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London, England


London, London, England

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... POLICE INTFLLIGENCE. (-ILDiALL. 'iesteidiy Eleano? Lsimp, a poor wo&man, who voas w charged wsill piltloilwn a chiclen iron! the FtaI ot Mr. Plortt, it poulserer in X\wgate-nrarket, ?? finally examined befirt, Sit Peter Lautrie. She having been imprisoned lor sonic days, the pro-ecutoi did not press the charge, and the miagic- trate diwlargesd hei. A charree was ?? made again't IVimnel , a ...


... any Yesterday a Court waq hell to receive the report of the committee of the whole Court in relation to the Aluici- pll Intitutions of Ihe City; and upon other importrnt busiulesi. k. Mr. SAVAU F. presented a petitirn from Esther Ager, a and plumilber andI rdizer, in lFtter-liuse, who had been compelled vac, in 1J'5 I. tidke up her fieedom at an expense of.£46 17s. 8d., 3mi- praying that thw ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH, MAY. T. KELLY AND DUNDAs V. TrE MORNING C55RONICLE.-The Attor. ?? applied to the court for a conditional order for a criminal infor- mation against the printer and publisher of the Morning Chronicle, fur a libel, published in that paper on the 3d of May. The libel complained of was contained in the affidavits of John Pilgrim and Philip Barnes, on being brought up for ...


... HOtUSE OF LORDS-FRIDAY. COMMITTEE FOR i'RIV ILEGES. V'AV'X P'FElAWE. The committee met this morning, the Earl of Shafteesbury in the chair, when the Countess of Pembroke wvas exa- mined as a witness on the subject of one branch of the family pedigree. The further consideration of the claim was then adourned, The House subsequently formed itself into a Court of Ap. veal, and the case of the ...


... COURT OF( KlNG(S BENCI-SATURDY.A. [Sitting, before Lord DE 'NMAN and a Common Jliry.J TAOUr iT 1/. SAUiNDiRlS. TIhIe Av IrIRNFY (;I Nl.l1. and Mr'. HBAYLSEY uppjred for the pirniftiH, and Mr. P L rI nd Arl,. Cir.iNNEi.i, for the de- fendant. 'Irhe A i-tRiN ?? ?? \1 ridrcs ed thi jury for the plain- tifi;l id %aid int this sas ell action in wvhich tbe plaintiff sought torecoinlsdamarges lor ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COUR.T-MONID PY. [Bletore Mi.Scrgerant ARAIIIN.1 ?? Atkill5sioi wttas indictedI ?? silver plato and otiler property vsole fbO, belonging to William \'valvrtgi~t, and FredlericiA It ill n i, e Ilorg.pi, and A v ye IFHS071u were indicted tor leloniooilsy recetritig Variollu ?? of tic same, well knowing them to have been stolen. Mr. 1loiiv ht appeared Ci'r the pOseCti'llnlO, and ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-IALAS 18. fliefore Mlr. Sergeant. ARiAlti.] A, RING D)ROP'PING. 5si itni. Crosley as5 indicted tsr defrauding Alary Elliott of ds. T1ha Prosecutrix deposed that in thle month of Deerenier fri, last she weas passing through Fleet-street, when the prisoner A, clini up to hier carrying at simell browni paper parcel in his fri hand, which lie said lie hadl just found. Ile ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. SIRVINDIANI CARMICLIi Ir ANSLRU1IIER V. \IRS. MIARItA ANSiRI TIIER AND H1ER HUISBAND. This was an appeal from a decree of the Court of Session in Scotland, and was intended to raise an important though technical point of Scotch law. The facts were shortly these -Sir John Carmichael Anstruther was what would be called in England tenant in tail male of certain estates in ...


... SHOCEIN ACCIDENT.-On Thursday morning, another of those frequent accidents which occur to female setvants, from standing outside of windows to clean thent, occurred to a young woman, eighteen years of age, in the service of' Mrs Burglois, in York street, Bryanstone square. She was standing outside of the back drawing room windows, laughing and talking to her fellow servant, who was engaged in ...


... AIW NONTCES-Trus DAY. 'F(OtNIWAflFq' COURT, BASINGtALL STRFFTT-slt at 12' I. 'vv X III ,..-Edwaidtg v ?? v LtimhbCha~laillr V N dlkl-'ajdRovV v Joncs--PNrk v Bottrldpe-Streot 11tH-- I; rmrl. v iPaltoll. PA NKiRU1'TCY COURT, RAXtIN;IIAI.L NT3rEFT BIfore Mr. Conmissiorter FAN\1 J S e Id. at \loC-hvict, ut leV divi(ied-Tr. C. Hitrdliag at V' Yaw, eIIO:rP at twefve; ItI exaltiriationl-ti r ...


... :\lANSION- IIOlUS I. A itrinituirl broker, naiedwl (ppjrenhei', was ?? be- fore the Lord Mayor, lor havinw iefusedl to iive tile pitceds of a sale of lurnituic vs bich aied becn Sei7ed undrI a 't arrant of' dittess, issuerl by a titan named P'owell, for 22s. I ent, (tie to him. lhe comriplaoiiinnt stated lial lie hal let unturrnrlied aumart- nients to an Irishirtia}, naired tallCgiain, who ...


... L.4 W NOTICES-Tins DA V. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Lontdon, Commato Juries, at ialufpast r(ie. The Kiitg v Smith anid others- Pickford y Ca;epten. COURT Ol ('U1lMlQN PlEAS9 Lct,,ifui Comi-pun Juries, ?? nine. Arimil v Arnall-%icott v Carden-Biogers v Hrodia-Glibson r Bell. COURT OF EXCHEQUER. London Cominten Jury, half past nift. Fiaser v ?? Rihodes--lerriock v Strauhatn and ?? lilihghain v ...