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... I CENTRAL CiRMINAL COURT-TlTHRSDV4'| I Meforo Alr. J ustice 'AIrIsON amld Alr. Bar11on GU ItNFV.) FORGERY. S'arah Slow, 29, wais indicted for feloniously forging an order for the payment of £80, with intent to defraud Messrs, Han- key bankers, of Fenchurch-6treet. She was also charged under another count, that having an order for the payment of £8 in her possession she feloniously added the ...


... MIARLBOROU'GH-STRE ET. 'I'o men, namedl ieaslel and Dii is, were yesterday brought before Mr. Dyer, the first charged with having stolen from his enployer, Mir. W. Jacques, turnising-isoiomomuger, 51, Gieat Russell-street, property to n considerable amount, and the latter Msith having received the Eanie, well knowing it to have been stolen. From the evidence it appeared that Beasley was in the ...


... LAUW NOTICES-Tzis DAYiD. COURT OF CHANCERY, LT'WOLNS INN-Sit at tae. Exparte Evnns, part ?? v Earl of Macclesfield, to be spoken ?? v Malcol m, cause per oreiar. AP'PeAY.s.-W\atsono v ltrray, part teard-tlare v hlalachy, appeal. COURT OF KING'S BENCH-Sit att 'alf post nine. 311 tii [.tRvX SrRCiA 1 .1 11Fs.-Meyer v Pennell. C-1.lomI .ItVs.-AlilazOi 10(1 olhurs v Stark-Dle, on tl'e fie nitto of ...


... LAWTV INTEL LIGENCE. tnot COURT OF CHANCERY-SA~runtD,%y. 11p15 Several applicationsin lunacy and bankruptcy were made obe and granted in ltse courio of the morning. To EVVIN t W . 0SRALDISTiON. y iii Mr. BEAii. ir and Mir. CARPNi'TER were heard on bhalsaf of pgly tlse defendant in tlies cause, thle circumsntances of' which lave vct beets often reported. ci'd ri % 1 ol ?? wspostpkoned. 'ViThe ...


... BENCH OF MAUA1SI'lRlTiES. Z LDNIici i , Jt'E 1, 1836 -iEDesent,-l. 1 EDI)r, and (3. 13.savI, ESCtIs. Sli i'molie was committed fo. tvial on a charge of stealing 'iSC clotlhs, wchici werc laid out oi the beacl to dry, tile po- ,ity of Eilizabeth Reirpton. Wise found tle things at tile hoie ci e the pri-oner slept. She hlod been followsed, and traced to ci lod gig, by two inen Nho saw hier taki ...


... MIURDER OF A MAN' 13Y IIHS WIFE. Ie- ay, A murder has recently been made known by oneof t the parties concerned in it, which was committed in ocd Fralce two years ago. The particulars are as fol- nd ?? Icldise, the murechal of the village Of ict Majeloup, had lived peaccably with his wife for niany lie years, andi hall a blilnil y of five childrqn. In the early in- part of tlhe year 1834, ...


... Viy to- CO URIT OP CIlIANCEIZ~Y-Wrtnaersu,%t. testtant, CAItt i Ctt 1. TAYLMI1)1. of''re Ar.Wii;ii ilM, Mr. JVt ~, i anti M1'. ,ItGIViaIAtN appeared in titR e- nupi(ttotof a motion inl hits ed se for thle disctovery of an deedr teo IIudrle which t1w idefendanit claims tin estale. In Compliance Cok-- ith II -inggestion of L orrl Brouagiam, the paurties hail a greed te, tind to tallw thet ...


... LAW INTEhLLIGENCE. is H0OUSE OF LORD)S-FetnDAv. evCOMMITTECE FOR PRIVILEGES. Cy The conninttee met this niorning to hear tie suntiming up of ?? the arguments in favour of the clajiji in the Vsaux Peerage case. io. Sir IIA~ntil NICHOLAS Slitmitei up the evidence laid re- lii newed the arguments which fie hadl used at the openinig of thle 0)cise, with a view to ',how that this muat be treated ...


... KENSIA G TON PET7' Y SE.)SIOAS. Yesterdava Frenchiman,dressed in the first style of fashion, was examined bet-ore Miessrs. Codd and Barlow, on a charge of inlecency in Kensington-gardens, on Sunday last. John Snuggs, a lad just come up from Berkshire. stated that on Sunday morning he was engaged by the shepherd to attend the sheep grazing in Keusington-gajdens, Shortly after one o'clock, while ...


... ?? ?L t-MIAL. ?? - ff?, ? AT 4. - l. ?? ?? - It is amussing.- ?? at the sane trine highlysatstascot', to DO- serve how ?? ?? and schemes t defeaI the 1i big administration atsdntiostatetthemselves in power, bieak dowc one arter toler. .osooai one mine explodedl thastt another is prept~rtiljand thefa~lh we the same ineffectual aed ridicukots terminavom. Ti t' theme to rnin the Prentuier rI ...


... I COURer OF EXCHEQUER, 13TII JuXE 1836. r IOEtONcN r OENMISE OF IAil AND OTHtERSI).WY-NE, ESQ. r-~~JUDGMENT1 Mr. BAnION PARSE-In the case of Roe on the demise of Hart and others v. Wynne, in which the Df verdict was found for the defendant, a new trial was ie moved for on two grounds, first that the verdict of the Jury was against the evidence, and secondly there was a misdirection of the ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, tic. SIDE-ARMS.-We have repeatedly had to notice that the custom of allow- ing soldiers to wear-side-arms off duty is productive of serious disorders in other countries as well as in England. The following is another example:- A letter from Ghent, of the 13th of June, in a Brussels paper, says- 'Yesterday and the day before there were several affrays between the soldiers, ...