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... COURX OF KING'S BENCH-MONDAY. ITBlE AIPPLEBY HALL AFFASIR.rl The K~ing v. the Proprieorsts of the Satirist News. se ic Paper.-'lle Attorney General was instructedto move, M Ison tie part of George Moore, Esq., a gentleman resid- pr id ing in Leicestershire, f~or a rule to show cause why a l to criminal information should not bc filed against the lis proprietors of the Satirs'it, nswspaper, ...


... MELANCHOLY SUICIDE.-The family of J. T. Coryton, Esq., of Pentillie Castle, onl the banks of the Tamar, were thlrowvn into a state of extreme distress on Tuesday, the 17th ult., by the ncelancho!y death of Mr W. Coryton, who was ibund drowned off the quav at a short distance from the Castle. The' deceased was an eider son, and ieir to an inimense property. He was marxied about twelve months ...


... LAWP NOTICES-THIS DAY. I COURT OF C14ANCiCRY. WF4TflMNSVER - ,1 * Hillier v Parkiurns, to lie 11pOke ?? irr, n- part ?? v Hownid, flirther direr - ns r, W~ilkii. luniatic petilioa. ' Ai, OUWRVED, HBANKRUPF PETITIOIS--FXpa- e ';ar,at , vayne sand Noble-Exparte Garratt, re Bari;tv and N; *i .p. - Watkins, re Kidder APPEA Y-Ewing v Osbaldestoa, s.ppeal purt hearJ. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT. ...


... LA I iV i'EL LIGENUCE. CUUiUlOF l.X(lI| :l'.1U.R--IiCURSi)AV. '1iv (olm, t up to i, ing at ;ue Vo'clock, was occupied Wsillh t11' SpMCiil plpTW, hichti ciu1; d no case of general inter.t. Tlheir Leortllhips then rose to ineet thue JIdges ol the Court o' Common I'lcas o EIrror frolm 'I Kiiig'sBec i. EXCIIEQU ElR CllA1IB1ERv-Tnuuti' i%5 - il°!a- 'The KlxG (on the prosecution of Mlicllaek Scalei, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGBNCE. e BOW-STREET. e 13RuitAL ASStAlrs.-On Suturday Th)omas Wright and t George Bridges, men of respectable exterior, were placed at the bar before Mr. Mlinoshull and AMr. Ifas, charged with having committed a series of violent assaults on two poor women, named Rachael halt a and CatherinelBrown,andtheir chil~dren, and on Weston and two other constables of the F division of ...


... CORONER'S INQUEST-EXTRA ORDINARY CASE OF SUICIDE. On Saturdav afternoon an inquisition wvas held before Mr. Higgs, and a highly-respectable jury, at the York- shire Grev, Woodstock-street, Oxford-street, on the body of Willim lFerris, aged 2il years, who shot himself on Wednaesday evening, under most painful and singular Cir. cunistances. Tihe deceased was a remarkably fine-looking young man. ...


... LAWTV INTEL LIGENCE. tnot COURT OF CHANCERY-SA~runtD,%y. 11p15 Several applicationsin lunacy and bankruptcy were made obe and granted in ltse courio of the morning. To EVVIN t W . 0SRALDISTiON. y iii Mr. BEAii. ir and Mir. CARPNi'TER were heard on bhalsaf of pgly tlse defendant in tlies cause, thle circumsntances of' which lave vct beets often reported. ci'd ri % 1 ol ?? wspostpkoned. 'ViThe ...


... BENCH OF MAUA1SI'lRlTiES. Z LDNIici i , Jt'E 1, 1836 -iEDesent,-l. 1 EDI)r, and (3. 13.savI, ESCtIs. Sli i'molie was committed fo. tvial on a charge of stealing 'iSC clotlhs, wchici werc laid out oi the beacl to dry, tile po- ,ity of Eilizabeth Reirpton. Wise found tle things at tile hoie ci e the pri-oner slept. She hlod been followsed, and traced to ci lod gig, by two inen Nho saw hier taki ...


... SUICIDE AND ATTEMPTED MURDER. I ~ - I The following atrocity, which has just occurred at Philadelphia, bears a very striking resemblance to the tragedy perpetrated in Liverpool three week's ago. The cause of the crimes was the same, and the mode in which they 'verecommitted very similar, though they really were somewhat different:_ Ifortible Oiccurrence.-..Suicide and At tempted Aluder of a ...


... Manchester has given another splendid instance of its promptitude when an expression of public opinion is ne. cessary. There was a very general desire amongst re. formers that a protest should be made against the Lv rad. hurst-mutilations of the Irish Corporations Bill, but as Whitsuntide is here a continued holiday, no movement was made till Monday evening, when a meeting was held, Thomas ...


... CASTLE OF EXETER.-FI*''IAY. [tBefore J. Carslake, Esq., Chairmin; H-. L, Toll, A. Slowey, and J. C. Loxino-re, E-qrr., JuNticese.] EVASTON or TUiRNP'IK7 TOLL.- uneeterev. SiCne.-Tn tbis case,, wviiri woeas a charge of e adoti of i oriepike toll, Mr. Mark Kionairay fitt Isedd i*, behriil of Mr. Itchlarrd Mlotrris, leonep of tur pikke tolls, eoll staeted that it woleid biheit the ri-rileltii- of ...


... LA W INTEILI GE N CA. ,oee noli llt 1. erlC aI t JAI' iVOOD1'.-Al1AI.>XI.. ileio an Ie.Mjaat i o Ii t,i day rsmcliei his~ argumlent in l1ii 'tIlls ease. H e iirgtl lely s Itri1oIi v oin flull L.oi dlufip, itfc'IlllpIfu- Iof) iii ti y of lop ir'ting haul hi,: plilliple ooitl ?? futte of t Iv fiakuk foltl bu'eo pasd-.a'i slaftlitle witril, fly ri-quiring 00o1- fletrat lo leit ll 0 rIfllO,~ ...