared for the defence. William lledtges On the 17th April I wits living in a lut on Merton-common, Surrey, and the prisoner and his wife lodged wit lle ...


... COUzRTI' / ALDEtAlJEN. 'Till Sr, it. Mi Ni ?? ia ('Otirt toss hleld, ill cilllalkjlcnle oif a cilrill' iet tel ?? thu Loi t ?? seint t, il Ai rc!l, t,'I I lsitt liitheir aetdihaldlct 011.n lirt- lll ed . g'I tc) (lillit ti'. llis Lord(slhil), aflr iel ;1f ?? Cut. hadl trl~lsactod** sionv rOilillV ?? n il, Il'l it ore t1t Cour t il0 Olsli ial oropi whilci bi bii'd, s ia Aletitlhll Pa r ...


... ICENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-MONDA V. 'rhese sessions commenced this morning, when the Recor- der, the Aldermen, Sheriffs, &c., took their seats on the bench. The grand jury having been sworn, the Recorder delivered the usual charge to them. lie observed that although the calendar contained the names of a great number of prisoners. he *li( not apprehend that any material difficulty would arise in ...


... I'CEN'TRAlL CRIMINAL COURT-MArY 1H. [Before Mr. lustice PARK and ,l r1. .lusticc 1L111LEsAi E.] It I lh LA It Y. JPoin Carter, 1F wasiadicted for iaburgliry in tie dwelling hotis ot ( Charles Ia rritt, and stcal ig therein variou3 articis of ttifling value. 'linidictiaent also chargeed tie prisoncr with the minor ofticce. T he pIosetiltor, t appeareid, reiscld at Vest llatmi, E7s x, and on ...


... LAW INTPELLIGENCR. HOUSIE OF LORDS-FRIDAY. COMM iMITTE, Foil PRIIVIILEGES. Till VAUX PERA(iF. . TIhe Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Shaftesbary, LIord l~yndl- haurt, and several other Peers sat in a ('ommittee of Irivi- Iegc, and Mr. L NCili was hcard in summiing up the case on behllft'of Mr. Mlostyn. The principle on which the argunitents of the learned Gentleman proceeded htve already been ...


... P'OL ICE INT'ELLIGEA'CE. MA1 NSIONW. HO lS . A uonit ninedI Hiit *va, heoal!jt to tht- fustice-rooii Leltoae ?? IF ter lharie, who ait fll t!ie .(IFU I layor, ( I-t g-el * III ?? oxirkedl iil jite itill. TI he deneildant kept in ciwetse- ,xe s9 ?? II a lilt, ad 'tas believe t II, have inade a ?? ?? prolit lf nis real ulx Iiiess. lie caindidlly admitted thxtit he wxorki:il Ilo Atil ; but a ...


... ?? iT.7' 01 AIZGs ju.\ 'II. -N ?? xi 'III he ?? IIg it: th flcsli, a% llst upn Oit Inchth I htpitllif, tiott id wans Lowelot, tars rule to shiw couse wity at ci iotitnl inhirina-. tion sholttt tot Ic( p riattl agmn~t the prnt ~it w pubiislirr Ite of T he Jioritllni C'Pb! oh' irtij! t' 't'l at Of spice Jloi- ait vented xits frni ?? iltin43 Ottitt ?? ?? Ititty sivlly, of Nv-ts. t't, i~io~ nh n,1 ...


... SHLI.,111IFTI'l ii0giv'o ttifloi h b. t lowjit, II ti giiih citli. solie pain, IS9 it tlony Iw tIII i Of ' ?? intiriiatiofl to thle parties wae -alied H'Ii (llirtilll Mi. Hi li ie sborniiis ollicert, Iiitde pro. ?? ii lll 01( eoli, find called upon tile followiiig nliui-ii; a nII i nib m, 10d iir' XIiiol p tlmiie IIfb it) vnli O leoI Id outlims, I-it- Ili 111011 PaictI ; l-il,-1ril Thiyniit ...


... CENTRAL CRIMIJNA L IOt RT-Thuit j j lefbvc iMr. J uisti,-e P A it andI Mr1. J ustie.: C'U I, IilEtIl'; I I l~~~jISI'-oWaFqc,l: 1101!1:t:XY', JIew iy Si - -s in, ilievt If for. t I, t he being a It tci carrier cotipoyL t ia inIlic' 6eneral lPot-ollire, filodniously stole i a itl r aottiitinimz i;>nltO, IIi.' propei iyo1 lolin Iiti,(iilCoiigluy t le i AI laiie St ii i. 1wo wll, meit indlictdl ...


... 1-101 W SE OAK LFORD'S AIAiIfAUC II F A LS'I'r FRsn 'I hi5 ~is''n ippealI ?? a decree oft tli ?? M ater of i Plolls, affirmed by Lord Chartel Br 1ioegham in 1834. George Reid an] Philip C'astel Shetard carried on b; sineso, in 1110, as West-Ini'ia lnierehant, under an agret- ment by whlich the prt ntci,,ip was, to last for 4evIL1.0 yearo. determinijable otlft ly Ist oft May whiich should ...


... COURT OF' CHIANCFRY-MONDAY. II SHAW11 I.SIatt'50N. k 'This suit related to property in the West India colenies, of which Mr. Shaw became purcehaser, and before he paid the ti w hole purshase money, lie was declared a bankrupt. Thfe o commissioners, under the late Act for the abolition of slavery in the colonies, have awarded compensation for the estates, 9 and a motion was made for an order ...