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... POLICE INTELLIGENCZ. MA RI, 130O UGlN;H-STRE ET. Sisr~,SLA C~tAp(S;It nF PICKING~ I'~E5Y5~I three indijeidsualu, reipectably dressed, ?? s! to lie Davcid Thernas Gollson', couch an( a rpreo.b amptonanmo.¶'is Robert 11ats, WIacoitN. ,Wt o nhcster-plae ; iand Jfe'sry ?? sailwerebogthf ('onent lot r -evtiiitnation, ?? by teplc illvu been seen it, company together on Sauay ftron1 attempting to ...


... HOUSE OF' LORD)S-APIPEAS -TUESDAY. ATI 'Oct11 V. 3.41 A L AD NI) 1IiERiS. 'The consideration of this appeal was resumed this morninfg. Iti chustttom for sergeants-at-law (who are, by profes- sional etiquette brothers of the juilge's) and for King's counsel to wear, when adldressing the(, fouse of Lords, thoee fermitdable rthings i al ed fuil hottote vtgs,' tile ?? (of thle Court of L'ook ...


... CASTLE OF EXETER.-FI*''IAY. [tBefore J. Carslake, Esq., Chairmin; H-. L, Toll, A. Slowey, and J. C. Loxino-re, E-qrr., JuNticese.] EVASTON or TUiRNP'IK7 TOLL.- uneeterev. SiCne.-Tn tbis case,, wviiri woeas a charge of e adoti of i oriepike toll, Mr. Mark Kionairay fitt Isedd i*, behriil of Mr. Itchlarrd Mlotrris, leonep of tur pikke tolls, eoll staeted that it woleid biheit the ri-rileltii- of ...


... LAW IT7TELLWIGElNCP. COURT OF CHANCERY-WEDNESDAY. T11 5 Ar1OnN1rY.GENEIAI, 7,. WAtR D. Mr. SImireKxsoN appeared in this case in support of a pe- tition for a re-hearing of an information filed at the instance of the Commissioners for inquiring into the state of Charities, under tile 59tih of George III. The case was heard before the Master of the Rolls, who miade a decree directing that the ...


... (ioRoDNEHs INWt'EsT..--For tlie last weck, Iliahe utmost exvitelntet has taken plari at the villages of Acton and Eating, in c'o5wClitefl1(C of the murder of a man nanred Williami IFrankish, *!i years of ae, w ho was employed as a labolrer onl thc ?? Londe n aod Birmingham railroad. The parties accused of the dreadful deed are three bro- thers of the namne of Cain. lebourers resi~ling at ...


... P OLI.CE INTELLI GENCE. MANSION-lHOUSE. Sarah Slow, the female who was some days ago charged with hiaving uttered a] forged check, is which the figure 8 was altered into 80, and the word eight into eighty, was brought up for re-examination upon that accusation, and fora first examination upon another charge of forgery. The Jus- tice room was crowded, and the matter was investigated before Sir ...


... LA I iV i'EL LIGENUCE. CUUiUlOF l.X(lI| :l'.1U.R--IiCURSi)AV. '1iv (olm, t up to i, ing at ;ue Vo'clock, was occupied Wsillh t11' SpMCiil plpTW, hichti ciu1; d no case of general inter.t. Tlheir Leortllhips then rose to ineet thue JIdges ol the Court o' Common I'lcas o EIrror frolm 'I Kiiig'sBec i. EXCIIEQU ElR CllA1IB1ERv-Tnuuti' i%5 - il°!a- 'The KlxG (on the prosecution of Mlicllaek Scalei, ...


... HATTON(GARDEN. Yesterday baving been appoinited for the re-examination of W'itlitli THarvey alias Daly, and Henry Addisoll afitl Daly, and Ann R licardsonIV who are chlarged witli having colimni ted robberies at lodging.lhouses, tile office was crowded to cx- cess by individualsready to prosecute. 'Ihe first charge brought against them was by i)r. Taylor, of Bryanston-street, 13ryanston-square ...


... LAWP NOTICES-THIS DAY. I COURT OF C14ANCiCRY. WF4TflMNSVER - ,1 * Hillier v Parkiurns, to lie 11pOke ?? irr, n- part ?? v Hownid, flirther direr - ns r, W~ilkii. luniatic petilioa. ' Ai, OUWRVED, HBANKRUPF PETITIOIS--FXpa- e ';ar,at , vayne sand Noble-Exparte Garratt, re Bari;tv and N; *i .p. - Watkins, re Kidder APPEA Y-Ewing v Osbaldestoa, s.ppeal purt hearJ. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT. ...


... SUICIDE AND ATTEMPTED MURDER. I ~ - I The following atrocity, which has just occurred at Philadelphia, bears a very striking resemblance to the tragedy perpetrated in Liverpool three week's ago. The cause of the crimes was the same, and the mode in which they 'verecommitted very similar, though they really were somewhat different:_ Ifortible Oiccurrence.-..Suicide and At tempted Aluder of a ...


... Manchester has given another splendid instance of its promptitude when an expression of public opinion is ne. cessary. There was a very general desire amongst re. formers that a protest should be made against the Lv rad. hurst-mutilations of the Irish Corporations Bill, but as Whitsuntide is here a continued holiday, no movement was made till Monday evening, when a meeting was held, Thomas ...


... PARLIATMENTARY PROCEEDINGS- SCOTLAND. Mlay 30. Court of Session (Scotland) Bill-Contmit- tao deferred till Friday. ~ May Sl. Glasgow ant Falkirk Railway Bill-Farther E cnsineretiton of report (on extension of time) deferred ti till to-morrow. ti riETirIoNS. 0 Mlay 30. Spirituous Liq uors Salo Bill-Petitions in u favour :-Retailers of spirituous liquors in Johnstone; v and, Loehwinnoch; to lie ...